1.2 Anatomy and Develop of Hypothal Pit and Pineal Flashcards
What week does the forebrain divide into 2 parts? what parts?
5th week, Telencephalon and Diencephalon
What 4 parts does the Diencephalon divide into?
Thalamus, subthalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
What area of the diencephalon gives rise to the hypothalamus?
Neuroblasts from the intermediate zone of the diencephalic (lateral) walls of the 3rd ventricle.
What is the tuber cinereum exposed to?
the subarachnoid space
what is the median eminence surrounded by?
The circle of willis
What is the floor of the optic recess of the 3rd ventricle?
the optic chiasm
The lateral and median saggittal zones of the hypothal are named so in relation to what structure?
lateral and medial to the fornix.
Medial Preoptic nucleus (preoptic region)
Regulates release of gonadotropic hormones from anterior pituitary.
Lateral Preoptic Nucleus (preoptic region)
Sleep, Damage/lesion leads to insomnia
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (supraoptic/Anterior region)
Circadian rhythm, connected to reticular formation & corpus striatum. Direct input from retina.
Anterior hypothalamic Nucleus (supraoptic)
Temperture regulation, stimulates parasympathetic NS. Lesion/Damage will cause hyperthermia.
Paraventricular Nucleus (supraoptic)
Connected to post pitvia neural tracts. Neurosecretory neurons: Synthesize & secrete oxytocin. Contraction of uterine & mammary smooth m - Parturition & milk ejection
Supraoptic nuc (supraoptic)
Connected to posterior pituitary via neural tracts. Neurosecretory neurons: Synthesize & secrete ADH/vasopressin to Increase reabsorption of water in kidney->decrease production of urine. Lesion causes diabetes insipidus.
Dorsomedial nuc (Tuberal region)
Fight or Flight
Ventromedial Nucleus (tuberal region)
Satiety center. Inhibits urge to eat. Damage or destruction can cause hyperphagia, obesity, rage