118 Flashcards
- According to the APM, what size and type of rope is required for lowering a person from a pole?
Workload rating equal to 1/2”
APM 1022
What are the basic steps in pole top rescue?
- Clear victim of imminent danger.
- Administer first aid.
- Lower the victim to the ground.
Reference: APM Rule 1022.a
- What is the purpose of a breakaway reel?
This reel is designed to recover overhead, as well as underground, conductors that are to be salvaged.
Reference: Rigging Standards Manual, p. 79
What are the maximum fault duties for the three sizes of grounds used on distribution
112 =9,000 A
2/0 =18,000 A
4/0 = 30,000 A
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual, Table 3-1
What size grounds should be used on 1/0 ACSR circuit with a fault duty of 10,000 A?
For aluminum conductors 1/0 AWG or smaller, then #2 AWG copper grounds may be used for grounding, regardless of source voltage and fault current duty.
OGM Table 3-1
How does a lineman find the fault duty for a particular circuit?
Refer to the Protection Engineering website.
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual, 2.3.2
How often is grounding equipment tested?
Every 2 years, through GARP.
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual, 5.1
Under what circumstance is it required that the substation ground grid be used as the grounding medium?
The substation ground grid shall be used as a ground medium when grounding ‘Within 40 feet of the substation ground grid and proper locations shall be selected for routing and attaching grounds to the substation ground grid,
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual, 3.6.2
What size conductors are typically used in single-phase lighting secondaries?
Certain sizes of conductors are most commonly used for lighting secondaries: 1/0 aluminum or #2 copper in all residential areas except those designed for minimum service, and 4/0 aluminum or 2/0 copper where the initial installation requires transformers larger than 25 kVA.
Reference: DOH, 400.1.0
The APM prescribes two safety guidelines that must be performed prior to working on a transformer with banked secondaries. What are they?
\Nhere secondaries of transformers are banked or there is a posslbility of a backfeed, the transformer secondary leads shai! be disconnected in addition to pulling primary fuses before any work is done on a transformer.
APM 217
What are the minimum acceptable Megger test values for accepting both new and old
transformers, prior to installation?
New: >999 MO. Old: >500 MO.
Why are Megger checks performed on transformers?
The Megger measures the effectiveness of a transformer’s electrical insulation.
What is special about Megger and TTR tests on 6.9 kV/9.5 kV (0-Ground} 240/120 V, non- fused, single-phase looped BURD transformers with three low-voltage bushings?
No Megger test is possible since both windings and the tank are all connected.
Reference: Megger and TTR Reference Manual for Testing Distribution Transformers, Megger and TTR Testing of Specific Transformer Types 5.0
. List two examples of transformer defects that may be detected with TTR and Megger checks
A transformer can become defective in several ways. Broken insulation or shifting components can lead to shorts either within windings or between leads and the case or between windings and the core. Any one of the many connections inside the transformer can open up due to improper crimping or brazing or improperly secured fasteners. Leads may be routed incorrectiy during the assembly process resulting in incorrect polarity.
Each of the defects just described may be detected using the Megger and TTR
What five precautions must be observed before and/or during Megger testing of a transformer?
Isolate the Transformer.
Watch out for Shocks
Make Good Electrical Contact with the Terminals Vent the Transformer
Understand the Transformer Nameplate
Reference: Megger and TIR Reference Manuai for Testing Distribution Transformers,
Why are TTR checks performed on distribution transformers, priorto installation?
The function of this meter is to identify defects that would show up as anomalies in the turns ratio of the transformer
- Describe what a transformers polarity is.
The relative instantaneous direction of current through the coils of a transformer
2nd step transformer theory manual
What is the maximum acceptable level of error (percentage) when performing a TIR check on a.transformer?
IEEE standards allow manufacturers to build transformers with percentage errors up to 0.5 %. This is the number that the TIR uses to determine whether the transformer being tested passes or fails.
Reference: Megger and TIR Reference Manual for Testing Distribution Transformers, TIRS.O
What is the purpose of a transformer tap changer? How does it work?
Tap changers allow the transformer to be “fine tuned” so that the output of the transformer remains at the rated low voltage despite a higher- or lower-system voltage. This “fine tuning” is accomplished by increasing or decreasing the effective number of turns in the high-voltage winding.
Reference: Megger and TIR Reference Manual for Testing Distribution Transformers,
. Is it permissible to operate a transformer’s tap changer while it is energized or part of a bank?
No. a transformer, and its bank, must be off line.
Reference: 2nd Step Transformer Theory Training Manual
Concerning poie framing and crossarm construction on a rural pole, when are V-braces required?
Use V-braces for wire size larger than #2 copper and 1/0 .ASCR.
DOH Figure DC 500
is it permissible to reduce the required 6-foot clearance between secondary conductors and communications lines? lf so, how?
Yes, with the installation of a guard arm.
Reference: DOH, Figure DC 200-1 Note 2
What is the requirement for placing HIGH VOLTAGE signs on wood poles with crossarm(s) supporting the lowest level of the line conductors energized in excess of 750 V?
HIGH VOLTAGE signs are placed to encircie the pole so that the top of the sign is located
nomore than 40 inches below the lowest level of the line conductors energized in excess
of 750 V. ~
Reference: OOH, PO 12.0.2 3.1
- What are the ampacities for each of the following conductor types/sizes?
#4 ACSR - 160 1/0 ACSR - 280 4/0 ACSR - 415 336 ACSR - 605 653 ACSR - 920 #4AT-110 #2 AT - 145 1/0 AT - 190 4/0 AT - 300 1/0 AQ - 180 4-0 AQ - 275 DOH CO - 106
What is the WLL of a stabilizer (silver) gin?
Rigging Standards Manual figure 205
What is a USA, and when would it be required? What company provides SCE with USA service?
USA= Underground Service Alert. USA information is provided to SCE by DigAlert.
State of California Government Code 4216 mandates that anyone doing excavation work shall call at least two working days prior to commencement of any excavation. lf you are performing this type of work in California or ~Nevada, please call Underground Service Alert at (811) or (800} 227-2600..
Reference: Electrical Service Requirements, ER-14.0
What is the secondarv’ climbing space dimensions for the following?
a) Arm construction
b) Triplex construction
c) Rack construction
a) 30 inches square
b) 30inchessquare
c) Diameter of pole+ Su (2Y2” and 2 Yz’’ on each side) x 30” deep x 38” across the backside.
Reference: DOH, Figures DC 100-1, 100-4, and 320-i
When using a hand hoist, is it acceptable to use the chain and hook in a choker configuration? Why or why not?
No. The hook will break under stress.
Reference: Rigging Standards Manual, Figure 147
What are the three basic nylon siing hitches?
Straight Pull
Choker Hjtch
Basket Hitch
Reference: Rigging Standards Manuai, Figure 84
What is the correct type of wire used in under the arm fiber?
insulated conductors.
Reference: DOH, DC 323 and G,O. 95, S4.6C2
What are the clearance requirements for a streetlight electrolier and secondary
No specified clearance is required for supply service drops 0-750 V if the streetlight pole is non-climbable and the cable is suitably insulated and mechanically protected. See G.O. 95, Rule #54-8-D (1)
Reference: DOH, Figure SL 106-1
What is the maximum height at point of attachment for residential services?
30 feet
Reference-: ESR, ESR-2 Figure 2-1
A clip-on ammeter reads 10 A on a 120 V conductor. What is the resistance?
R = E/I
R=120 V/ 10 A= 12 0hms
How much current would a 240 V heater, with 30 0 resistance, draw?
I= [,;-R I=240V-;-300 =8A
- lf a circuit has a total resistance of 20 0 and a current of 3 A, what is the voltage of the circuit?
E=lx R
E=6Ax200 =120V.
A 5000 W electric heating unit is supplied by a 240 V circuit. What is the current drawn by · the heater?
! =P+E
I =5000 W + 240 V =20.8 A
How is the total resistance in a series circuit calculated?
It is cumulative, i.e. Rr =R1+R2+R3 etc.
What is the full load (in amps} for a 100 kVA single-phase transformer with 120/240 V secondary service?
100,000 VA/ 240 V = 416.66 A
- A single-phase 120/240 Vcircuit is tested with a voltmeter and an ammeter with the following results: 240 Vand 200 A. At the time of measurement, the service meter measures 36 kW. What is the power factor?
36000/ 240 x 200 = .75
What is the full load for a 300 kVA three-phase transformer bank with 240 Vsecondaries?
f = _£_x_1_7.-3 300,000 VA
l =240 vx 1.73 =722.5A
- What ls the main benefit and drawback of a radial distribution system?
Benefit: Cheapest and simplest Drawback: least reliable
What is the purpose of a distribution transformer?
Distribution transformers reduce primary voltages to secondary voltages to supply electrical service to customers
What are the different types of generating stations?
What is a “B” bank substation?
‘B” banks are SCE’s distribution transformers.
- List eight different types of “B” banks.
66/16 kV 66/12 kV 66/4 kV 33/12 kV 33/4 kV 16/4 kV 12/4 kV 12/2.4 kV
What must an employee do upon entering an attended substation?
- Report to the System Operator.
- Enter required informatiDn rn the Visitor Log.
- Provide System Operator with suitable contact information.
- Using the transformer diagram below, draw in the wiring for a three-phase, 3-wire - three- phase, 3 wire, ‘with a floating neutral, delta wye configuration.
- Using the transformer diagram below, draw in the wiring for a three-phase, 4-wire – three- phase, 4-wire, wye-wye configuration
- What type of electrical a hazard would Linemen, working on a de-energized line that parallels an energized high voltage line, be exposed?
- How often should the neutral of a 12 kV, 4-wire circuit be grounded?
At intervals up to 1,200 feet.
Reference: DOH, GR Figure GR 110-1
- \When grounding multiple circuits on one structure, how are the ground conductor sizes determined
By the maximum size conductor and/or greatest fauit-current duty on the structure.
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual 3.2
- Regarding determining ground co0ductor sizes, how is the ‘ Redbook” utilized?
The Redbook provides the highest fault duty listed for the line voltage being worked.
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual 3.2
- What is fault duty?
The maximum rated current that a circuit may handle in a fault condition.
Reference: 2nd Step Overhead Grounding Training Manual
- List the approved grounding mediums, in order of priority.
Approved ground mediums in order of priority are:
-Substation ground grid
-Multi-grounded primary neutral
-Steel structures (except light duty tubular steel poles)
- Anchor rods
If none of the foregoing is available, use approved temporary ground rod(s) (see Section 3.6.4)
Reference: Reference: Grounding Manual 3.6,1; APM 141
- What are temporary ground rods? When would they be used?
Temporary ground rods are 5/8 inch copper clad steel material. Temporary ground rod(s) may be used as an approved ground medium when priority ground mediums are not available.
Reference: Reference: Grounding Manual 3.6.7
- Define step potential and touch potential.
Step Potential - The electrical potential difference between two points on the earth’s surface, separated by distance of one pace.
Touch Potential -The electrical potential difference between a grounded metallic structure and a point on the earth’s surface separated by a distance of a typical reach.
Reference: Reference: Grounding Manual 3.6.8
- What is the minimum height at which pole bands are to be installed?
12 feet
Reference: Reference: Grounding Manual 3.6.9
- On a wood pole with two pole bands installed, where is the EPZ located?
In cases where workers have installed two pole bands, the workspace EPZ will be the area on the pole between the two pole bands.
Reference: Reference: Grounding Manual 3.6.10
- A connector on a ground assembly has broken, but it appears to be easily repaired. is it
permissibie to make the repair and then use the ground assembly?
No. Ground assemblies shall not be modified, dissemblea, repaired and/or reassembled after receiving from GARP.
Reference: G.O. 95
- Explain how to phase the secondaries of two single-phase transformers?
-Make sure the transformers to be banked are connected to the same primary phases and set on the same primary tap (if applicable).
-Check for proper voltage on each transformer
-Make sure the neutral is connected to establish a relationship between the two transformers.
-Using a voltmeter, check across phases between the different transformers. Conductors with zero volts are the same phase and full voltages are indicating opposite phases.
-Check for zero volts and connect the two wires. -Check for zero voltage before making any subsequent connections.
Reference: 2”d Step Transformer Connections Training Manual
- What precaution must be taken when stringing wire parallei to lines energized in excess of 35 kV
When stringing parallel to lines energized in excess of 35 kV, the conductor being installed or removed shall be pulled over grounded rollers at the first structure adjacent. to both the tensioning and pulling set-up.
Reference: APMRule 214.c
- What is the most important factor for making good low resistance connections with
overhead conductors? Why is this factor important?
CLEANLINESS is the most important requirement for good low resistance connections.
Oxygen in air reacts with aluminum ver; rapidly to form aluminum oxide, a film highly resistant to electrical current
Reference: DOH, CO 100.1 3.0
- Why is it important to install aluminum and ACSR conductors with the correct sag?
Aluminum and ACSR conductors have a tendency to creep or stretch under prolonged tension greater than 20 percent of the conductor’s ultimate strength. For a conductor installed with less sag than that specified for given span length and temperature, stretching may start immediately or it may occur later when a drop in temperature further tightens the conductor. This may cause relaxation of pressure in connections.
Over time, relaxation can produce overheating in connections.
Reference: DOH, CO 100.11.0
- Why are ACSR conductors factory-greased?
Corrosion is aluminum’s worst enemy and moisture in contact with aluminum greatly speeds the corrosion process. Inhibitor compounds prevent the entrance and entrapment of moisture and thus prevent corrosion.
Reference: DOH, CO 100.1 2.0
- When dead-ending triplex to a crossarm, what is the minimum clearance between the bare neutral and the pole’s centerline?
15 inches.
Reference: DOH, Figure DC 321-1
- When dead-ending triplex in rack construction, what component is used to provide additional clearance from the po!e?
3-spool extension rack.
Reference: DOH, Figure DC 323-1
- When dead-ending triplex in rack construction, what is the minimum installation clearance from communications and/or primary lines? May this minimum be reduced? if so, how?
Minimum of 6 feet.
Yes. May be reduced to 4 feet with instailation of a guard arm.
Reference: OOH, Figure DC 323-1
- A lineman is dead-ending ACSR conductor to a crossarm, and installs a copper dead-end device during the work? What, if anything, ls wrong with this scenario?
Do not use aluminum dead-end devices on copper conductors or bronze and copper devices on ACSR or aluminum conductors.
Reference: DOH, CO 100.1 7,0
- What is the acceptable range for the angle in 1/0 ACSR on an angle pole with single arm construction?
15 to 30 degrees
Reference; DOH, Table DC 415-1
- A 45-foot pole with one line arm, and no guys is found deteriorated. What option(s) are
available to address this problem?
Steel stub, fiberglass wrap, or replace
Reference: DOH, Table PO 147-1
- A 45-foot pole with one line arm at a Grade ‘A’ railroad crossing is found deteriorated. What option(s) are available to address this problem?
Replace the pole.
Reference: DOH, Table PO 147-1
- What method should never be used to bend a pole to achieve the desired rake?
Never bend poles by pulling the guy.
Reference: DOH, PO 100.7 1.8
- After removing a pole from a paved area, or an area subject to pedestrian traffic, what must be done?
After a pole is removed, the pole holes must be completely backfilled and thoroughly tamped. The backfill shall be leveled to grade with no depression or mound allowed. When a pole is removed from paved area or area subject to pedestrian traffic, fill top 6
inches of the hole with asphalt patch or concrete.
Reference: DOH, Table PO 100.7 2.0
- What is the minimum size ground conductor for grounding applications involving wood poles?
#6 copper Reference: DOH, 100.11.5
- What is the minimum depth for lateral ground conductors?
18 inches below finished grade.
Reference: DOH, 100.11.3
- How is grounding achieved for a single-phase 120/240 V secondary circuit?
All single-phase circuits not exceeding 250 V shall have the neutral point of the transformer grounded per G.O. 95, Rule 58.3-Cl.
Reference: DOH, GR 100.1 4.1
- When establishing the neutral grounds on a 4-wire system, what is the minimum clearance between the ground wire attachment point and the centerline of the pole?
18 inches.
Reference: DOH, Figure GR 110-1
- What is the main reason why pole top extensions are installed?
To avoid pole replacement.
Reference: DOH, PO 150.11.0
- What are the two types of pole top extensions? Which is preferred?
Two types of pole top extensions are approved for use on the Distribution System: fiberglass and wood.·
The fibergiass extension is preferred, but job conditions may exist that exceed its capabilities so the alternate wood extension should be used.
Reference: DOH, PO 150.11.0
- When separate bond wires are run on the same pole, what is the minimum clearance that must be maintained between them?
6 inches
Reference: DOH, GR 300.1.6
- Below what voltage may rubber gloves be used to contact energized wood pole bond wires?
20 kV
Reference: APM Rule 203.a.1
- List three situations where pole stubbing is not permitted.
A. Poles in llne of Grade ‘A’ construction.
B. Poles carrying transformers.
C. Angle poles, or poles carrying extra stresses.
Reference: DOH, PO 140.11.1
- What length pole stub would be used on a 60-foot pole?
15 feet.
Reference: DOH, Table PO 140-1
- When stubbing a 60-foot pole, how many total bands are required for attaching the pole stub?
Four straps; two each, top and bottom.
Reference: DOH, Table PO 140-1
- For what two purposes is pole set-urethane foam used?
Pole straightening.
Pole setting in unstable or loose soils,
Reference: DOH, Figure PO 140-3
- What precaution should be made when instailing guy wires in coastal areas?
A corrosion-resistant Bezinal guy wire is available for use in coastal areas and other locations where standard galvanized steel guy wire has been susceptible to severe corrosion damage.
Reference: DOH, PO 300.1 2;2
- What factors must be determined when selecting the prnper sized guy wire?
- Conductor tension.
- Guy angle.
Reference: DOH,1 PO 300.1 2.2
- When are plastic “snapper” guy guards installed?
On all new and rebuild construction.
At the Forman’s discretion
Reference: DOH, PO 350.1
- How is the minimum anchor guy lead determined?
- From Table PO 320-1 (Sheet 3} determine that each guy wlll support one-ha if of the total conductor pull.
- Find in Table PO 320-4 (Sheet 6) a conductor pull safe for one guy that exceeds the value of step one.
- Find in Table PO 320-2 (Sheet 4) the value under the height (guy to ground) for the corresponding height and angle
- What is the minimum clearance between the case, or hanger, of a 2.4 kV transformer and the secondary level?
10 inches
Reference: DOH, Figure AP 110-1
- What two checks must always be performed prior to paralleling the secondary side of
Proper voltage and phasing.
Reference: OOH, AP 114
- When constructing a 3-single-phase overhead transformer bank, ho1N is the primary neutral ground connected?
Primary neutral ground is to be connected to the surge arrester and the tank discharge gap ground, but separate from secondary neutral ground.
Reference: DOH, Figure AP 116.2
- What is the minimum size conductor used for single-phase transformer grounds?
#6 copper Reference: DOH, GR 106
- When constructing a 12/16 kV 2-single-phase transformer bank, what is the minimum
distance between the primary line arm and the transformers’ fuse holder arm?
30 inches.
Reference: DOH, Figure AP 122-1
- Typically, what component would be used to mount two 2.4 kV transformers on a pole?
What is the weight limit for this component?
A two-transformer mounting bracket. 1,600 lbs.
Reference: DOH, Figure AP 114-1
- What are the acceptable fuse types/options for 2.4/4.16/4.8 kV circuits?
15 kV Open Cutout Enclosed Cutout Bay-0-Net Cutout 8 kV ELF 14.4 kV SMU-20
Referenee: DOH, Table PR 100-1
- Is it permissible for a 15 kV universal cutout to be used on a 12 kV circuit?
Yes, if the fault duty is less than 6.25 kA, and the circuit is located in a light contaminated area.
Reference: DOH, Table PR 107-1, note 8
- For what applications (voltages) is the 14.4 kV SMU-20 used?
The 14.4 kV SMU-20 is used in all system voitages 16 kV and below.
Reference: DOH, Table PR 107-3, note 1
- What is the purpose of a lightning arrester? How does it work?
To protect apparatus from lightning strikes.
Provides a path to ground, bypassing the apparatus it is protecting.
Reference: DOH, AP 400
I 01. Regarding lightning arrester selection, how are the SCE districts divided?
Low/medium lightning density districts High lightning density districts
Reference: DOH, AP 400
- What is the preferred method of overhead grounding?
Equal potential bracket grounding is the preferred method for all situations.
This method requires a set of grounds between the worksite and every source of supply. in addition, an equal potentia! zone (workspace) sha!I be created at the worksite. Equal potential bracket grounding applies to any type of structure.
Reference: Oveihead Grounding Manual 3.6.1 3.1
- May grounds be installed by hand? When installing grounds, are the grounds first to the ground medium or the conductor/equipment?
No. Always use approved live-line tools to install, relocate and remove grounds.
The grounding devices shall first be connected to a ground before being brought in contact with any conductor to be grounded.
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manual 2.3 10, APM Rule 141.c
- What are the maintenance requirements for firecrackers?
A continuity test with an approved ohmmeter shall be made on the device every six months. The meter should indicate between 9,000 and 11,000 ohms for a satisfactory test. A higher or lower reading indicates that the device is defective and the device should not be used. Also at this time, verify that the attaching clips are in good condition.
Reference: DOM, TE-7 5.4
- Why are firecrackers used?
The grounding device is used to connect one phase of a 480 V service to ground through a high resistance. This connection eliminates the possibility of a high capacitive phase-to-ground voltage.
Reference: DOM, TE-7 4.2.B.1
- Typically, where is a temporary grounding device (firecracker) installed when de- energizing a three-phase bank?
At the meter panel
Reference: DOM, TE-7 4.2.B.1
- Why would a firecracker be warm?
With a flow-of-fault current, the tempora:y grounding device will tend to heat up. If the tube of the device feels substantially warmer on rernovai then when Installed, there is a good possibility that the customer has a ground fault. However, this does not always indicate that, if the tube is not warmer there is not customer ground.
Reference: DOM, TE-7 4.2.8,3
- What is a distribution tap line?
A line normally energized above 600 volts having but one source of supply that has been disconnected from its sources at a field location. Not included in the above is a line that has been disconnected from its single source of supply at a substation or generating station.
Reference: APM Definitions
- When is the performance of CPR stopped?
Continue CPR until medical help arrives or you become exhausted.
Reference: APM Rule 1015.c.7
1IO. Describe how ground assemblies are inspected and maintained.
Transmission and Distribution ground assemblies shall be disassembled, cleaned, inspected and periodically tested.
A clear heat shrink sleeve with date tape installed under sleeve shall be applied to each ground assernoly that has passed testing. This is performed as part of the GARP.
The date tag shall indicate the month and year of testing. Grounds should not be used if the date tag is not legible, missing, or if the date is over two years old.
Reference: Overhead Grounding Manuai, 5,l
- According to the Accident Prevention Manual, what she and type of rope is necessary to lower a man from a pole?
Rope with a safe workload rating equal to approved 1/2 inch hand line material shall be used when lowering a person from a pole or. elevated position.
Reference: APM Rule 1022.a.3
- Where should grounded rollers be installed when stringing wire?
First pole away from the payout and take-up equipment or second pole away from the payout and take-up equipment.
Reference: APM 214.c
- When used to protect fused overhead apparatus, where should the lightning arresters be connected?
On the line side of the fuse holder.
Reference: DOH, AP 400
- How much is a pole raked against a given strain?
Poles at line terminals, angles, and at other points of abnormal stress shall be given a rake against the direction of the stress, equal to the width of the pole top.
Reference: DOH, PO 100.71.8
- Provide the dead-end tension for the following:
1/0 ACSR
336 ACSP.
653 ACSR
4 ACSR 604
1/0 ACSR 1415
336 ACSR- 2840
653 ACSR- 3267
Reference: DOH, Table PO 320-1
- What is the maximum weight of a transformer that can be bolted directly to a pole?
2,200 lbs.
Reference: DOH, AP 100
- What is the maximum dead-end tension that can be put on a slack span?
Full tension dead-ends #4 str through #2 str Cu and ff4 through 1/0 ACSR in California . Light-Loading Areas only.
Reference: DOH, CO 209. 1.1.a
- What is the Edison standard spacing for 12 kV, four wire on cross-arms?
3 feet
Reference: DOH, DC 510