12/29 Flashcards
◎ Rev 1 The Summary and Conclusion of the Entire Book of Revelation, The Beginning of the Events of Revelation and the Mystery of the Seven Stars and the Seven Golden Lampstand
1. The fulfillment of Rev begins with the appearance of ① whom, with reference verse.
① The seven messengers, Rev 1:20
◎ Rev 1 The Summary and Conclusion of the Entire Book of Revelation, The Beginning of the Events of Revelation and the Mystery of the Seven Stars and the Seven Golden Lampstand
1. ② When did the work of Rev fulfillment begin, and
② 1966
◎ Rev 1 The Summary and Conclusion of the Entire Book of Revelation, The Beginning of the Events of Revelation and the Mystery of the Seven Stars and the Seven Golden Lampstand
1. ③ write down the reality of where the fulfillment begins.
③ The Tabernacle Temple at the bottom of Mt Cheong-gye in Gwacheon
◎ Rev 2-3 The Letters Sent to the Messengers of the Seven Churches
2. ① What are the contents in the letters sent in Rev 2-3, and how many are there?
① 3 things: what you have seen, what is now, and what will soon take place
◎ Rev 2-3 The Letters Sent to the Messengers of the Seven Churches
2. ② Write down in order the 3 entities that appear, and
② Seven messengers, Nicolaitans, John
◎ Rev 2-3 The Letters Sent to the Messengers of the Seven Churches
2. ③ write down what each of them did.
③ Seven messengers: work of lampstand to prepare the way / Nicolaitans: food sacrificed to idols, teaching, sexual immorality / John: wrote the letters of repentance and words of promise
- Write down what the three mysteries in Rev are with reference verses
① The seven stars and seven golden lampstand, Rev 1:20
② The prostitute, Babylon, and the beast with seven heads and ten horns, Rev 17:5,7
③ The last seventh trumpet, Rev 10:7
◎ Rev 4 God’s Throne and Structure in the Spiritual Realm
4. In Rev 4:8, it is recorded that God’s throne will come down to this earth. ① Where, in which Rev chapter, does it come down to? And
① Mt Zion in Rev 14 where the 12 tribes 144,000 are gathered
◎ Rev 4 God’s Throne and Structure in the Spiritual Realm
4. In Rev 4:8, it is recorded that God’s throne will come down to this earth. ② what is the reality of this place?
② Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
◎ Rev 5 The Book Sealed with Seven Seals
5. The ‘book sealed with seven seals’ in the right hand of God in Rev 5 is the book of Revelation. ① What is the reason that no one in heaven or earth could know about the contents of this sealed book, and
① Because the realities have not appeared yet
◎ Rev 5 The Book Sealed with Seven Seals
5. The ‘book sealed with seven seals’ in the right hand of God in Rev 5 is the book of Revelation. ② what is the content of the sealed book?
② God’s secret that is to be fulfilled
◎ Rev 6 The Judgment Regarding the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed
6. In Rev 6, ① who judges and works with
① Jesus
◎ Rev 6 The Judgment Regarding the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed
6. In Rev 6, who judges and works with ② whom,
② The Four Living Creatures
◎ Rev 6 The Judgment Regarding the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed
6. In Rev 6, who judges and works with whom, ③ to judge whom?
③ The chosen people that betrayed (the seven messengers and the tabernacle congregation members)
◎ Rev 6 The Judgment Regarding the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed
6. In Rev 6, who judges and works with whom, to judge whom? And ④ those that are kicked out in Rev 6 are killed in which two Rev chapters?
④ Rev 8, Rev 9
◎ Rev 7 The Newly Created Twelve Tribes of New Spiritual Israel
7. The sealed people in Rev 7 come after ① which event,
① After the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars of the former heaven that betrayed in Rev 6
◎ Rev 7 The Newly Created Twelve Tribes of New Spiritual Israel
7. The sealed people in Rev 7 come after which event, and ② how and where did they come from,
② Harvested from the harvest field
- The sealed people in Rev 7 … ③ write down their reality.
③ 144,000 Shincheonji 12 Tribes 144,000
◎ Rev 8~9 The Last Seal and the Seven Trumpets, The Locusts from the Abyss and Angels Who Sinned
8. ① What is the reason for the trumpet sounds in Rev 8? Also,
① The sealed book is now fully open because the seals have all been open
◎ Rev 8~9 The Last Seal and the Seven Trumpets, The Locusts from the Abyss and Angels Who Sinned
8.② who are the ones that are killed in Rev 8~9,
② Those who were kicked out in Rev 6
◎ Rev 8~9 The Last Seal and the Seven Trumpets, The Locusts from the Abyss and Angels Who Sinned
8.② who are the ones that are killed in Rev 8~9,
② Those who were kicked out in Rev 6
◎ Rev 8~9 The Last Seal and the Seven Trumpets, The Locusts from the Abyss and Angels Who Sinned
8.② who are the ones that are killed in Rev 8~9,
② Those who were kicked out in Rev 6
◎ Rev 8~9 The Last Seal and the Seven Trumpets, The Locusts from the Abyss and Angels Who Sinned
8.③ how are the first six trumpet sounds different from the seventh trumpet sound?
③ First six trumpets: death of the betrayers / Seventh trumpet: trumpet of salvation
◎ Rev 9 The Locusts from the Abyss and the Angels Who Sinned
9. Write down to which affiliation the “rider and horse” belong to in Rev 9 and 19 respectively.
① Spirit and flesh belonging to the devil, and the spirit and flesh belonging to God
◎ Rev 9 The Locusts from the Abyss and the Angels Who Sinned
9. What is the ② “head” and ③ “tail” respectively of the horse that appears in Rev 9,
② the dragon’s seven pastors
③ false prophet
◎ Rev 9 The Locusts from the Abyss and the Angels Who Sinned
9. ④ what is the meaning of the “fire, smoke, and sulfur” that comes out of the horse’s mouth?
④ False doctrines and teachings
◎ Rev 10 The Revealed Book from Heaven and the Promised Pastor
10. ① In regard to the ‘revelation of the Old Testament fulfillment,” at the First Coming, write down who received and ate it and where it was testified to, along with reference verses.
① Jesus, rebellious Israel, Eze 3, Mt 15:24