12/18 US History test C20 & C21 part 2 Flashcards
Washington Naval Treaty
- 10 years moratorium on the naval shipbuilding
- U.S, Britain, France, Italy, and Japan to scrap their 5 largest ships
Sale, manufacture, transportation of alcohol illegal
Scopes Trial
religion vs science
- a literal interpretation of the bible
- skeptical of many scientific discoveries such as evolution
Fundamentalist views on alcohol
the crime, slums, and child abuse
Great Immigration
movement of Southern Blacks to the North looking for work
Labor Unions in the 1920s
+many Unions do not accept African Americans
+farmers who migrated to cities used to caring for themselves
+immigrants willing to work under poor conditions
+multitude of languages made organizing difficult
Dawes Plan
- US loaned Germany $2.5 billion to pay Britain, France
- Britain, France paid the US with the US’s own money
Charles Lindbergh
1st nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic
John L. Lewis
Labor Unrest
leading coal miner’s strike (United Mine Workers)