1.2 Parasites and vectors - History of malaria Flashcards
To describe the most important events in the history of malaria from the origins of human malaria to the present day.
After working through this session, you should be able toDescribe the main events that have led to our present knowledge of malaria.Explain why particular events occurred when they did.List the most important people involved and the discoveries they made.Explain the background to current concepts of malariacontrol.
This session describes the most important events in the history of malaria, beginning with speculation about the origins of human malaria parasites in primates and the spread of malaria throughout the world in prehistoric times.The story continues through the written record of 4000 years of human knowledge of malaria as afebriledisease associated with swamps, to the discovery of the parasite and the elucidation of the life-cycle at the end of the 19thcentury.Finally, the history of malaria is brought more up to date with descriptions of the events of the 20thcentury including reference to ideas about control of the disease that have proved effective in the 21stcentury.Humans inherited four of the five parasites belonging to the genusPlasmodiumfrom primate ancestors in sub-Saharan Africa. These four species that we harbour today,P.vivax, P.ovale, P. malariae and P.falciparum, evolved and spread with the migrations of the human race throughout the world.The fifth species, Plasmodium knowlesi,is different. It is azoonosisand is acquired from macaque monkeys in South-East Asia. It is only in recent times that it has been known as a parasite that infects humans. We know about the existence of malaria as a disease from the earliest written records and thereafter throughout history.The first evidence of malaria parasites is reputedly from mosquitoes preserved in amber about 30 million years ago.
From the earliest times, humans associated malaria fevers with swampy conditions, but it was not until the end of the 19th century that the parasites themselves were seen in the blood for the first time.The life-cycle involving transmission by mosquitoes was discovered a few years later, independently by British and Italian scientists. This is regarded as one of the greatest discoveries in the history of medicine.Half a century later, the stages in the liver were discovered, thus completing our knowledge of the life-cycle. Once the life-cycle was known and understood, it offered greater opportunities to look for ways to control malaria.Laveran discovered malarial pigment – seen in the first figure inside the large polymorphonuclear white blood cell – before he saw what we now know are the asexual ring stages of the parasite seen here and the elongated gametocytes as shown in the second figure. He reputedly first saw the fine lashing movements of microgametes being released from the male gametocytes, shown in the third figure). This event occurs naturally after the blood is ingested by female mosquitoes but can be seen in blood that is kept for a while before being examined.
The malaria parasites look like signet rings stained purple. In the centre of the film is a larger white blood cell with an irregularly curved, purple-staining nucleus and alongside it some dark brown malaria pigment that it has scavenged after infected red blood cells are ruptured by the parasites.
In the beginning…as far as human malaria is concerned
We can only speculate about the origins of human malaria because these parasites have left us no palaeontological record. However, there are some facts that are indisputable, and from these we can deduce a likely sequence of events. The early relatedness and evolutionary origins of monkeys, apes, and the various hominids that include the human species,Homo sapiens, is the subject of much debate. For our discussion, the interest is how and when humans themselves spread throughout the world. There are different opinions but a favoured idea is that the species spread north from central Africa 100,000 years ago, across southern Asia into South-East Asia and thence, in one direction, to Australia and the Solomon Islands. In the other direction,H. sapiensspread north-east to Siberia to reach the land bridge where the Bering Strait now is and from there into the Americas 15,000 years ago. In the meantime, the human species also spread into Europe and central Asia.
In the beginning…as far as human malaria is concerned
There are other interpretations of the origins and spread of humans including suggestions that different races of humans arose independently in different parts of the world. The important point, however, is that there were extensive migrations and by about 15,000 years ago, at the end of the Ice Age, humans had spread to and inhabited everywhere on Earth except Antarctica and Melanesia and Polynesia in the Pacific. The last important migration was from the Old World (Europe and Africa) to the New World (the Americas) by sea about 500 years ago.Relating these migrations to the distribution of malaria, it is remarkable that, even as recently (in historical terms) as 1945 , malaria transmission was occurring on every continent (except Antarctica) and in all but a few countries. Since then there has been exceptional progress in country after country, shrinking the malaria map, so that today there are well over 100 countries that are malaria-free whereas there were only 9 or 10 before. Now answer the following question…
Question 1 Why do you think it is important to understand the spread ofH. sapiensthrough the world?
This information is relevant because we can assume that some of the pathogens that affect humans came with us from our primate ancestors in Africa, others must have been acquired during the long periods of migration, and most likely, some pathogens would have been lost as populations moved into areas where perhaps there were no vectors to maintain their life-cycles. Malaria parasites would have been among these pathogens. As we have just seen, malaria occurred in almost all countries of the world and it has been helpful to know how the infections were maintained in these different places and what was required to break the cycle and get rid of the parasites.
In the beginning…as far as human malaria is concerned
As you will learn in Session 1.3Introduction: The genusPlasmodium, parasites belonging to the genusPlasmodiumare also found in monkeys and apes, so it reasonable to assume that these parasites entered the human evolutionary line long before the apesevolved from monkeys.However, we do not know when these evolved into the four species (P. falciparum,P. vivax,P. ovale,P. malariae) that are common in humans.DNAandRNAanalyses are beginning to provide some clues and this subject is discussed further in Session 1.3Introduction: The genusPlasmodium. Now answer the question that follows…
Question 2 As previously stated, some of our ancestors crossed into North America via the Bering Strait. Do you think they were directly responsible for spreading malaria to America?
No, malaria cannot spread without mosquito vectors. As humans moved northwards into colder areas, the opportunities for transmission would diminish and, even if they had chronic infections that we now know they can carry, it is quite likely that our ancestors who crossed via the Bering Strait did not introduce malaria into North America. If this is so, then malaria in the Americas must have come from somewhere else, possibly from South-East Asia or later from Europe with Europeans and their slaves in the 16th century. In the next topic, we’ll review the written record about malaria…
The written record
Mere speculation becomes more established fact with the written record. It is fortunate that the periodic malaria fevers are so characteristic; we have numerous records from Chinese writers (from about 2700 BC) and Greek writers (from 850 BC) that malaria was common and widespread.Among the main sources of information are the works of the Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived from about 460 to 370 BC and whose teachings dominated medicine for centuries. Over the next 2400 years, we have many records of fevers in all parts of the world that are almost certainly due to malaria. We’ll consider the marsh connection next…
The written record The marsh connection
From the earliest times it was known that malaria was associated with marshes, swamps and other damp areas. There were many theories about the causes of malaria and the most widespread was that the disease was caused by miasmas or poisonous vapours arising from marshes and swamps. Indeed the word malaria is derived from the Italian ‘mala aria’ (bad air).It was not until the end of the 19th century that the connection between malaria and mosquitoes was made and it was realised that the association with marshes and swamps was because the mosquitoes that transmit malaria lay eggs and undergo larval and pupal development in such places. Next, you’ll learn about the discovery of the parasite…
The written record Anopheles eggs
Each egg is an elongated oval with a dark centre and a paler “fringe” along its long sides.
The written record Anopheles larva
TheAnopheleslarva has an elongated, caterpillar-like pale segmented body with a darker head and a “tail” with a little tuft of hair.
The written record Anopheles pupa
TheAnophelespupa has a pale segmented body curled up in a comma shape and a large, darker head. Tufts of hair grow on each of the body’s segment.
The written record Discovery of the parasite
Before we can follow this up, we need to return to the 1870s and the ideas ofLouis PasteurandRobert Koch. In 1878, Pasteur first put forward his ‘germ theory of disease’, which suggested that many diseases were caused by microorganisms. This led to a massive effort to find microorganisms in diseases with unknown causes.
The written record Discovery of the parasite
The breakthrough as far as malaria was concerned came in 1880 when a French army surgeon,Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, took a more independent line and began to look for pigment in the blood of patients as it was known spleens of malaria patients contained pigment. He found it in leucocytes and red blood cells , together with various crescentic and round forms. In particular, he observed motile filaments in the fresh blood of a soldier suffering from malaria. These filaments we now know are male gametes that are normally produced and released in the gut of mosquitoes that have taken a blood meal. However, this discovery generated little interest and Laveran sought the advice of the eminent Italian malariologists, Ettore Marchiafava and Angelo Celli. Unfortunately, he failed to convince them that he had found the organism that caused malaria.However, a few years later, Marchiafava and Celli found the erythrocytic forms themselves and named the organismPlasmodium malariae. In 1907, Laveran was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the malaria parasite and the importance of protozoa as causes of disease.
The written record Discovery of the life-cycle
Even after the discovery of the parasites in the blood, and the recognition that they caused malaria, the method of transmission remained a mystery. Several eminent scientists, including Laveran, Marchiafava, Celli and a Scottish expert in tropical medicine, Patrick Manson, devoted themselves to solving this mystery. Manson had already shown that mosquitoes transmitted filariasis and, in 1894, he speculated that mosquitoes might also be the vectors of malaria. However, he encountered considerable opposition to his ideas and had neither the time nor the opportunity to do the necessary experiments to test his hypothesis.
The written record Discovery of the life-cycle
At this stage, Manson metRonald Ross, a surgeon in the Indian Medical Service, and persuaded him to take up the challenge. Encouraged by Manson, Ross’s breakthrough came in 1897 when he found stages of the malaria parasite in mosquitoes that had fed on malaria patients (the figures below show, respectively, an extract from Ross’ notebook and an oocyst). In 1898, he demonstrated the whole life-cycle of the avian malariaPlasmodium relictumin the mosquitoCulex pipiensand in larks and sparrows. This earned him the Nobel Prize in 1902. Before he could make the final discovery of the life-cycle of a human malaria parasite, Ross was ordered to stop research on malaria and to concentrate on kala azar (or Leishmaniasis).In the meantime, the Italian malariologists Battista Grassi (shown in the photo), Giuseppe Bastianelli and Amico Bignami had been working along the same lines and they discovered and described the sporogonic part of the cycle of the human malaria parasite in Anopheles mosquitoes, also in 1898. Now complete the activity that follows…
Question 3 Why were some of the most important malarial discoveries made in Italy at the end of the 19th century?
Some of the most important malaria-associated discoveries were made in Italy at the end of the 19th century because malaria was a serious socio-economic and health problem for the Italians and caused around 15,000 deaths annually. The connection with swamps had been recognised for over 2000 years.There were also links between malaria research and public health, and earlier Italian scientists had suspected that mosquitoes might be responsible for malaria. Several eminent Italian zoologists, entomologists and clinicians were all interested in malaria and there were major centres of research in Rome and Pavia.The actual experiments on the transmission of malaria were made possible because of expert knowledge of mosquitoes, and increasing knowledge of the parasites was aided by the availability of microscopes with high-quality oil immersion lenses.
Question 4 What was Patrick Manson’s role in the discovery of the mosquito transmission of malaria?
Manson had already shown that mosquitoes transmitted filarial worms, so he was prepared to find developmental stages of malaria parasites. He was also aware of the flagellated forms in the blood seen by Laveran and thought that they might be stages in the malaria life-cycle.Manson was unable to investigate this problem himself and needed someone in a malarious area to do the work; he persuaded Ross to undertake it. He also persuaded the India Office to send Ross to India where he virtually directed Ross’s work, including the suggestion that he should look at the malaria parasites of birds. When Ross had made his discoveries, Manson publicised the findings and confirmed that mosquitoes transmitted malaria in human volunteers. Next you’ll learn how the connection between the parasite and the disease was established…
The written record The parasite and the disease
Although malaria disease had been known for centuries and the parasite had been discovered in 1880, it took some time to establish the connection between the multiplication of the parasites in the blood and the periodic tertian and quartan fevers characteristic of malaria.This was another Italian triumph: the discovery was made between 1886 and 1889 by Camillo Golgi who later won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his work on the nervous system. You’ll find a summary of progress next…
The written record Summary of progress 1847 - 1900
Before we move on, it is worthwhile to summarise the significant progress that was made in investigations of malaria disease, malaria parasites and their transmission during the period from 1847 to 1900. It is impressive and, coincidently, shows how widespread and important malaria was at that time. 1847 - Dempster introduced spleen palpation of children (in India) as an index ofendemicityof malaria.1848 - In Germany, Virchow and Frerichs recognised that the presence of pigment in internal organs might be related to deaths from intermittent fevers.
The written record Summary of progress 1847 - 1901
1878 - In China, Manson showed that a mosquito (Culex fatigans) can act as a vector of human filarial parasites. This prompted his later suggestion of mosquitoes as potential vectors of malaria. 1880 - In Algeria, Laveran discovered and described malaria parasites in human blood.1886 - In Italy, Golgi deduced that tertian (P. vivax)and quartan (P. malariae) malaria must be caused by two different species ofPlasmodium.
The written record Summary of progress 1847 - 1902
1889 - In Russia, Danilewski described the morphology of avian malaria parasites and their wide distribution.1889-90 - Celli and Marchiafava in Italy describedP. falciparum.1889-93 - In the USA, Smith and Kilborne demonstrated the role of the arthropod vector (tick) in the transmission of piroplasmosis (Texas fever) in cattle.
The written record Summary of progress 1847 - 1903
1891 - Romanowsky developed his polychrome staining method for demonstrating malaria parasites in blood smears.1894-96 - Bruce, in Zululand, showed that an infection caused by a protozoan parasite can be transmitted by a true insect (tsetse fly). He was working on nagana (cattle trypanosomiasis), a disease of horses and cattle when he made the discovery.1894 - Manson suggested that malaria is transmitted from person to person by mosquitoes.
The written record Summary of progress 1847 - 1904
1897 - In Secunderabad, India, Ross discovered oocysts on the midgut wall of anAnopheles mosquito.MacCallum in the USA described the sexual phase ofHaemoproteusin the blood of a crow and observed exflagellation of a male gametocyte inP. falciparumand the penetration of a female gametocyte by a ‘flagellum’.1898 - Ross identified the complete cycle of bird malaria in naturally infected sparrows in Calcutta.In Italy, Grassi, Bignami and Bastianelli described the life-cycle stages of human malaria parasites inAnophelesmosquitoes.1900- Manson confirmed the mosquito-malaria transmission theory through his experiments with human volunteers in the Roman Campagna and in London.Now complete the activity that follows…
Reading 1 Now read through the paper by Cox (2010) ‘History of the discovery of the malaria parasites and their vectors’.Next, read the paper by Gilles (2002) ‘Historical outline’. This is a comparatively short article and much of it is written as historical milestones that will supplement what is given in the text of this session.
When you’ve finished, answer the following question.
Question 5 What evidence did Camillo Golgi cite to support his hypothesis that there was more than one species of Plasmodium in humans?
Golgi knew that the periodic fevers associated with malaria coincided with the erythrocytic schizogonic cycle of the parasite which, in the case of the parasites he was studying, occurred every 48 or 72 hours.He argued that mixtures of broods of the 72-hour parasites could cause fevers every 24 and 72 hours but that there was no way in which they could cause fevers every 48 hours. Therefore, there must be two species of malaria parasite, one causing quartan fevers (P. malariae) and another causing tertian fevers (P. vivax). In the next topic, we’ll consider the missing links…
The missing links
Although by the end of the 19th century the life-cycle of the malaria parasite had been discovered, there remained one further question: what happened between the time that the sporozoites were injected and the time parasites appeared in the blood?This question stayed unanswered for nearly half a century; then in 1948 two British scientists, PCC (Cyril) Garnham and Henry Shortt, discovered the exoerythrocytic stage in the liver in monkeys and then in humans. One final problem remained: were the late infections seen in some strains ofP. vivaxdue to recrudescences of subpatent parasitaemias, or to persistent stages in the liver? This puzzle was solved in 1980 when a team led by the American Wojciech (Al) Krotoski and including Garnham discovered the hypnozoite or dormant stage. You’ll read about this in the activity that follows…
The missing links
Short, Garnham and colleagues were the first to demonstrate the liver stages of Plasmodium. This schizont is inside a greatly enlarged (or hypertrophied) liver cell and has already undergone multiple nuclear divisions
The missing links
More than 30 years later, Krotoski, Garnham and colleagues demonstrated the tiny uninucleate dormant forms called hypnozoites that occur inP. vivaxandP. ovaleand are responsible for relapse infections. This fluorescent antibody staining was able to pick out a hypnozoite alongside a large developing schizont. A large green oval and a much smaller green circle are visible on a background of liver cells stained red-brown with the cell membranes showing as red lines. The large green oval, which is about twice the size of the liver cells, is a developing exoerythrocytic schizont. The small green circle in one other liver cell is a hypnozoite. The hypnozoite is highlighted and labelled.
The missing links
This photo of a liver section shows how difficult it is to find hypnozoites without fluorescent staining. In the middle of the section, and very much smaller than the liver cell nuclei, is a darkly stained hypnozoite with one nucleus which has had to be highlighted by a dark circle around it.
Reading 2 Turn again to the paper by Cox FEG (2010)History of the discovery of the malaria parasites and their vectorsand re-read the section on exoerythrocytic development (pages 6-7).
Now answer the following question.
Question 6 Why do you think it took so long to discover the exoerythrocytic stages of the human malaria parasites?
In 1902-1903, the eminent German parasitologist Fritz Schaudinn claimed to have seen sporozoites directly entering red blood cells. His influence was so great that this was not disputed in spite of the fact that nobody could repeat his findings. In the 1930s, it was found that in avian malarias there was a developmental phase between the inoculation of sporozoites and the appearance of parasites in the blood. This phase occurred in the cells of the lymphoid-macrophage system.Nobody could find these stages in human malaria or suspected that they might occur in the liver until, in 1947, Garnham found the massive tissue schizonts of the related parasite,Hepatocystis kochi, in the livers of monkeys.This discovery made Garnham and his colleague, Shortt, look for the much smaller and scarcer Plasmodium schizonts, first in monkeys and then in human volunteers.Exoerythrocytic schizonts are not seen in naturally-infected patients with malaria because there are so few of them so these volunteer experiments were necessary but could not be performed until the observations on monkeys had been made. The discovery in 1980 of the hypnozoite, the dormant stage responsible for relapse infections, was made first by Krotoski and colleagues in experiments at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine with the primate malariaPlasmodium cynomolgi, a parasite closely related to the human malaria parasiteP. vivax. Confirmation of their occurrence also inP. vivaxwas made shortly afterwards by the same researchers. In the next topic, you’ll learn about the cure…
The cure
Malaria-like symptoms were described in a notable Chinese medical writing in 2700 BCE and in other ancient tablets and papyri, and were later widely recognised in Greece by Homer, Hippocrates and others. There are reports of the use of the leaves of plants such as the cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) to relieve the tertian and quartan fevers but there is no information about how effective they were. However, in China in the second century BCE, the use of the Qinghao plant,Artemisia annua, was described in a medical treatise intriguingly entitled “52 remedies” found in the Mawangdui tomb and we shall come back to that as it was undoubtedly a remarkable find. See pictures of the “52 remedies” treatise and of artemisia plants