1.2 Important Definitions Flashcards
What is an open ball/sphere?
An open ball with center x₀ and radius r > 0 is the set B(x₀, r) = { x belonging to X : ||x₀ - x|| < r } where X is a normed linear space.
What is a closed ball/sphere?
A closed ball/sphere with center x₀ and radius r > 0 is the set B(x₀, r) = {x belonging to X : ||x - x₀|| <= r} where X is a normed linear space.
What is the convergence of a sequence?
Let X be a normed linear space and {xₙ} be a sequence in X. The sequence {xₙ} of elements of X converges to a point x belonging to X if for every epsilon > 0 there exists a positive integer N such that: ||xₙ - x|| < epsilon, for all n >= N.
Alternatively, {xₙ} converges to the point x in X if and only if: lim ||xₙ - x|| = 0 as n -> infinity.
What is a Cauchy sequence?
Let {xₙ} be a sequence in the normed linear space X. {xₙ} is a Cauchy sequence if for every epsilon > 0 there exists a positive integer N such that: ||xₘ - xₙ|| < epsilon, for all n, m >= N.
Alternatively, {xₙ} is a Cauchy sequence if and only if: lim ||xₘ - xₙ|| = 0 as m, n -> infinity.