1.1.1 The dynamic nature of business Flashcards
Define a term from the specification content
Give an answer testing recall of knowledge from the specification
Give an answer, no longer than a sentence, referring to a piece of contextual information from which students must select the
Select the correct answer from reading a graph or table of data
Use mathematical skills to reach the answer, based on given data. Calculators may be used and workings should be given
Complete the table
Work out the values missing from the presented table of data
Give two linked points about a business concept or issue, placed in context in the question
Give a statement of fact, with two further expansion points. These may expand on each other, or both from the same fact. There is no context in these questions
Write an extended answer, requiring expansion and exploration of a business concept or issue. These questions will not have context but students may bring one in for illustration purposes
Write an extended answer, requiring expansion and exploration of a business concept or issue. The answer will be placed in context by the question
Write an extended answer, using information provided in order to recommend one of two options to a business owner
Write an extended answer, using knowledge of specification content to reach a supported conclusion about a business
Business Enterprise
Identifying new business opportunities and then taking advantage of them
How do new business ideas occur?
Changes in technology, changing customer wants/needs, goods or services becoming obsolete
Are new business always original?
Sometimes, however an adaptation of a product or service that is improved can happen
Someone who creates a business, taking on financial risks with the aim of making a profit from the business
What do Entrepeneurs do?
Take risks, organise resources, make business decisions
Someone and uses goods and services
Out of date of not used anymore
Using the internet to carry out business transactions
The possibility that an enterprise will have lower than anticipated profits or experience a loss
Financial reward
The money that an entrepreneur or investor receives when a business succeeds
Customer needs
The wants and desires of buyers of a product or the customers of a business.
Something tangible that is produced to satisfy customer needs