1.3 Flashcards
bio ll
What are the 3 main topics covered in 1.3?
Writing a scientific hypothesis, control groups, and error bars
What is the second step in writing a scientific hypothesis?
If independent variable inc/dec then dependent variable inc/dec.
What is a control group made of?
1 control group and 1+ experiment group
What does the independent variable do in a control group?
It distinguises between
What is the first step in writing a scientific hypothesis?
(topic) is caused by (specific reason)
What is the most important part of a scientific hypothesis?
Using evidence to support answer
What are the 3 types of error bars?
SD, SE and percentage examples
What do error bars do?
They give a standard idea of how close something is by chance or if they are different
What does it show the standard error of?
The mean or the confidence interval
What is a control group?
The standard to which comparisons are made in an experiment