1.1.6 Free market economics, mixed economy and command economy Flashcards
Free market economy
An economic system where the prices of goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand or without any government intervention.
Advantages: Free market economy
-Consumer sovereignty -consumers have freedom of choice
-Productive efficiency - firms are in competition to produce goods at the lowest cost they can
-Reduced risk for government failure - as governments do not know what is demanded
Disadvantages: Free market economy
-Boom-bust cycles: Free markets can be prone to economic cycles of booms and busts.
-High levels of inequality - the rich tend to own the factors of production, so can grow quicker
-Lack of public goods-some services may be underprovided without government intervention
Command economy
An economic system where all economic decisions are made by the state, or all factors of production, except labour, is owned by the state.
Advantages: Command economy
Equality: command economies aim to reduce inequality through central planning
Prioritising social goals: Resources can be directed toward public services and social welfare
Disadvantages: Command economy
Lack of Incentives: Central planning may discourage innovation and initiative:
Resource Misallocation: Inefficient allocation of resources can lead to shortages or surpluses.
Bureaucracy: Decisions making will be slow and go through various stages.
Mixed economy
An economic system where the prices of goods and services are partly set by the price mechanism and partly by the state.
Roles of the state in a mixed economy: Welfare and Redistribution
Governments implement social safety nets and income redistribution policies to address poverty and inequality.
Roles of the state in a mixed economy: Public goods and services
The government provides public goods and services that may not be adequately supplied by the private sector, including infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
Roles of the state in a mixed economy: Regulation
The state regulates various aspects of the economy:
i.e. It prevents the abuse of monopolies to ensure, they aren’t taking advantage of the lack of competition i.e. charging higher prices/provide a poorer service.