Diseases Flashcards
What are communicable dieases ?
They are infectious disease (can spread from person to person)
What are noncommunicable disease?
They are non-infectious diseases (cannot be passed from person to person)
Name four pathogens
How can communicable disease spread?
Direct contact-Touching contaminated surfaces
e.g,kissing,contact with bodily fluids , direct
skin to skin
By water-drinking or coming into contact with
dirty/contaminated water
By air-Breathing in air in which pathogen are being carried
How can you prevent contracting communicable disease?
Improvibg Hygiene: Hand washing, using disinfectanats ,
isolating raw meat, using a tisse when
Reducing contact with infected individuals
Vaccination:By injecting a small amount of a harmless
pathogen into an individual’s body, they can
become immune to it so will not infect them so
they cannot pass it on.
What are the symtoms of measles?
Red skin rash
-Can lead to other issues like pneumonia, encephalitis & blindness
-Can lead to death if complications arise
How is measles spread?
Droplet infection-Spread by inhaling droplets from the air containing the virus from sneezes and coughs
How is measles prevented?
Vaccinating young children
What type of disease is measles?
Viral disease
What type of disease is HIV?
Viral Disease
What are the symptoms for HIV?
Intially flu-like symptoms, then the virus attacks the immune system & leads to AIDS (a state in which the immune system becomes so badly damaged that it cannot deal with other infections or cancers)
How is HIV spread?
Sexual contact
Exchange of bodily fluids like blood
How is HIV prevented?
Using condoms
Not sharing needles
Screening blood when it’s used in transfusions
Mothers with HIV bottle-feeding not breastfeeding their
How is the development of AIDS prevented after contracting HIV?
Use of antiretroviral to stop virus replicating in the body
What are affected by the Tabacco Mosaic virus?
Many species of plants , including tomatoes
What type of disease is Tabacco Mosaic virus?
Viral disease
What are the symptoms for Tabacco Mosaic virus?
A distinct mosaic discolouration pattern on the leaves
Affected part of the leaf cannot do photosynthesis which affects growth of the plant
(resulting in a reduction of yield)
How is tabacco mosaic virus spread?
Contact between diseased & healthy plants, insects acts as vectors
How is tabacco mosaic virus prevented?
Good field hygiene
Pest control
TMV-resistant strains
What type of disease is salmonella?
Bacterial disease
What is salmonella?
Food poisioning
What are the symptoms of salmonella?
Fever Abdominal cramps Vomiting Diarrhoea - all caused by the bacteria & the toxins they secrete
How is salmonella spread?
Spread by the bacteria
Ingested in food
On food prepared on unhygienic conditions
Raw meat & eggs
How is salmonella prevented?
Poultry vaccinated against salmonella
Cook meat thoroughly
Keeping raw meat away from cooked food
Wash hands & surfaces when handling it
What type of disease is Gonorrhoea?
Bacterial disease
What are the symptoms is Gonorrhoea?
Thick yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis
Pain when urinating
How is gonorrhoea spread?
Unprotected sexual contact
How is gonorrhoea prevented?
Use of barrier methods of contraception like condoms
How was gonorrhoea treated?
The antibiotic penicillian
Why isn’t penicillian used to treat all strains of gonorrhoea?
Many resistant strains are developing
What type of disease is Rose Black spot?
Fungal disease
What does the rose black spot affect?
Rose plants
What are the symptoms of Rose Black Spot?
Purple or black spots on the leaves of rose plants
reduces the area of the leaf available for photosynthesis , leaves turn yellow & drop early
How is rose black spot spread?
Spread in the environment by water or wind carrying spores of the fungus
How is rose black spot prevented?
Use of fungicides
Removing & destroy infected leaves
What type of disease is malaria?
Protist disease
What are the symptoms of malaria?
How is malaria spread?
The vector is the female mosquito, in which the protist reproduces sexually. When the mosquito punctures teh skin to feed on blood, the protoists enter the human bloodstream via the mosquitos saliva.
How is malaria prevented?
Using insecticide coated nests while sleeping
Removing stagnant water to prevent the vectors, mosquitos to from breading
Travellers taking antimalarial drugs to kill parasites that enter the blood
What are pathogens?
Microorganisms that cause infectious diseases
What may bacteria produce & what will these do ?
Bacteria may produce toxins/poisons that damage tissues & make us feel ill