1.1 vocab quiz Flashcards
Reference Maps
Maps designed for general information about places
Political Maps
Show and label human-created boundaries and designations, such as countries, states, cities, and capitals
Physical Maps
Show and label natural features, such as mountains, rivers, and deserts
Thematic Maps
Show spatial aspects of information or of a phenomenon
Choropleth Maps
Use various colors, shades of one color, or patterns to show the location and distribution of spatial data
Dot Distribution Maps
Used to show the specific location and distribution of something across a map with each dot representing a specific quantity
Graduated Symbol Maps
Use symbols of different sizes to indicate different amounts of something
Isoline Maps
Use lines that connect points of equal value to depict variations in the data across space; where lines are close together, the map depicts rapid change
A map that shows the sizes of countries according to some specific statistic
Absolute Location
Precise spot where something is according to a system (latitude and longitude)
Relative Location
A description of where something is in relation to other things
Relative Direction
Used to express directions in relationship to an object’s current location
Absolute Distance
The precise measurement from or to a precise place in terms of feet, miles, meters, or kilometers
Absolute Direction
Used to express directions and always point in the same direction (think North, South, East, West)
Relative Distance
Indicates the degree of nearness based on time or money; often dependent on the mode of travel