今日台湾 12 课 Flashcards
Cost B morpheme
East coast n
岸 an4 8 Shan sound guang sound gan sound
东岸 dong1an4 east coast
strait (here referring to the Taiwan straight located between Taiwan island and mainland china)
海峡 hai3xia2
Xia2 9 left mountain right lai need to come to mountain to pass the straight
In prep
于 yu2
The republic of china founded in 1912
民国 min2guo2
To terminate
To alleviate להקל
解除 jie3chu2
Martial law
משטר צבא
戒严法 jie4yan2fa3
Jie4 7 sword and grass war
To go to
To attend
赴 fu4 9 left meaning right also meaning go out
Mainland china
Mainland continent
大陆 da4lu4
Lu4 7 place and mountain meaning
To visit ones family or relatives
V sep
探亲 tan4qin1
Tan4 11深入 shen1ru4 sound and hand for meaning bring presents
To break
To put an end to
打破 da3po4
Antagonistic hostile
Vs pred
对立 dui4li4
A deadlock an impass a stalemate מבוי סתום
僵局 jiang1ju2
Jiang1 15 both sides of the field
To initiate to implement v
展开 zhan3kai1
to contact v
Contact n
Chu 13 right 蜂 强
To establish
To set up
设立 she4li4
She4 6
Association for exchanges across the Taiwan straits
The name of the Taiwan agency
海基会 hai3ji1hui4 or 海峡交流基金会 hai3xia2 jiao1liu2 ji1jin1hui4
Association for exchanges across the Taiwan straights
The name of the Beijing agency
海协会 hai3xie2hui4
xie2 6 shi Sound and right meaning
hai3xia2 liang3an4 guan1xi1 xie2hui4
To draw up
To formulate
להכין טיוטה של גירסה
制定 zhi4ding4
政策 Zheng4ce4
Ce4 12 bambuk for pare where policy is drawn tree also paper where policy is drawn
Regulations and rules n
条例 tiao2li4
Tiao is the mw not really tree below part
legal system n
法制 fa3zhi4
Foundation n
基础 ji1chu3
chu3 10 stone for meaning right for sound
The church is foundation 基督教
System n
体系 ti3xi4
To promote to advance v
促进 cu4jin4
Cu4 9 left meaning right zu leg sound
The republic of china roc n
The people republic of china prc n
中华民国 zhong1hua2 min2guo2
中华人民共和国 zhong1hua2 ren2min2 gong4he2guo2
To relax restrictions v
To urge to encourage v
鼓励 gu3li4
gu3 13 left is xihuan and right mw for pens and fireworks I love fireworks I love encouraging me
Li4 7 left sound 厉害 right also sound
academic n
学术 xue2shu4
Science and technology n
科技 ke1ji4
ke1 9 grain and material the essence of sience
Ji4 7 left meaning build technology right sound zhi
Three linkages or three links n which are:
To open up postal services n
To open up transportation services n
To open up trade n
三通 san1tong1
通邮 tong1you2
通航 tong1hang
通商 tong1shang1