12/9 Flashcards
Clumping of molecules or cells caused by an antigen-antibodies reaction
Proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to antigens
Any foreign substance or cell in the body that reacts with antibodies
Lines of convergence
A two-dimensional view of the intersection of lines formed by drawing a line through the main axis at least two drops of blood that indicates the general area of the source of the blood splatter
Point of Origin
Three-dimensional view formed using lines of convergence and angles of impact of at least two different drops of blood to identify the source and location of blood splatter
Red Blood Cells
Donut-shaped cells that carry oxygen throughout the body
Satellite Drop of Blood
Secondary drop formed when some blood breaks free from the main contact drop of blood
White Blood Cells
Cells that police the body by destroying foreign materials
Liquid portion of the blood carrying dissolved materials
Cell fragments that aid in the clotting process
Oxygen carrier that gives red blood cells their color
Degree to which a substance is poisonous or can cause injury
Acute Toxicity
High does over a short period of time which produces immediate symptoms
Chronic Exposure
Lower over dose long periods of time producing symptoms gradually
Study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms
An addictive drug that relieves pain, alters mood and behavior, and causes sleep/feelings of mental numbness
Controlled substance that affects user´s perceptions, thinking, self awareness and emotions
Increase feelings of energy and alertness while suppressing appetite
Relieves anxiety, produces sleep, reduces heart rate
Anabolic Steroids
Promote cell and tissue growth and division