12b - herbs that relieve cough & wheezing Flashcards
zi wan
asteris radix
xing ren
armeniacae semen
kuan dong hua
farfarae flos
zi su zi
perillae fructus
pi pa ye
eribotryae folium
bai bu
stemonae radix
sang bai pi
mori cortex
ma dou ling
aristolochiae fructus
which 4 herbs that relieve cough and wheezing only go to the LU channel?
zi wan
kuan dong hua
bai bu
sang bai pi
which 3 herbs that relieve cough and wheezing go to the METAL (LU/LI) pair?
xing ren
zi su zi
ma dou ling
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing can treat cough and wheezing from LU HEAT or dryness patterns, as well as clearing ST HEAT and directing ST heat downward because it goes to both the LU and ST channels?
pi pa ye
which 2 herbs that relieve cough and wheezing is SLIGHTLY TOXIC?
xing ren
ma dou ling
which 2 herbs that relieve cough and wheezing are ACRID and WARM?
kuan dong hua
zi su zi
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is SWEET and COLD?
sang bai pi
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is BITTER and SLIGHTLY COLD?
ma dou ling
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is BITTER and NEUTRAL?
pi pa ye
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is SWEET, BITTER, and SLIGHTLY WARM?
bai bu
which 2 herbs that relieve cough and wheezing not only stop cough and calms wheezing, but because they are both SEEDS, they can also MOISTEN THE INTESTINES and UNBLOCK THE BOWELS/STOOL?
xing ren
zi su zi
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing has the secondary function to TREAT EDEMA by PROMOTING URINATION and draining fluids?
sang bai pi
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is said to be for both ACUTE AND CHRONIC COUGH, especially for deficiency, including YIN DEFICIENCY? (sweet, bitter, salty, warm)
bai bu
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is a FLOWER that has the ability to DIRECT QI DOWNWARD and thus stops cough and transform phlegm?
kuan dong hua (vs. xuan fu hua)
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is acrid-dispersing, bitter-draining, yet warm and moistening without drying and can STOP COUGHS OF VARIOUS ETIOLOGIES, FACILITATE URINATION, and ENTERS BOTH QI AND BLOOD ASPECTS?
zi wan
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is BEST TO RELIEVE NAUSEA AND VOMITING due to ST HEAT and qi rebellion?
pi pa ye
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is TOXIC and READILY INJURES SP AND ST to cause diarrhea and vomiting, therefore CANNOT BE USED FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME or in large doses?
ma dou ling
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is MOIST IN NATURE, and is good for EXTERNALLY CONTRACTED COUGH?
xing ren
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing has recently been used for HYPERTENSION?
sang bai pi
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing has the unique function to EXPEL PARASITES and KILL LICE when applied topically?
bai bu
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing is especially useful when EXHALATION IS MORE LABORED THAN INHALATION and there is a stifling sensation in the chest?
zi su zi
which herb that relieves cough and wheezing has the function to CLEAR AND DRAIN HEAT FROM LI while reducing swelling and pain, and can be used for SWELLING AND PAIN IN AND AROUND THE ANUS?
ma dou ling