1229 Exam 6 Eating Disorders Flashcards
Anorexia nervosa:
an eating disorder marked by weight loss, emaciation, a disturbance in body image, and fear of gaining weight.
Bulimia Nervosa:
A disorder marked by recurrent episodes of binge eating, self induced vomiting and diarrhea, excessive excercise, strict dieting or fasting, and an exaggerated concern about body shape and weight.
Binge Eating:
a form of compulsive overeating with episodes of binge eating occur. SOme authorities do not consider it a spearate form of compulsive eating disorder.
Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)-
an eating disorder that contains some, but not all, of the criteria to meet a specific disorder.
Four theory types of eating disorders:
more and more evidence is stacking up in favor of a biological cause for some eating disorders– specifically Bulimia and Anorexia. Several hormones are getting attention from researchers but findings are still unclear. But one neurotransmitter, Serotonin, is becoming a more and more likely suspect in the cause of most eating disorders, especially anorexia and bulimia. The bottom line is that the evidence is moving toward, and not away, for at least a partial neurobiological cause in eating disorders.
**Eating disorders are not considered specific disease but are syndromes. (A group of symptoms)
Psychological theories–
Once the strongest these models now represnet some of the weakest based on study results, theroires about eating disorder. one theory that confiction about sexual roles played a part in eating disorders has never been proven.
The currently accepted psychopathology in eating disorders is low self esteem and doubts about self worth.
*Bottom line is that these theories are expected to play a significant role but currently are not proven.
Sociocultural Theories:
The idea in the western world that the thinner a woman is the more desirable she is has been around for decades, not centuries.
Thin is in.
Leslie Hornby or “Twiggy” started this.
Prior to this, Marilyn Monroe was the ideal woman.
In cultures where the pressures to be thin do not exist, eating disorders are very rare.
**Culture has played a large role in the increase of eating disorders in the US and Western countries since the 60s
Genetic Theories:
At one time a genetic link to eating disorders was considered unlikely. now the evidence is clear that there is a strong link in all eating disorders.
studies on twins and studies on families of anorexics and bulimics have revealed strong genetic links to these disorders
The most study is done on genetic links to eating disorders the stronger the evidence becomes that genetics plays a major role.
Characteristics of Anorexia and Bulimia:
fear of weight gain
both have body image distortions
low self esteem issures
both have high incidence of depression
both are more prevalent in metro areas than rural areas
both affect about the same percentage of females vs males.(9-1 female)
S&S of Anorexia:
extreme weight loss thin appearance abnormal blood counts (anemia and leukopenia) fatigue insomnia dizziness or fainting blue discoloration of fingers brittle nails (decrease protein intake) hair that thins, breaks or falls out soft, downy hiar covering the body (lanugo) absence of menstration constipation dry skin intolerance of cold irregular heart rhythms (electrolytes) low blood pressure dehydration osteoporosis swelling of arms/legs (decreased albumin)
Bulimia Nervosa S&S:
feeling that you cant control eating behavior
eating until the point of discomfort/pain
eating much more food in a binge episode than normal meal.
self induced vomiting after eating
exercising excessively
misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas
being preoccupied w body shape & weight
going to BR after eating or during meals
abnormal bowel funcitoning
damaged teeth andgums
sores in throat and mouth
irregular heartbeat
sores, scars or calluses on the knuckles or hands
menstrual irregularitites or loss of menstraution
depression and anxiety.
Bulimia is categorized in two ways:
purging and non purging
Purging bulimia:
regularly engage in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas to compensate for binges.
Non purging bulimia:
use other methods to rid yourself of calories and prevent weight gain, such as fasting or over exercising.
Milieu Therapy for anorexia and bulimia:
with interdisciplinary approach is the best approachfor bulimics and anorexics.
milieu means controlled or inpatient environment with a team of HCPs that usually include psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist, nutritionist, nurses, and possibly other therapists.
best that the client is treated in a unit or clinic specializing in eating disorders
fear eating
co morbidity w clinical depression
increased among teenage girls and have been for 5 decades.
increased males in the past 2-3 decades
drug therapy alone is not effective
therapy is postponed in clients in clinical crisis until IBW (ideal body weight) is reached a certain minimum.