1140 Flashcards
What was the influence that led to the reform of government and society in Britain during the romantic period
Weslyan revivals
British reform culminated in 1832 with what bill
Reform bill of 1832
What formed the united kingdom by uniting Ireland and Great Britain
Second act of union
The years 1789 through 1832 encompass the great literary revolution known as what
Romantic Period
What has two major parts called the octave and the sestet
What was the era from which romantic stew great inspiration for their work
Middle ages
Much of the work produced by romantics made wide use of what which is defined as the quality that renders poetry and prose musical and expressive of the authors personal thoughts and feelings
What term describes an approach to writing that is simple natural and straightforward
Familiar style
What is another term for the familiar essay
Prose lyric
The extensive use of what set the Romantics apart from neoclassicists
Human emotion
What are the three critical decision everyone must make
Excepting Jesus as personal Savior
Finding God’s choice of a marriage partner
Find God’s choice of career
Wrote Tiger Tiger burning in the forest of the night
William Blake
Author of the poetic lines she walks in beauty like the night
Used heroism as a leading team in his writings
Wrote the ballad the “destruction of sennacherib
Lord Byron
Offered the lines water water everywhere and all the boards did shrink
ST Coleridge
Coined the term familiar style
William Hazlitt
Wrote the famous sonnet on first looking into Chapman‘s homer
originated the expression a thing of beauty is joy forever
John Keats
Romantic. Assess that include Thomas Dequincy and William Hazlitt
Charles lamb
Authored a poem glorifying God as Creator
Thomas Moore
Used heroism as a leading theme in his writing.
Created with inventing the historical novel.
Was a reviver of Scottish culture and a writer of ballads and novels
Sir Walter Scott
Was the writer of the sonnet Ozymandias.
Compose the lines bird down never worked that from heaven or near it
Percy Shelley
Composed a poem about daffodils called I wandered lonely as a cloud
poet laureate of England
William Wordsworth