12 Stages Flashcards
Stage #1
- Chapters
- Dates
Edenic Stage
- 1,2 Gensis
- no dates
Stage #2 -dates, books
Primevalstage, no date,chapters 3-11 in Genesis
Stage #3 -dates, books
Ancestral Stage,c 2100 -1840 BC,chapters 12-50 in Genesis
Stage #4 dates, books
Egyptian Slavery Stage,c. 1840-1440 BC, chapters 1-4 in exodus
Stage #5, dates, books
Exodus, traditional date:c.1440 bc,or 1290b.c., exodus 5-Numbers14
KeyTheme for edenic stage(#1)
The key theme is that it demonstrates Gods true intention for all things created,this worldthat he created is very good and was thrivingwithout any brokenness or sin
Key theme for primeval stage (#2)
The key theme of this stage is That it demonstrateshow God’s creation, humans,rejected God’s perfect shalom and so sin, and death, and brokenness entered God’s creation and the world.
Key theme for the ancestral stage(#3)
The ancestral stage shows God reclaiming all of his creation to his original intention in Shalom by inviting one single family to faith and worship and through that family he will bless the whole world through them.
Key theme for the Egyptian slavery stage (#4)
Shows how God was preserving and preparing his “family” to become a nation,this is part of the covenant that God made with abraham and is Gods 2ndpromise to Abraham.
Key theme for the exodus stage (#5)
Is that God is preparing his people, the Israelites, to be a freenation, which is what he promised Abraham
Stage #6, dates, Books
Wilderness wandering, 1440-1400b.c. Numbers 14 - Deuteronomy 34
Key theme for the wilderness wandering stage (#6)
This stage shows how God’s mission for the world was delayed by the lack of faith from the Israelites - but the mission of him giving them the promised land could not be stopped
Stage #7,dates, Books
Conquest stage, 1400 B.C.(traditional),Joshua 1- 24
Key theme of the conquest stage (#7)
God is giving the Israelites special land, so that they can bless the whole world and help bring Shalom to creation as well
Stage #8: dates, Books
Judges stage: c.1400 - 1050 B.C. Judges1-1Samuel 7
Key theme of the judges stage (#8)
Shows how the people of Israel failed to be “wow-weird”.so God let them endure covenantal curses but when they call out to God for help he sent out judges to deliver them from the curses.
Stage #9: dates,Books
United monarchy stage: c.1050-930 Bc, 1 Samuel 8- 1 Kings 12
Key them of the united monarchy stage
This stage shows how God can transform the peoples misguideddesire for an earthly king and use it to bless the world.The king was to bring justice and righteousness in the nation.
Stages#10/11:dates, Books
Divided monarchy/pre-exilec judah: #10: 930-722 B.C. #11: 722-587 B.C. 1 Kings13- 2 kings 25
Key theme of the stages Divided monarchy and pre-exilec Judah
These 2 stages portray Israel in particular a pagan (golden calves, no Levites, no temple,no good Kings) which explains why God to exiled them to Assyria. Judah is better (temple,Levites,some good Kings)but they also embrace idolatry and are exiled to Babylon.
Stage #12: dates,books
Babylon exile: c.586 -539 B.C. Daniel, Ezekiel and lamentations
Key theme for the Babylon exile stage (#12)
This stage involves the purification of Judah. A remnant was to return to fulfill the covenant and bless the whole world
Stage #13: dates, books
Post exile stage: c.539-400 B.C. Ezra, Esther, and Nehemiah
Key theme of the post-exile stage (#13)
This stage records the return of Judah, God’s on- going faithfelness, and the peoples ups and downs.The question still remains: how will these people fulfill God’s plan to bless the whole world?
10 plagues
This happened in the Egyptian slavery stage.they occurred when Moses asked pharaoh to let his people go and worship the Lord
This happens in the exodus stage, where they pick man to go to the promise land.
The 12 spies, they convinced the people not to go into the promise land because the people were scary.
The amount Joseph’s brothers sold him for.
20 silver shekels:7 once’s =$ 225 in todays Value
The pattern that shows up when God iscreating the earth?
The pattern that shows up during the 10 plagues?
Moses older brother?
Adam + Eve’s second son
A suzerain vassal covenant between God and Abraham?
Abrahamic covenant
First man created
The word for the binding of Isaac?
Names of the son’s of lot and daughters?
Ammon and Moab
The one who carries out the 10th plague
The angel of death
The Holy throne of God on earth
Ark of the covenant
The son Rachel gave birth to before she died, and his name meaning
Ben Oni:” son of my sorrows”, Benjamin:”son of my right hand”
The female servant of Rachel that bore Jacob two sons?
Also known as primogeniture?
Birthright/oldest son-blessing
The tradition of where a man gives a women’s family he wants to marry gifts?
Bride price
The model that shows us what happened to our relationship with God and shalom before and after he fall?
The Broken model
How God decided to present himself to Moses?
Burning bush/theophary
The eldest son of Adam and Eve
Was one of the 12 spies that said they could beat the scary warriors in the promised land?
Citizenship status of the kingdom of Heaven?
Children of God.
Place where the decided to build what to bring God down to them?
The city of Babel, and the tower of Babel
The concept that there is no exceptions to a sin?
Conflicting absolutes
A relationship that happens when two parties exchange goods and or services in a fair way, but it can be easily broken.
Contractual relationship
A relationship when one party fully commits itself to be loyal to the other party even if the terms are not fair. Life and death commitment
Covenantal relationship
A concept old-age creationist believe, that the days God created the earth were not 24h days
Day- age theory
Daughter of Jacob and Leah
When theology, history, and science are all true
Doubly true
Term that means a thousand
First born of Isaac and Rebekah
First women created
Who thinks that the big bang happened and that’s how God created the earth?
Evolutionary creationists
This massive phenomenon God did to wipe out the evil
The floods, could have happened locally, more likely then a universal flood.
Theory that God created the earth 10000 years before he created humans
Gap theory (part of the old-earth creationists)
Moses sons
Gershom and Eliezer
Aaron makes this for the people of Israel
A Golden calf
Where Josephs family settles in Egypt
The concept that when someone is faced with a decision between two bad things, they pick the lesser evil and in doing so that sin no longer counts as a sin
Graded absolutes
Sarai’s female servant
Where Sarah and Abraham are originally from
Where Jacob flees to after stealing the birth right
Where Abraham and Sarah live after leaving Haran
Commonplace statues in a persons home
Household gods
The concept that everyone is made in the image of God
Imago Dei
Name means laughter
Father of Arab and Muslim world
Jacob’s new name
Isaac’s youngest son
Moses father-in-law
Jacob’s 11th son
Where the vote for the 12 spies took place
Kadesh Barnea
Father of Leah and Rachel
7th generational off spring of Cain
Eldest daughter of Laban
Women marries her dead husbands male relative
Levirate marriage
Fair retaliation
Lex talionis
Abrahams nephew
Joseph’s two sons
Manasseh andEphraim
He is a king as well as a priest
Where Moses flee to
A Hebrew that was brought upin the place of pharaoh
A place where Abraham and Sarai stopped at that had a famine
Really tall people
When you are faced with a decision of two sins, and since sin is a sin and one shouldn’t sin, one must find another way another option that doesn’t include committing a sin
Non-conflicting absolutes/third-way
People that believe the earth is super old
Old- Earth creationist
A covenant that is made between two equals
Parity covenant
A celebration that is meant as a step of faith
Humans are designed to be this and lead the world to worship the Lord
Laban’s second daughter
Isaac’s wife
The “sea” that the Israelites crossed when escaping the Egyptians
Red/reed sea
The oldest son of Jacob
The year when the Israelites didn’t harvest or plant any crops
Sabbath year
The 50th year where debts are reconciled slaves are free to go etc
Jubilee year
Mother of Isaac
The model that shows us what we have when this is in the world
Shalom model
Hebrew for peace