1.1.1 Power Case Studies Flashcards
Political and economic unions maximizing power
European Union (EU) has established a single currency zone that aims to maximize their economic power, as it makes it easier for companies to conduct cross-border trade, the economy becomes more stable, and consumers have more choice and opportunities
Reducing state’s soft power through an unethical or unpopular foreign policy - Iraq
2003 invasion of Iraq: lack of credible justification, insurgency and human rights abuses tarnished images of invading countries, increased criticism and mistrust especially for US relations with other countries
Reducing state’s soft power through an unethical or unpopular foreign policy - Crimea
2014 annexation of Crimea: violation of international law led to diplomatic isolation and economic sanctions, expansionist move damaged Russia’s reputation as a responsible global actor, strained relations with other countries
Reducing state’s soft power through lack of political freedom at home - China
Authoritarian regime and suppression of political dissent raised concerns about intentions, restrictions on civil liberties and censorship, assertive actions in territorial disputes fueled suspicions
Hard power - Saddam Hussein
Military force against Saddam Hussein in 2003 by the US coalition. Critics of the invasion have said that UN weapons inspectors should have been given more time and that a smart power approach was possible (combining inspections with the threat of military force)
Hard power - IS & Syria/Iraq
Military action taken against Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq by US and others in 2014. Soft or smart powers were not possible with IS, which was not prepared to negotiate.
Hard power - Libya & Obama administration
Military force was used against the Gaddafi regime in Libya in 2011, with a NATO air campaign authorized by the UN Security Council to protect civilians. However, the Obama administration was initially reluctant to use military force, focusing instead on withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. During Obama’s presidency, there was reluctance to deploy soldiers to new conflicts due to war fatigue, financing, etc.
Smart power - Iran & P5+1
In July 2015, the United States and its partners in the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UNSC, plus Germany) used soft power and hard power in a nuclear deal signed with Iran. They used a combination of economic sanctions, the threat of possible military action (hard power) and a diplomatic process (soft power) to secure a deal with Iran to reduce its nuclear weapons program
Smart power - Hezbollah
Violent protest groups such as Hezbollah not only use hard power against their adversaries, but also build and run schools, establish and maintain health care facilities, and participate in democratic coalition politics in the Lebanese parliament
Smart power - President Obama’s speech
President Obama’s speech in Cairo in 2009 pledged to reset relations with the Muslim world in the Middle East. However, this message was combined with a continuation of military force in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US administration attempted to achieve a decisive outcome before withdrawing US troops in 2011 and 2014
Soft power - USAID
Development aid plays a huge part in powerful states trying to achieve their outcome through persuasion. The United States state aid agency (USAID) gives most aid to countries where development matters for US security interests. In 2015, Pakistan and Afghanistan received the most US aid
Soft power - China & Africa
China has pledged up to $1.4 trillion in infrastructure investment in Africa. In return, China has favorable access to natural resources from African states
Soft power - natural disasters
Natural disasters ranging from the South Asian tsunami in 2005; the Haiti earthquake in 2009; and the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014-15 have seen huge donations from states and even the deployment of troops to help
Soft power - sporting events
Sporting events such as the London and Sochi Olympic Games in 2012 and 2014 can be used to boost a state’s global image
Challenges of soft power - Abu Ghraib
Trust and credibility are essential if states and groups want to use soft power. Photographs of US soldiers mistreating prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2003 became synonymous with a military campaign that many people considered illegitimate and illegal