11.11.24-18.11 Flashcards
Zrazu ste pozornejsí
You suddenly become more alert
Co vam to hovorí
What is it saying to you
Zboznujem ho
I adore him
Ale zvladla som to
But i managed it
On ma rad prszenicu a parky
He loves scrambled eggs and sasusages
Nema to vyznam
it havent meaning
I have a fear of thunderstorm
I am afraid of the storm
Bojim sa burky
Mal som ta byt
I sould be there
Trochu som sa ti vyhybal a dal ti sancu vychladnut
i kinda wanted to stay out of your way, give you a chance a chill
Doteraz som si myslelaˇ
until now i thought,
Pomsta je zla
Revenge is bad/evil
Zvysok je na tebe
The rest is up to you
Zvysok je na tebe
The rest is up to you
Pozri si to
Check it out
A nikdy som nemohla chytiť rybu
and I could never catch a fish