12 week test.2 Flashcards
At Woodward’s Garden
Robert Frost
what does tone in a poem refer to
the speaker’s attitude toward his subject and his audience
Art Review
Kenneth Fearing
Pat Mora
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Battle of Blenheim
Robert Southey
John Anderson my Jo
Robert Burns
O Mistress Mine
William Shakespeare
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
William Wordsworth
Loveliest of Trees
A.E. Housman
Desert Places
Robert Frost
Rudyard Kipling
Lord Randal
old folk ballad
All in green went my love riding
e.e. cummings
The Castle
Edwin Muir
THe Seven Ages of Man
William Shakespeare
Christina Rossetti
The Erl-King
Fact about Tennyson
England’s poet laureate for over 40 years
one of Scotland’s greatest poets
England’s greatest nature poet
a modern poet who tried new ideas with no punctuation or capitalization along with using visual cues
very devout woman who wrote much religious poetry
talks about a boy who uses a magnifying glass in the wrong way and burns some monkeys in a zoo. They take the glass, hide it, and he never recovers it. Knowing what to do with knowledge is what counts.
At Woodward Gardens
talks about the pictures of graffiti artists (like a critic giving a review) and the artists themselves
Art Review
as Indian women buried an offering and asked for help in making woven art, so the author makes an offering and asks for help in using words
600 soldiers bravely rode into canons’ range only with swords; though not all returned, all should be remembered for their bravery
Charge of the Light Brigade
quote from Battle of Blenheim
it was a famous victory
as a grandfather recalls a battle of victory, his grandchildren point out the war’s horrors
Battle of Blenheim
John was Burns’ buddy in youth and they will end up dying together
John Anderson My Jo
Let’s get on with love while we’re young
O Mistress Mine
a scene of lovely daffodils gives the author comfort in the future
I wandered lonely as a cloud
Housman realizes his time is short, so he’s going to enjoy the trees’ blossoms
Loveliest of Trees
Frost is not worried about the snowy fields of empty spaces between the starts, he worries more about the empty spaces in his own life
Desert Places
reminds those of England that their real power is God, not their military
ballad told the story of a fellow who was poisoned to death by a girlfriend
Lord Randal
there is sadness for animals killed or for relationships that are as well
all in green went my love riding
the old guard who could be bribed was the weak point of a fortified castle
the castle
infancy, schoolboy, lover, soldier, judge, elderly, senile
The 7 Ages of Man
after the Judgment, heaven can be our home
the spirit of mischief kills the boy because his father heeded the warning too late
The Erl-King
3 types of poetry with explanations
lyrical - expresses intense emotion
narrative - tells a story
dramatic - characters who speak
4 types of meter with explanation
iamb - short long
trochee - long short
anapest - short short long
dactyl - long short short
non fiction deals with
real people, real experiences, realistic ideas
haiku - 3 points
5,7,5 syllables
from Japan
about nature usually
free verse
no particular scheme, pattern, rhythm, or rhyme
What kind of poems illustrate free verse?
I am poems
Metered verse
definite pattern and rhythm
purposes of nonfiction
What do non-fiction writers use persuasion for?
change people’s ideas or actions
What is an essay?
a piece of prose that gives a brief explanation about a topic
What does a writer’s style deal with
the way language is used and ideas are arranged
Which rhyme scheme can be a rap?
What French word did essay come from?
I try
What are essays written about?
thousands of topics since essays are very personal
uses chronological order and spatial process, then describes emptiness and usefulness
Death of a Tree
What does MLA stand for?
modern language association
How is a citation usually done?
(author pg.#). or (title of website paragraph number).
How is the Works Cited page set up?
after the last page of your paper
has page number with last name like others
centered “Works Cited”
double spaced
alphabetical order by first thing in each entry
What is hanging indention and how does it help?
2nd and 3rd lines are indented
shows which source is which
gives organization
How do you do a Works Cited entry?
last name, first name. Title in italics. Place of publication, city. …….. Print
uses an anecdote, an allusion to a fairy tale, personal experiences, and allusion again
Straw into Gold
What to do with 2 authors?
Last first and first last
What to do with three authors
just last names
What to do with four authors
First author and et. al
Unknown author?
What happens if an author writes two books?
put — in place of author the second time
uses a problem, one who helped address the issue, a solution, and a quotation from a book
Flight of Rachel Carson
What is plagiarism and why is it important?
stealing someone’s intellectual property
can lose education
must learn
uses a family situation, realizations, and something still mysterious
my mother, rachel west
how can you avoid plagiarism
directly quoting and using quotation marks
paraphrasing - put name at end
put name in text
uses an analogy comparing reading a river to reading a book
life on the mississippi
uses a name change, an explanation, some cultural differences, and recalls the name again
by any other name
uses an incident of a boy with an adult and later tells how the adult had influenced him
a whole nation and a people
uses a powerful personal experience and then compares it to past personal experiences
taste of snow
when must someone by cited?
any idea that is not your own
When one really thinks about eating game and the sacrifice involved, they also think about their own
Rachel West was a person who
laughed much
loved children
never gave up without trying
this child confronted the snow with
twirling and dancing
Premila was offended because her teacher said that
Indians cheated
What food did the author remember 30 years later
3 things to evaluate a resource with explanation
authority - is the author credible
accuracy - show their own citations
currency - is the info up to date
what was done in the name of public health to rid places of insects
airplanes sprayed deadly chemicals to kill them
the death of a tree
starts at the top from the outside
For a great tree death comes as a gradual transformation is the author’s
What shows a website to be trustworthy
a group behind the editors editorial policy contributors board of directors
With a little ______ the straw of one’s experiences can be spun into gold
The place where Dickens worked as a boy was
the blacking warehouse
When Twain learned the language of the river, what did he lose?
the ability to see the river’s beauty
A brief story about an interesting or humorous incident is called
To what must citations point?
the Works Cited page
An extended point-by-point comparison between two things
Where does an author’s name go in the text?
in the text itself
in parenthesis
Punctuation of the in text parenthesis
period afterward
Exception to period after parenthesis
lengthy indented quotation
the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject is called ______ and is revealed through_______
can a citation have multiple page numbers
if so when
if no other source inbetween
Is putting the URL for a website sufficient as an entry on the Works Cited page?
How is last section of paper to be written?
two summaries of lit crit and a crit of both
How can all the sections be unified?
all works cited together
combine sections
many other ______ have a rich dramatic tradition
the type of drama that comes from a Greek word meaning goat song
type of comedy which depends on improbable situations and exaggeration
stage directions, sound effects, soliloquies, and asides
conventions of drama
Who wrote Marriage Proposal
Anton Chekhov
Lomov and Natalia argue about
land and hunting dogs
Who finally gets Lomov and Natalia engaged?
What words end the Marriage Proposal
Champagne, champagne
Visit to a Small Planet was written by
Gore Vidal
Roger Spelding works as a _______
How is John related to him?
TV caster
future son-in-law
What can Kreton do and what is he?
read people’s minds and wants to take over the world
What does Kreton note about humanity?
love violence
What does the second alien do?
scolds Kreton and forces him to give up his scheme
What do the humans do after the aliens leave?
forget their contact
How are the beginnings of the acts of Thunder on Sycamore street the same, and where do they change?
all start with the same scene, but quickly move to take a different character’s perspective each time
Who is the foil for Frank Morrison?
Arthur Hayes
Who is Mr. Harkness?
Phyllis’s father
What does Arthur do?
real estate
How does Arthur rebel against Phyllis?
turning off the phonograph playing dance music
What does Arthur tell Phyllis?
the thing the group is doing against Joseph Blake is ugly
What does Arthur finally decide?
he leaves with Phyllis encouraging him
How does Joseph react to the situation?
calms Anna by saying they have the right to stay on their own terms
What does Joseph do out on the porch?
challenge Frank Morrison to be the first to kill him
What happens when Joe is hit with a rock?
Arthur elbows up and stands by Joseph Blake
What does Frank do after Arthur’s action?
endeavors to rally the crowd, but the crowd leaves
What is blank verse
2 lines that do not rhyme
heroic couplet
2 lines that rhyme with iambic pentameter
What is a soliloquy?
a long speech with no other characters on stage
What is the correct story term order?
exposition, rising action, crisis, falling action, climax, and resolution
What is Shakespeare often called?
the greatest writer of the English language
What did Shakespeare write?
38 plays
154 sonnets
When did Shakespeare live?
What was the stage like?
Why is Shakespeare’s language hard to understand
What was Romeo and Juliet based off of
a French novel
An Italian novel
What did Shakespeare do with borrowed plots?
enhanced them
What can Shakespeare’s plays be categorized as
tragedies, histories, comedies
How does Romeo hear about the Capulet party
a Capulet asks him to read an invitation for him
What do the nurse and Lady Capulet do about Paris to Juliet?
encourage her to marry him
Who was Prince Escalus’ mother
Who was queen mab
fairy queen
What happens when Romeo sees Juliet
instantly falls in love
What does Capulet persuade Tybalt to do at the party?
not to harm Romeo
What do Romeo and Juliet realize?
they love a family enemy
Where do Romeo and Juliet meet, and what do they agree to?
Juliet’s room, church, send news by Nurse
What is parting is such sweet sorrow
What does Romeo ask Friar Lawrence to do?
perform a wedding to Juliet for him
What does Lady Capulet do about Juliet’s marriage?
nothing - she is unaware
What is the turning point in Romeo and Juliet
Mercutio and Tybalt’s death
To when does Capulet change the wedding day?
What does Juliet do about the approaching dawn?
tries to ignore it and keep Romeo close
What does Romeo do at dawn before fleeing?
climbs down a rope ladder from Juliet’s room right before Lady Capulet enters
What does Lady Capulet call Romeo?
What is Juliet’s initial reaction to marriage to Paris?
How does Friar Lawrence give Juliet hope?
gives her an appear-dead-42-hours potion
What is Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s change of heart, and why is this relevant?
moves the wedding up a day
throws off Friar Lawrence’s plan
How does Juliet take the potion?
Who discovers Juliet’s death
How do the Capulets and Paris feel about Juliet’s death
very grieved
How does Friar Lawrence try to comfort
Juliet is now in heaven
how does act 4 close
Peter talking to musicians
What does satire do?
pokes bitter or playful fun at mankind’s weaknesses and sins
How many lines does a sonnet have
Where can you find a sonnet in Romeo and Juliet
Friar Lawrence
What does an aside do?
vocalizes thoughts to an audience
What do actors do during an aside?
pretend they don’t hear it
Who brings the news of Juliet’s death to Romeo
What is Romeo’s plan
to die with Juliet by poison
Why is Romeo unaware of the potion?
Friar John could not deliver the letter from Friar Lawrence
Why does Paris come to the tomb?
to decorate her grave with flowers
Why does Paris think romeo has come to the grave?
to perform a curse
How does Juliet die?
stabbing with Romeo’s knife
Who didn’t say “Our star crossed lovers hath crashed indeed their barks
Lady Montague, Romeo, Juliet
Does Friar Lawrence ever come clean
What does the Prince decree
they’ve been punished enough
What does Capulet intend to do?
make a gold statute of Romeo
When does Lady Montague die?
the news of Romeo’s death
How does the play end
the prince stressing the story of woe
the death of sennacherib
george gordon
dream deferred
langston hughes
i’ll tell you how the sun rose
emily dickinson
the day is done
mending wall
robert frost
the cloud
percy shelley
jazz fantasia
carl sandburg
the fawn
edna st. vincent millay
the meadow mouse
theodore roethke
edgar allan poe
What does The Face in the Mirror discuss?
a veteran needing purpose in life
To Satch is
a tribute to a legendary baseball player
Eldorado is
could be interpreted as the Christian’s quest for heaven
The Day is Done is
the poet asks for someone to read passionate poets to relax him
Contrasts ancient ships’ valuable items with modern ships’ necessary items
contrasts the sunrise and sunset
I’ll tell you how the sun rose
poet claims we can have divine inspirations
the sound of the sea
tells how often we can erect offensive barriers against others
Mending Wall
unusual speaker
the cloud
peaceful setting and relaxing mood