120201c SMAW Fillet Welds on Mild Steel (Welding Projects) Flashcards
Surface Welds Project
- Purpose: Use stringer beads for surface welding a plate in horizontal and vertical planes.
- Visualization: Refer to Figure 19 for flat and horizontal position surface welding.
Materials Required for Surface Welds
- Steel Plate: 10 mm (3/8”) mild steel, preferably 150 mm x 150 mm.
- Safety Equipment: Ventilation, suitable clothing and footwear, goggles, helmets, gloves, headgear, fire and hearing protection.
- Welding Gear: Constant current welding power source, accessories, and electrodes (E4310, E4914, E4918).
Preparation for Surface Welding
- Clean all surfaces near the weld zone.
- Remove scale, oxides, oil, paint, or coatings using a wire brush or grinder.
Welding Parameters
- Refer to Table 2 for SMAW electrode parameters.
- Preheat to room temperature; postheat not required.
- Polarity and current settings as per electrode type.
Weld Techniques for Surface Welds
- Electrode angle: Half the included joint angle (90°).
- Inclination: 15° - 30° backhand.
- Use stringer beads and herringbone weave beads.
- Maintain uniform buildup and edge blending with normal arc length.
Surface Welds Project Procedure
- Place stringer beads parallel to plate edges with space between passes.
- Practice weave beads between stringer beads for uniform thickness.
- Vertical position: Start at the bottom, run beads horizontally.
- Direction: Left to right for right-handed, opposite for left-handed.
Arc Characteristics and Weld Bead Appearance
* Different arc characteristics influence the appearance and quality of weld beads.
Arc Length and Travel Speed Effects:
- Slow Travel, Adequate Current: Produces a large, wide bead.
- Short Arc: Results in a narrow, high bead.
- Long Arc: Creates a wide, uneven bead.
Current Settings:
- Too High: Causes long crater with excessive spatter.
- Too Low: Leads to difficulty maintaining the arc, resulting in a high, crowned bead.
Ideal Outcome:
- Balanced Settings: Achieve beads with acceptable visual characteristics.
Visual Weld Characteristics
- Check for full fusion, acceptable profile, uniform reinforcement.
- Ensure U-shaped ripples, no valleys or undercut, smooth deposit.
- Avoid weld defects like porosity, arc marks, surface irregularities.
- Good penetration, fusion, and tie-ins without excessive buildup.
Fillet Welds in the 1F Position
* To place fillet welds in the 1F position on lap, Tee, or corner joints.
Advantages of 1F Position:
* Efficient for welding due to gravity aiding in the use of larger electrodes and bigger puddles.
Position Details:
* The 1F (flat) position positions joint surfaces at approximately 45° to the horizontal plane.
Heat Input Control:
* Procedure may limit high amperage to control heat input and prevent grain growth in the weld area.
Standard Abbreviations:
* ‘1’ indicates the flat position, and ‘F’ refers to a fillet weld.
Visual Reference:
* See Figure 23 for an example of a lap joint in the 1F position.
Materials Required for Fillet Welds Project
Steel Bars:
* Five bars of 10 mm x 38 mm (3/8” x 1 1/2”) mild steel bar stock.
* Suggested length: 150 mm - 200 mm (6” - 8”).
Safety Equipment:
* Appropriate protective gear for welding.
Welding Power Source:
* Constant current power source with all necessary accessories.
* E4310 (E6010), E4914 (E7014), and E4918 (E7018).
Preparation for Fillet Welds Project
Material Cleaning:
* Ensure materials are clean and free of rust, scale, oil, grease, and other contaminants.
Bar Stock Condition:
* Confirm that bar stock is flat and straight for tight fitting.
Overlap and Fit-Up:
* Recommended overlap: 3.2 mm (1/8”).
* General rule: Overlap equals material thickness.
Tack-weld tightly to avoid spaces between plates.
Tack Welds:
* Placement: On ends of weld coupons or in the joint.
Consult instructor for specific tack weld procedures.
Utilization of Materials:
* Follow Figure 25 for tacking the five bars.
* Simulate lap, Tee, and corner joints.
* Weld both sides of all joints.
* Coupons can be cut and rewelded for full material utilization.
* Lap joints typically used for testing purposes.
Welding Parameters for Fillet Welds Project
* Refer to Table 4 for specific welding parameters.
Temperature Management:
* Preheat: Ensure materials are at room temperature before starting.
* Postheat: Not required for this project.
Weld Techniques for Fillet Welds Project
Electrode Angle and Inclination:
* Angle: Half the included joint angle (45°), as shown in Figure 26.
* Inclination: 5° - 30° backhand for root pass, 0° - 30° backhand for fill passes.
Bead Techniques:
* Employ multi-pass stringer beads.
* Use herringbone weave variation to prevent undercutting on the cap.
Manipulation Techniques:
* E4310 (E6010): Use manipulative or whipping technique.
* E4914 (E7014) and E4918 (E7018): Apply drag technique.
Project Procedure for Fillet Welds
Weld Passes:
* Complete all welds with three passes.
* Use 3.2 mm (1/8”) diameter electrodes for all passes.
Initial Steps:
* After tack welding the coupons, consult the instructor for specific project details.
Sequence and Visualization:
* Refer to Figure 27 for the 1F position with a 3-pass sequence.
Post-Welding Steps:
* Once all joints are welded, cut the coupons in half.
* Rejoin the halves for further practice or testing.
Visual Weld Characteristics for Fillet Welds
Weld Quality Indicators:
* Aim for minimal discontinuities, structural soundness, correct size, and visual appeal.
Testing Methods:
* Both destructive and non-destructive tests ensure weld metal deposit integrity.
* Visual inspection is common for non-destructive testing.
Key Characteristics (from Table 5):
* Weld Size: Fully fused surfacing weld with acceptable profile finishes.
* Weld Uniformity: Uniform reinforcement from the base metal surface to the center, with evenly spaced U-shaped ripples.
* Weld Contour: Smooth, uniform cross-section with no valley or undercut. Free from overlap.
* Absence of Defects: No porosity, undercut, arc marks, or surface irregularities.
* Penetration, Fusion, and Tie-ins: No crater or excessive buildup on completion.
Fillet Welds in the 2F Position
Project Purpose:
* To place fillet welds in the 2F position on lap, Tee, or corner joints.
Skill Level:
* Requires more skill due to gravity’s effect on bead formation.
Position Details:
* The 2F position: Plates are in the horizontal plane.
* One leg of the fillet weld is vertical, the other is horizontal.
* Welding is performed horizontally.
Visual Reference:
* Refer to Figure 29 for an illustration of the 2F position.
Materials Required for 2F Position Fillet Welds
Steel Bars:
* Five bars of 10 mm (3/8”) x 38 mm (1 1/2”) mild steel bar stock.
* Suggested length: 150 mm - 200 mm (6” - 8”).
Safety Equipment:
* Use appropriate protective gear for welding, including personal protective equipment.
Welding Power Source:
* Constant current power source with all necessary accessories.
* E4310 (E6010), E4914 (E7014), and E4918 (E7018).
Preparation for 2F Position Fillet Welds
Material Cleaning:
* Clean materials, ensuring they are free of rust, scale, oil, grease, and other contaminants.
Bar Stock Condition:
* Confirm bar stock is flat and straight for a tight fit.
Overlap and Tack Welding:
* Recommended overlap: 3.2 mm (1/8”).
* Tack weld the pieces tightly together to avoid gaps.
Visual Reference:
* Refer to Figure 30 for an example of prepared materials.
Welding Parameters for 2F Position Fillet Welds
Parameter Reference:
* Use the parameters outlined in Table 6 for this project.
Temperature Management:
* Preheat: Ensure materials are at room temperature before beginning.
* Postheat: Not required for this project.
Weld Techniques for 2F Position Fillet Welds
Electrode Angle and Inclination:
* Angle: 1/2 the included joint angle (45°).
* Inclination: 5° - 30° backhand for root pass, 0° - 30° backhand for fill passes.
Manipulation Techniques:
* E4310 (E6010): Use a manipulative short arc technique.
* E4914 (E7014) and E4918 (E7018): Apply a non-manipulative short arc.
Gravitational Adjustments:
* The angle of application may vary to counteract gravitational pull.
Visual Reference:
* See Figure 31 for the angle of application adjustment.
Project Procedure for 2F Position Fillet Welds
E4918 (E7018) Welds:
* Complete with three passes.
* Use 3.2 mm (1/8”) diameter electrodes for all passes.
* Refer to Figure 32A for guidance.
E4914 (E7014) Welds:
* Complete with three or four passes.
* Use 3.2 mm (1/8”) diameter electrodes for all passes.
* Refer to Figure 32A or B for guidance.
E4310 (E6010) Welds:
* Complete with six passes.
* Use 3.2 mm (1/8”) diameter electrodes for all passes.
* Refer to Figure 32C for guidance.
Post-Welding Steps:
* Cut the welded coupon set in half.
* Rejoin the halves as done in the IF project.
Visual Weld Characteristics for 2F Position Fillet Welds
Key Aspects:
Goal: Achieve a structurally sound weld with minimal discontinuities, correct size, and visual appeal.
Testing Methods:
* Both destructive and non-destructive tests to ensure weld integrity.
Visual inspection is the primary non-destructive test.
Characteristic Checks (from Table 7):
* Joint Alignment: Straight members with no excessive spacing.
* Weld Size: Fully fused surfacing weld with acceptable profile finishes.
* Weld Uniformity: Uniform reinforcement from base metal surface to center.
* Weld Contour: No undercut or valley, smooth and uniform cross-section, free from overlap.
* Absence of Defects: Free from porosity, undercut, arc marks, and surface irregularities.
* Penetration, Fusion, and Tie-ins: No crater or excessive buildup upon completion.
Pass Sequencing:
* Refer to Figure 33 for pass sequencing and bead placement in the 2F position.
Fillet Welds in the 3F Position
Project Purpose:
* To place fillet welds in the 3F position on lap, Tee, or corner joints.
Technique Adjustment:
* Adjust welding technique for vertical positioning to achieve an acceptable weld profile.
Position Details:
* The 3F position: Plates are set vertically.
* Welding is performed vertically with an uphill progression.
Visual Reference:
* See Figure 34 for an illustration of the 3F position.
Materials Required for 3F Position Fillet Welds
Steel Bars:
* Five bars of 10 mm x 38 mm (3/8” x 1 1/2”) mild steel bar stock.
* Suggested length: 150 mm - 200 mm (6” - 8”).
Safety Equipment:
* Appropriate protective gear for welding, including personal protective equipment.
Welding Power Source:
* Constant current power source with all necessary accessories.
* E4310 (E6010) and E4918 (E7018).
Preparation for 3F Position Fillet Welds
Material Cleaning:
* Clean materials, ensuring they are free of rust, scale, oil, grease, and other contaminants.
Bar Stock Condition:
* Confirm bar stock is flat and straight for a tight fit.
Overlap and Tack Welding:
* Recommended overlap: 3.2 mm (1/8”).
* Tack weld the pieces tightly together to avoid gaps.
Welding Parameters for 3F Position Fillet Welds
Parameter Reference:
* Use the parameters outlined in Table 8 for this project.
Temperature Management:
* Preheat: Ensure materials are at room temperature before starting.
* Postheat: Not required for this project.
Weld Techniques for 3F Position Fillet Welds
Electrode Angle and Inclination:
* Angle: 1/2 the included joint angle (45°).
* Inclination: 5° - 10° backhand or forehand for root pass, 0° - 10° for fill and cap passes.
* Complete all passes using vertical uphill progression.
Travel Speed and Positioning:
* Increase travel speed across the center, pause longer on edges to prevent excessive convexity.
Manipulation Techniques:
* E4310 (E6010): Use a manipulative short arc.
* E4918 (E7018): Apply a non-manipulative short arc.
Project Procedure for 3F Position Fillet Welds
Initial Steps:
* After tack welding the coupons, consult your instructor for specific directions on joint allocation for E4310 (E6010) and E4918 (E7018).
Welding Passes:
* Complete all welds with three passes.
* Refer to Figure 35 for a cross-sectional view of the 3 passes.
Electrode Sizes:
* Use 2.5 mm (3/32”) diameter electrodes for E4918 (E7018).
* Use 3.2 mm (1/8”) diameter electrodes for E4310 (E6010).
Post-Welding Steps:
* Cut the welded coupon set in half.
* Rejoin the halves as done in the 1F project.
Visual Weld Characteristics for 3F Position Fillet Welds
Weld Quality Goals:
* Minimum weld discontinuities, structurally sound, correct size, visually appealing.
Testing Methods:
* Destructive and non-destructive tests to ensure weld metal deposit integrity.
* Visual inspection is common for non-destructive testing.
Characteristic Checks (from Table 9):
* Joint Alignment: Straight members with no excessive spacing.
* Weld Size: Fully fused surfacing weld with acceptable profile finishes.
* Weld Uniformity: Uniform reinforcement from base metal surface to center.
* Weld Contour: No undercut, smooth and uniform cross-section, free from overlap.
* Absence of Defects: Free from porosity, undercut, arc marks, and surface irregularities.
* Penetration, Fusion, and Tie-ins: No crater or excessive buildup upon completion.
Pass Sequencing and Bead Placement:
* Refer to Figure 36 for pass sequencing and bead placement in the 3F position.
Fillet Welds in the 4F Position
Project Purpose:
* To place fillet welds in the 4F position on lap, Tee, or corner joints.
Welding Technique:
* Welding is performed horizontally from underneath.
* One leg of the fillet weld is vertical, and the other is horizontal.
Plate Positioning:
* Plates can be in either vertical or horizontal planes.
* See Figure 37 for visual reference and consult your instructor for positioning details.
Materials Required for 4F Position Fillet Welds
Steel Bars:
* Five bars of 10 mm x 38 mm (3/8” x 1 1/4”) mild steel bar stock.
* Suggested length: 150 mm - 200 mm (6” - 8”).
Safety Equipment:
* Use appropriate protective gear for welding, including personal protective equipment.
Welding Power Source:
* Constant current power source with all necessary accessories.
* E4310 (E6010) and E4918 (E7018).
Support for Material:
* Ensure you have suitable support for your project material.
Preparation for 4F Position Fillet Welds
Material Cleaning:
* Clean materials, ensuring they are free of rust, scale, oil, grease, paint residue, and other contaminants.
Bar Stock Condition:
* Confirm bar stock is flat and straight for a tight fit.
Overlap and Tack Welding:
* Recommended overlap: 3.2 mm (1/8”).
* Tack weld the pieces tightly together to avoid gaps.
Welding Parameters for 4F Position Fillet Welds
Parameter Reference:
* Follow the parameters outlined in Table 10 for this project.
Temperature Management:
* Preheat: Ensure materials are at room temperature before starting.
* Postheat: Not required for this project.
Weld Techniques for 4F Position Fillet Welds
Electrode Angle and Inclination:
* Angle: 1/2 the included joint angle, adjust to counter gravitational pull.
* Inclination: 0° - 30° backhand for root and fill passes, 0° - 10° forehand or backhand for cap passes.
Manipulation Techniques:
* E4310 (E6010): Use a manipulative short to long arc.
* E4918 (E7018): Apply a short arc length only.
Bead Techniques:
* Use stringer beads.
* Sawtooth weave (refer to Figure 38) may be needed to prevent undercutting due to gravity.
Motion Technique:
* Forward motion: 1 to 2 electrode diameters.
* Back stepping: Half the forward motion distance.
* Side motion: Maximum of 1/2 electrode diameter for E4310 (E6010).
Pass Sequences:
* Refer to Figure 39 for 3-pass, 4-pass, 6-pass, and 7-pass sequences.
* Consult your instructor for the number of passes to use.
Visual Weld Characteristics for 4F Position Fillet Welds
Weld Quality Goals:
* Aim for a fault-free weld, correct size, and visual appeal.
Testing Methods:
* Both destructive and non-destructive tests to ensure weld metal deposit integrity.
Characteristic Checks (from Table 11):
- Joint Alignment: Plates fit with little or no gap, parallel to each other.
- Weld Size: Fully bonded weld with acceptable profile finishes.
- Weld Uniformity: Uniform reinforcement from base metal surface to center.
- Weld Contour: No undercut, smooth cross-section with slight convexity, free from overlap.
- Absence of Defects: Free from porosity, undercut, arc marks, and surface irregularities.
- Penetration, Fusion, and Tie-ins: No crater or excessive buildup upon completion.
Illustration Reference:
* See Figure 40 for illustrations of partially completed 4F welds.