Public vs Private sector
Public sector:
Controlled by state or government
Private sector:
the part of the economy, sometimes referred to as the citizen sector, which is owned by private groups, usually as a means of establishment for profit or non profit, rather than being owned by the government.
Free market or command economy
Free market Economy:
A free market is one where voluntary exchange and the laws of supply and demand provide the sole basis for the economic system, without government intervention.
Command economy:
one in which a central government makes all economic decisions.
For profit - commercial
non profit
other organizations and partnerships
For profit: Sole trades partnerships Corporations ‘
Non profit:
Other social enterprise cooperatives micro finance providers public private partnerships
sole trader, partnerships, companies/corporations
Sole traders - own and run business on their own, easy to set up, only their decisions. BUT personally responsible for any loss - if unable to pay debts or credits then able to seize owners personal possessions
unlimited liability
Partnerships - a business span between two or more individuals up to 20 people.
More ideas and expertise, more income, cost savings, new perspectives. BUT all partners personal assets could be seized. emotional issues - less control. lacks of stability
Unlimited liability
Corporations - large organizations owned by many individuals and or groups known as shareholders (each own a share of business) - incorporated businesses become legal entities separate from shareholders. - LIMITED LIABILITY
Private limited companies - LTD
owned by smaller number of people mostly families
LTD’s can go public by selling shares to the public to become a public limited company
PLC’s have greater access to capital because anyone can invest - however PLC must share financial accounts
Non profit organizations
NGOs and Charities
most non for profit are created to carry out a particular purpose or mission
two main non for profit organizations are NGOs and Charities
NGO and Charities
NGOs: independent from the government and aimed to changed the world
they have limited liability
adv: legal protection, operational flexibility, country development
disav: difficult to attain loans, board members
to provide help and raise money for those in need
they have limited liability
Adv: no income or corporation tax, raise funds from public
Disav: trustees aren’t allowed to receive financial benefits, lots of competition