11.3 - Core Ideas and Principles within Socialism Flashcards
What is worker control?
The importance and extent of control over the economy.
How do democratic socialists advocate workers’ control?
More equitable distribution of economic resources.
Abolishment of class distinctions.
What is democratic socialism built upon, contrastingly to revolutionary socialism?
The parliamentary route is the more effective route towards true socialism.
How do Marxists analyse society?
Society is embedded with an understanding of social class.
Class struggle, class consciousness.
What is class struggle?
The inherent struggle between capital and labour.
What did Marx argue all societies were based upon?
Class conflict.
What examples did Marx give for class conflict being the basis of society?
Transition from feudalism to capitalism.
Landed aristocracy battling between aspirational middle class.
What is class consciousness?
The proletariat becomes aware of their exploitation at the hands of the bourgeouisie.
What can the combination of class struggle and class consciousness lead to?
A potentially revolutionary working class.
The replacement of capitalism with a system run for the benefit of workers.
Why has Marx’s analysis of social class seen much scrutiny?
Criticism due to the perception of social class arising due to the means of production.
New socialists, such as Anthony Crosland have argued that society is far more complex than what it was under Marx.
What can the concept of class struggle and consciousness boil down to?
The fact it is intellectually bankrupt.
Workers’ Control is no longer necessary to achieve socialistic goals as means of production are no longer owned by monopoly men with monocles but a new salaried working class.
What are the core values of (extreme?) socialism?
Equality of outcome is more important than individual liberty.
Need for an extensive welfare state.
State ownership of production.
Strong emphasis on collective working class organisations (trade unions).
Redistributive wealth.
Abolishment of class system.
Abolishment of institutions decided by class, birth or privilege.
Why did Socialism rise in Europe?
A reaction against social and economic conditions generated in Europe by individual capitalism.
What is capitalism?
An economic system in which wealth is owned by private individuals and goods are produced for monetary exchange according to the dictates of the market.
What types of people generally followed Socialism?
Industrial Revolution working class.
What is social justice?
Seeking to ensure the best possible allocation of resources based on subjective judgement as to what is fair.
What responsibilities does social justice assign to certain institutions?
Social Security
Public Services
Are given important status to create a more egalitarian society.
What is a common link between Social Justice and another tenet of socialism?
Redistribution of wealth.
How do centre-left Socialists feel social justice can be achieved?
Via a mixed economy with a significant role for public and the private sector.
How do far-left socialists feel social justice can be achieved?
Complete public ownership of all production to meet everyone’s needs.
What assumption is social justice based upon?
It’s possible to achieve an equitable distribution of goods within society.
Is the gender pay gap an example of a lack of social justice?
Women and men are paid differently despite doing the same work.
What was the Rawlsian philosophy between socialism and social liberalism?
His argument about social justice can be applied to his argument on the maximisation of individual liberty.
Rawls believes it is possible for the state to achieve an effective allocation of resources.
What view do socialists take of human nature?
Generally positive.
It is easily shaped (for good or bad) by an individual’s environment.
How do socialists perceive society?
A collection of broadly equal individuals who share a common identity and collective purpose.
What is cooperation?
Individiuals working together to achieve mutual benefit with the fraternal belief that humans work best when working together.
What types of work do socialists prefer?
Work that focuses on cooperation and collectivism rather than individualism and competition.
What is fraternity?
Humans regard each other as siblings rather than rivals.
Relationships are not based on competition or enmity but on generosity / solidarity.
What do socialists think about the effect of unchecked capitalism?
It is dangerous for the individual so they argue for varying levels of intervention in the state.
What forms of socialism are particularly hostile to capitalism?
Revolutionary / Democratic Socialism
What forms of socialism are compliant with capitalism?
Social Democracy
Third Way - particularly fond of the free market.
What does revolutionary socialism feel about a vision of common humanity?
Individuals are ‘deformed’ by capitalism - money corrupts those who possess it.
Capitalism must be removed by a revolution from the working class.
Once a revolution occurs, a communist society emerges, and then humans can finally enjoy a common humanity.
What does democratic socialism feel about a vision of common humanity?
Webb argued for a socialist state via democratic methods.
Common ownership of the means of production - mass nationalisation controlled by a socialist elite.
What does social democracy feel about a vision of common humanity?
Capitalism should be reformed rather than replaced.
Crosland saw a vision of:
* A mixed economy
* Economic state intervention based on Keynesian economics ensuring permament, full employment and economic growth
* The welfare state should be used to redistribute wealth and challenge poverty / social inequality
What does the Third Way feel about a vision of common humanity?
Giddens argued for:
* An emphasis on equality of opportunity via public services - education particularly
* Neo-liberal ideas of the free market and self-reliance
* Moving away from universal welfare to means-tested welfare
What does collectivism prioritise?
The group over the individual.
Belief that individuals:
* Prefer to work together as opposed to independently
* Will work far more effectively in group settings than they will individually
Who are the main utopian socialists?
Charles Fourier
Robert Owen
What do utopian socialists argue for?
Small-scale cooperative communities organised collectively to promote socialist values.
Why is collectivism an interesting topic for socialists?
It has been implemented so differently across all branches of socialism.
How does Marxism argue for collectivism?
On a larger scale, workforces should collectively own all industry and all agencies of society are communal.
How do democratic socialists argue for collectivism?
Over time, a fully collectivised economy and state will emerge.
Webb informed much of the post-war Attlee government, but Attlee still had some acceptance of the free market.
What do social democrats feel about collectivism?
Suspicious of the high levels of collectivism by more radical wings of socialism.
What is the social democrat solution to industrial relations?
Workers should belong to trade unions that have very strong bargaining rights to prevent exploitation.
What is the Third Way solution to industrial relations?
Unions should still exist to preserve fairness.
Must be a recognition that the wages are market-driven.
What is the Third Way solution to industrial relations?
Unions should still exist to preserve fairness.
Must be a recognition that the wages are market-driven.
What is the social democrat solution to healthcare?
A national health service providing universal care to all.
‘Free’ and paid for by the general population via taxation.
What is the Third Way solution to healthcare?
Healthcare reform.
The cost of universal healthcare is unsustainable.
* Prescription charges
* Private healthcare for the rich for non-essential healthcare
What is the social democrat solution to education?
Widespread comprehensive state education for all ensuring an equality of opportunity.
What is the social democrat solution to education?
Widespread comprehensive state education for all ensuring an equality of opportunity.
What is the Third Way solution to education?
More equality of opportunity and spending in education.
New Labour introduction of tuition fees for universities.
What is the Third Way solution to education?
More equality of opportunity and spending in education.
New Labour introduction of tuition fees for universities.
What is the social democrat solution to key industries?
The key utilities are brought under government control and operate in the collective interest of all.
What is the Third Way solution to key industries?
The free market is the best way to run businesses.
No support to renationalise state utilities.
What are the three aspects of equality that socialists can agree on?
Foundational Equality
Rejection of natural hierarchies
Equality of Opportunity
What is foundational equality?
A belief that all individuals are born with innate human rights that translate to political and legal equality.
What is foundational equality?
A belief that all individuals are born with innate human rights that translate to political and legal equality.