1.2 how economists approach the world//???? Flashcards
ceteris paribus
The Latin expression for ‘everything else being equal’. It means that all other variables, except the one that you are studying, are assumed to be fixed or unchanged.
positive economics
Economics statements based on facts or evidence, free from subjectivity. They can be tested scientifically and proved or disproved.
e.g. if govt increases spending, unemploymentt will fall or brazil’s inflation rate in 2016 was 9%
normative economics
Economic statements based on norms, and thus based on subjective evaluation. They cannot be proved or disproved scientifically
e.g. healthcare should be free for all, extreme poverty should be eradicated
barter trade
The exchange of goods or services for other goods or services without using money.
(a bunch of shit abt history)
division of labour
The distribution of different parts of a manufacturing process or task to different people in order to improve efficiency.
mass production
The production of large quantities of a standardised product by an automated mechanical process.
A term that comes from the French phrase ‘laissez faire et laissez passer’ (it means approximately ‘leave alone’). It makes reference to the economic concept of government not interfering in the working of the free market.
The area of economics that studies the behaviour of individual economic agents, such as households, firms, industries and the government, and how they make economic decisions.
measure of satisfaction or usefulness a consumer receives when they consume a product.
total utility
The total satisfaction gained by consuming a certain amount of a good or service.
marginal utility
The total satisfaction gained by consuming a certain amount of a good or service.
law of diminishing marginal utility
The principle that as additional units of a good or services are consumed, the marginal utility will decline.
monetary policy
Where the central bank uses the money supply and interest rates to manage the economy.
fiscal policy
Fiscal policy is where the government adjusts government expenditure and/or taxation to stimulate the economy.
business cycles
The boom–bust cyclical nature of the economy.
business cycles
The boom-bust cyclical nature of the economy
budget deficit
A budget deficit arises when government expenditure is greater than tax revenue.
A sustained increase in the general price level over a period of time.
money supply
The total amount of money in circulation; it’s all the money individuals have available to spend at any given period of time. It consists of all of the coins, notes and bank balances and money available to consumers and producers to buy and sell goods.