1.2 Flashcards
A problem solving a strategy of breaking a problem apart into a smaller problem
A default value is a value that is a variable that will have no action taken by the user.
Digital information has discrete values with gaps between the values. Digital information can be exactly represented using a binary representation. Digital information can be duplicated exactly, without loss in quality. Digital information can be transmitted error-free
Digital Divide
The contrast between two groups’ access to computing resources and the Internet on the basis of race, wealth, or national boundaries
Economic Impact
Economic impacts of computing include changes in the numbers types, and wages of jobs, and changes in the amount, type, and cost of services, goods, and materials produced
To determine the result of an expression
An action that triggers an event handler to be executed, such as user input or a timer’s alarm
Event handler
A part of a program that runs when an event occurs
Global variable
A variable that can be used anywhere in a program, unlike a local variable, which can only be used in one portion of a program. In App Inventor, procedures, event handlers, and for loops can create a local variable that can only be used inside that procedure, event handler, or for loop
Information provided to the computer from a person or from another computer, through input devices such as the keyboard, mouse, or touch screen
The way a human interacts with a computer through the input and output
Modeling and simulation
A model is a simplified description of some object or phenomenon. A simulation is a computer-executed version, often predicting how an initial state will evolve over time
Information sent by the computer to a person or to another computer, through output devices such as a display or printer, speaker, or motor
Variables that can be used inside a procedure. The variables are initialized with arguments’ values when the procedure is called.
The component of a computer that follows instructions
Professional Greeting
A standardized procedure that professionals use when they meet or begin work together
A variable that stores information about an object
Social impacts
Social impacts of computing include changes in how people communicate with each other and in how groups of people form and function, including circles of friends and structures of government
Sprint task list
A list of small steps to accomplish, breaking down a user story from the backlog
A sequence of characters
Team Norms
Team norms are agreements among all team members. Team norms typically spell out that all team members will provide input and provide protocols for communication, work together, and conflict resolution
A place in memory to store a value
Voltage is the energy difference per electron between two locations. The energy can be converted to kinetic energy when electrons fall from low voltage to high voltage