1.2 Banks Function And Role As Financia Intermediaries Flashcards
Banks perform three core functions for their customers
Operating payment mechanisms
Accepting deposits
Making loans
Operating payments mechanisms
Goods and services are exchanges for a sum of money, mutually agreed between buyer and seller.
Allowed customer to make and receive payments
Non bank companies = Worldpay
Accepting deposits
To keep money safe and secure and to be able to access it quickly and easily when you need it.
Accept deposits to make people’s savings work for as they earn interest and bank also use this money to lend to others
Making loans
For people who need to borrow
Helps fund peoples expensive (directly providers employment)
Charger higher rate of interest then what they pay to savers
Financial intermediation
Assets and liabilities - two main section on balance sheet
Loans that a bank make to its borrowers
This is what the borrowers owe to the bank
Deposits they accept from saves
Bank owe money to the deposits
Savers are those who lend money to the bank and this may be surplus money for them.
Effectively giving money to the bank
People who have money shortfall or in deficit
Borrow from the bank in overdrafts, loans and mortgages
Financial intermediation
Process by which money deposited by a bank (by savers) is lent to those who want to borrow money.
Accepting deposits from savers and using it to make loans to borrowers
What is the major financial intermediary
Commercial banks
Main providers of credit to businesses and ie virals
Main role of financial intermediary
Provides a mean of transferring and allocating money to places it can be used
Savers want banks to perform two main services
- Make payments - allows customers to have instant access to their money
(the quicker they have access when drawing their money- more liquidity) - Keep customers money safe - banks need to reduce the risk of savers not receiving their income
Lending responsibly
The banks duty
E.g. restrict the loan amount to what the customer can afford to repay
Reduces the risk of customers getting into financial difficulty and increases the likelihood of receiving the money back with interest
Three types of transformation
Size (aggregation)
Size transformation
Collecting large numbers of small deposits from savers and repackaging them into larger size loans
Maturity transformation
Medium long term loans to borrowers and at the same time allowing savers to have instant access to their money
Short term deposits are used to finance longer term loans
Risk transformation
Bank can make large number of loans to customers and can afford it small borrowers default.
Advanced systems for screening (banks use to identify potential risk characteristics)
Reduced risk as the bank pool its funds and is responsible for paying them out.
Banks hold its own capital (own funds)
Can receive a return on their surplus money as they can access their money quick and easy
Large amount of money
Long periods (25-30 year mortgage)
likely to be granted a loan when needed
Savers + borrowers
Both benefit from lower transaction costs
(Cost and money spent searching for counterparty - other party in transaction)
Maximise returns for its shareholders (owners)
Commercial bank make profit in 3 ways
- Pay depositors a lower ROI on their savings
- Charging fee on some products
- Purchasing shares and bonds in other companies
Profit margin
Difference between interest rate it pay to its savers and interest it charges to its borrowers
Turning an asset into cash easily and quickly without losing value
Commercial banks can access liquidity from:
- Deposits made by savers
- Loans and interest payments by borrowers
- Loans from other banks in the wholesale markets
‘Run on the bank’
Bank is running out of money
Bank must meet customers demand for cash when they need it
If not less confidence
Customers will then demand their money back simultaneously- can cause bank to fail
Relationship between profitability and liquidity
Balancing making profit from lending and investments and ensuring the bank has enough cash in reserve to pay its depositors money.
On the other hand, to hold enough cash readily available to meet customers immediate demands and towards profitability by making enough loans and generate profit.
Both these must achieve a balance so that there is safe level of liquidity
Money supply in a country and credit creation
Money supply = all currency and other liquid assets
Money supply tends to grow due to inflation and economic growth
Banks deposits is majority of the supply
Credit creation multiplier
Use new deposits from customers to make new loans to other customers.
- Bank receives a new deposit
- Bank keeps aside some of the money (keep in reserve) as they can’t lend it all out
- bank lends the rest to a borrower
- borrowers spends the borrowed money
- sellers pay the money into a bank account
All called ‘fractional reserve banking’
For fractional reserve banking to operate, various protections put in place
- depositors protection scheme = the scheme guarantees repayment or customers deposit up to a certain amount in the event of a bank failure
- hold reserves = in case of occasional periods of usually high withdrawals
- repayment = bank needs to have sufficient reserves to absorb any losses made in loans not being repaid
Parties transacting in financial products deal directly with each other instead of using a bank or third party as an intermediary
Two examples of disintermediation
- Peer to peer lending (P2P) - deal directly through online platform (fintech)
- Pension fund = buying company bonds directly in the financial markets
- Crowdfunding
Benefits of disintermediation
- greater returns for investors as dealing directly (benefit from reduced costs)
- alternative source of finance for those with poor credit score
- provides more diverse and cost efficient sources of credit for borrowers
Cons of disintermediation
- increase risk of making a wrong choice
Investing money directly in the FM, requires expertise and skills. Have to make decisions on your own without the help of an experienced intermediary. - loans can be made to more risky borrowers
Due to lack of information about borrower - act less prudently (risers for those dealing directly with each other)