11.1 Flashcards
What are the 3 axes of motion?
Which flying controls, control movements around the lateral axis?
What is meant by aileron lockout?
Ailerons lock at high speeds to keep the aircraft in control
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a v tail?
-weight saving
- complex
- Larger surface area
What are the secondary flying controls?
Lift, drag and trim devices
Flaps, slats etc.
What lift device gives the maximum increase in lift?
Fowler flap (95% increase)
What are trim systems used for?
To stabilise the aircraft so that the pilot doesn’t have to control the aircraft all the time
How do vortex generators reduce wave drag?
Transfer energy from the free-air stream to the boundary layer
Does the balance tab aid the pilot?
What is an anti-balance tab?
Tab on the wing that deflects in the same direction of the control surface to increase the efficiency of the control surface
What is a Mach number?
The speed of an aircraft in relation to the speed of sound
Speed of sound= mach 1
What is the critical mach number?
The top speed an aircraft can travel before reaching super sonic speeds
What wing design feature delays the onset of critical mach?
Swept wings
Where does supersonic airflow first occur on an aerofoil?
The trailing edge
What happens to air velocity in an expansion wave?
It increases
When does a bow wave form in front of the leading edge?
When flight speed exceeds the speed of sound
What drag increases due to the use of vortex generators?
Parasite drag
Which wing profile is also known as rear loaded?
A transonic profile
What are the possible advantages of a rear loaded wing profile?
Increased lift
No flow separation