1.10- NIXON SILENT M Flashcards
Who did some of the changes i US society affect the most?
The white population in the old south
What did the old white population in the south oppose?
end of legal segregation
What had the most impact on the republican party and how did it help them?
Social issues had the most impact on the Republican party and helped them in being successful during 1968 to 1988;
What did the republican party oppose?
the party publicly opposed many of the more radical and progressive movements during this period - such as the feminist movement
Who did the republican party appeal to? and what did they promote?
many conservative and middle American voters
promoted traditional family roles believed that mothers should not work and prioritise looking after their children
How did Nixon slow down the rapid rate of civil rights? (2) who did this win over?
Civil Rights Act 1964
- Promised to slow the pace of school desegregation
- Pledged to scrap Johnson’s policy of cutting federal funds to school districts that refused to desegregate and to oppose bussing
- -Opposed extensions of Voting Rights Act 1965 and wanted to modify Housing Act 1968
Won over white democrat voters
Nixon openly opposed …
abortion and bussing
What % of unis had anti war protests?
Where did police and national guardsmen clash with students ?
Kent State, Ohio
Where did the students of Kent State university riot and what did they fire bomb ?
rioted in central business district
firebombed the ROTC building
Nixon promised to return what after a series of violent riots?
law and order in the cities
What did Nixon promise to ensure regarding young people?
young people lived in line with the laws of the country to bring an end to the ‘unpatriotic’ anti-war campaign
How did Nixon describe the anti war campaigns?
What strategy did th the Repubs use o win the white southern vote from the Democrats?
‘Southern Strategy
Nixon promised to bring an end to …
to the expensive Great Society programmes
What % of americans belived that too many people were recieving welfare money?
in 1968
What did the great society encourage accoring to the middle america?
encouraged people to avoid work and become ‘welfare bums’
What did the newsweek poll 1969 state?
Most americans believed that blacks had a better chance of getting a job
Growing sense that the democrat party were too…
Some voters wanted Nixon would do what to the welfare state
How did Nixon aim to reduce welfare expenditure? what act?
1969 - Family assistance plan
what did the family assistance plan do?
introduce rules that cut off a parents income support if they refused work
limit welfare recipeient to $1600 per annum
Nixon’s commitment to tackling welfare won him votes and gave him a ..
65% approval rating
Conservative southerners feared the rapid change would lead to…
decline in American society and values
break-down of law and order
Who opposed abortion other than Nixon?
youth were destroying the….
the country that they had worked hard to build
republicans actively worked towards preventing …
Middle American did not want their taxes to fund what?
opportunities for black Americans
Nixon appointed who to the supreme court?
When did Reagan become President?
Who was Jerry Falwell?
Baptist minister
What was Jerry Falwell opposed to?
rock n roll
Women not being submissive
what was the name of Falwells broadcast and how many tv stations was it on?
Old time gospel hour
225 tv stations
How many were Jerry Fallwels audience?
1.5 million
What organisation did Jerry Falwell set up in 1979? and how did he describe it?
Baptist Moral majority organisation
Pro life
Pro family
Pro morality
Pro American
In 1980 how much did Falwell raise for Ronal Reagans presidential campaign
raised millions of dollars for Reagan’s presidential campaign and his Moral Majority registered around 2 million voters
How much did he help raise for Moral majority causes?
100 million
more than democrat party
Who was Phyliss schaffly?
Lawyer and catholic mother of 6
What was Phyliss Schafflys nickname?
Sweatheart of the silent majority
What 2 things was Phyliss against?
Equal rights amendment
led to gay marriage
unisex toilets
women in combat
destroy traditional family
Schlafly campaigned that women’s skirts should be …
two inches below the knee