12 - Endocrinology Flashcards
What are the three most common chronic conditions in childhood?
- Asthma
- Cerebral palsy
- Type 1 diabetes
What is the pathophysiology and aetiology of Type 1 diabetes?
Autoimmune condition where beta cells in the Islets of Langerhan’s are attacked by T-cells so they cannot produce insulin
Genetic component (HLA-DR)
Can be triggered by viruses like Coxisackie and Enterovirus
Peak onset 5-7 years
What is the typical presentation of T1DM in children?
- 50% present in DKA!!!!!
- Several weeks of polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss
- Secondary eneurisis
- Recurrent infections
If a child presents with symptoms of T1DM e.g polyuria, polydipsia, what investigations should you do for a diagnosis?
Symptoms plus a random blood glucose >11 is diagnostic
If no symptoms this is when two tests are needed on separate occasions
Always check ketones
If you suspect a child has T1DM in a GP, they should be immediately referred on the same day to a paediatric MDT team. What investigations will this team do?
- Random blood glucose: >11
- Ketones
- HbA1c: >6.5
- Autoantibodies: Insulin antibodies, anti-GAD antibodies and islet cell antibodies
- Fasting glucose: >7
- C-Peptide
- FBC and U+Es
- Autoantibodies for other autoimmune conditions e.g TFTs and TPO antibodies for hypothyroidism and anti-TTG for coaeliac
What are the autoantibodies in T1DM?
- Islet Cell antibody
- Anti-GAD antibody
- IA2 antibody
What are the principles of treatment for children with T1DM?
Provided by paediatric MDT with 24 hour access to advice
- Insulin regime
- Diet explained
- Recognising signs of hypo/hyperglycaemia and DKA and how to manage
- Sick day rules
- Blood glucose monitoring on waking, at each meal and before bed
- Diabetes UK
- Managing complications e.g foot care
What regime of insulin is usually given in paediatrics?
Basal Bolus
- Long acting insulin once a day
- Short acting insulin 30 minutes before meals based on amount of carbohydrates in meal
OR Insulin Pump
- Child needs to be over 12 and struggling with HbA1c control
- Cannula changed every 2-3 days and rotate sites
- Allows better control and less injections
- Tethered or Patch
Why do children need to rotate injection sites with insulin injections?
- Prevent lipodystrophy
- Ensure good absorption
What is the honeymoon period with T1DM?
- Immediately after diagnosis, insulin requirements may be very low if the pancreas is still able to produce a significant amount of insulin
- Need to monitor child closely during this because insulin requirements can suddenly increase as the remaining beta cells are destroyed
- Also, as blood glucose may be normal in this period on very low insulin doses, parents may incorrectly think that the condition has gone away
Hypoglycaemia is a short term complication of T1DM. How can we teach parents to recognise this and how can they manage it if it is mild?
Memorise image
Blood glucose below 4
Irritable, confused, hunger, sweaty, shaky dizziness, seizures
- Mild: 0.3g/kg rapid acting glucose such as glycogen or lucozade
- Monitor every 15 minutes
- If not improved repeat first step and monitor in another 10 minutes
- If improved then give long-acting carbohydrate to maintain e.g toast or biscuits
What are some examples of 10-20g glucose (0.3g/kg) to give to a child orally when they have hypoglycaemia?
- 3–6 glucose tablets
- 90–180 mL of fizzy drink or squash (not sugar-free)
- 50–100 mL of Lucozade Energy
- 2–4 spoonfuls of sugar added to a cup of drink (for example water)
- Four large jelly babies
- 1–2 tubes of Dextrogel 10g
If hypogylcaemia is severe (e.g LOC, seizures, coma) then it is not safe to give oral glucose. What can be given instead and at what dose?
IV 10% Dextrose: 2mg/kg bolus then 5mg/kg infusion
IM Glucagon: 0.5mg if <25kg, 1mg if >25kg
If response give long acting carbohydrate, if no response after 10 minutes ring 999
How can blood glucose levels be monitored short term?
Need to monitor at least 5 times a day in children, 4 times a day in adults
Glucose Meter: Capillary blood glucose taken on waking, two hours after meals, if feeling a hypo and before driving
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensor: Monitors the glucose levels in the interstitial fluid of the subcutaneous tissue, 5 minute time lag so if feeling hypo need to do capillary blood glucose. Need a new sensor every 2 weeks and need a reader
What are the long term complications of T1DM for children?
- Growth and pubertal development (delay in puberty and obesity)
Macrovascular Complications
- Coronary artery disease
- Peripheral ischaemia causes poor healing, ulcers and “diabetic foot”
- Stroke
- Hypertension
Microvascular Complications
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Retinopathy
- Kidney disease, particularly glomerulosclerosis
Infection Related Complications
- Urinary tract infections
- Pneumonia
- Skin and soft tissue infections, particularly in the feet
- Fungal infections, particularly oral and vaginal candidiasis
What accessories are needed for a person on insulin therapy?
- Needles
- Lancets
- Glucose meter
- Ketone meter
- Test strips
- Glucagon
- Sharps bin
- Insulin passport
Should you rub the site of an insulin injection?
NO! Increases rate of absorption
Can apply a bit of pressure to stop leakage
How often should a child with T1DM be followed up?
4 clinics a year
- Screen for retinopathy
- Check their feet
- Check blood glucose, HbA1c, microalbuminuria
What is the biggest cause of death due to DKA in children that is rare for adults?
Cerebral Oedema
Hypokalaemia and Aspiration pneumonia are other common causes
What is the pathophysiology of Diabetic Ketoacidosis?
Ketoacidosis, dehydration and potassium imbalance
Ketogenesis initiated when no insulin for fuel. Initially kidneys produce bicarbonate to buffer ketone acids in the blood but over time the ketone acids use up the bicarbonate and the blood starts to become acidic. This is called ketoacidosis
Glucose starts being filtered into the urine which draws water out with it in a process called osmotic diuresis. This causes the patient to urinate a lot and have excessive thirst
Potassium Imbalance
Insulin normally drives potassium into cells. Serum potassium can be high or normal in diabetic ketoacidosis, as the kidneys continue to balance blood potassium with the potassium excreted in the urine, however total body potassium is low because no potassium is stored in the cells. When treatment with insulin starts, patients can develop severe hypokalaemia very quickly, and this can lead to fatal arrhythmias
How may DKA present in a child?
- Polyuria
- Polydipsia
- Abdominal pain
- Kussmaul deep breathing
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weight loss
- Acetone smell to their breath
- Dehydration
- Drowsy
What is the diagnostic criteria for DKA?
- Hyperglycaemia (i.e. blood glucose > 11 mmol/l)
- Ketosis (i.e. blood ketones > 3 mmol/l and 3+ in urine)
- Acidosis (i.e. pH < 7.3) and Bicarbonate <15
What investigations should you do if you suspect DKA?
Need to find the source of infection or trauma
- U+Es - looking for electrolyte abnormalities
- FBC - looking for raised infective markers
- Blood cultures
- Urine MSU
- Chest x-ray - looking for focus of infection
- ECG - complications of potassium disturbance
How is the severity of DKA ranked?
8% dehydration is 80ml/kg dehydration