Muscles of Hip Joint Flexion Flashcards
What movements can be carried out at the Hip Joint?
- Flexion
- Extension
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Lateral Rotation
- Medial Rotation
- Circumduction
What are the main Flexors of the Hip Joint?
- Iliopsoas Muscle
- Rectus Femoris Muscle
- Sartorius Muscle
- Pectineus Muscle
How many muscles is the Iliopsoas Muscle?
What are the 2 Muscles which form the Iliopsoas Muscle?
- Psoas Major Muscle
- Iliacus Muscle
What happens to the Psoas Major and Iliacus Muscle?
They come together to form a tendon, hence why they are sometimes referred to as one muscle
Where does the Psoas Major Muscle originate from?
The Vertebral Bodies, and associated Interverterbral Disks of:
1. T12
2. L1
3. L2
4. L3
Where does the Iliacus Muscle originate from?
The Iliac Fossa of the Pelvis
Where do the Psoas Major and Iliacus Muscles merge, to form the Iliopsoas Muscle?
In the Thigh
Where does the Iliopsoas Muscle attach distally?
The Lesser Trochanter of the Femur
What is the function of the Iliopsoas Muscle?
- Flexion of the Lower Limb at the Hip Joint
- Assists in Lateral Rotation of the Lower Limb at the Hip Joint
What is the innervation of the Psoas Major Muscle?
Anterior Rami of L1-L3
What is the innervation of the Iliacus Muscle?
Femoral Nerve
Where does the Rectus Femoris Muscle originate from?
The Ilium, immediately superior to the Acetabulum
Where does the Rectus Femoris Muscle travel?
Straight down the Leg
Note - Latin for Straight is Rectus
Where does the Rectus Femoris Muscle attach distally?
The Patella, via the Quadriceps Tendon
What is the function of the Rectus Femoris Muscle?
- Flexion of the Lower Limb at the Hip Joint
- Extension of the Knee Joint
What is the innervation of the Rectus Femoris Muscle?
The Femoral Nerve
Where does the Sartorius Muscle originate from?
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
Where does the Sartorius Muscle attach distally?
Superior, Medial surface of the Tibia
What is significant about the Sartorius Muscle?
It is the longest Muscle in the Body
Where does the Sartorius Muscle travel?
- Across the Thigh, Inferomedially
- More Superficially than other Muscles in the Leg
What is the main functions of the Sartorius Muscle?
- Flexion of the Hip Joint
- Abduction of the Hip Joint
- Lateral Rotation of the Hip Joint
- Flexion of the Knee Joint
(Think about sitting cross legged and the trouser seams face outwards.)
What is the innervation of the Sartorius Muscle?
The Femoral Nerve
Where is the Pectineus Muscle located, and what does this form?
Base of the Femoral Triangle
Where does the Pectineus Muscle originate from?
Pectineal Line of the Anterior Surface of the Pelvis
Where does the Pectineus Muscle attach distally?
Pectineal Line of the Posterior Surface of the Femur, just inferior to the Lesser Trochanter
What is the function of the Pectineus Muscle?
- Adduction of the Hip Joint
- Flexion of the Hip Joint
What is significant about the innervation of the Pectineus Muscle?
It has dual innervation, so can be considered a transitional muscle between the Anterior and Medial Compartments of the Thigh.
(Primarily Femoral, also Obturator)
What is the innervation of the Pectineus Muscle?
- Femoral Nerve
- It may also receive a branch from the Obturator Nerve