11. The Menopause and Hormone Therapy Flashcards
What is the definition of menopause?
Menopause is the last menstrual period. It is a retrospective diagnosis made 12 months after the last period.
What is early menopause, and when does it occur?
Early menopause is the cessation of menstruation prior to age 50.
What is premature ovarian failure or primary ovarian insufficiency, and when does it occur?
Premature ovarian failure or primary ovarian insufficiency occurs when menstruation ceases before age 40. It warrants investigation to determine the cause.
What is perimenopause?
Perimenopause refers to the variable time starting a few years before and continuing for a year after menopause. It includes the climacterium.
What is the climacterium?
The climacterium refers to the time after the cessation of reproductive function, marked by changes in the menstrual cycle.
What are the main endocrine events of the climacteric?
The main endocrine events of the climacteric include:
- Loss of ovarian responsiveness to gonadotrophin stimulation.
- Gradual decline in oestradiol production.
-The precise cause of ovarian failure initiation involves oocyte depletion.
Are menopause, perimenopause, and climacterium interchangeable terms?
No, these terms are not strictly interchangeable, although they are often used that way.
What is the mean age of menopause in Western women?
The mean age of menopause in Western women is 50.8 years.
What primarily determines the age of menopause?
The age of menopause is genetically determined.
What factors may influence the timing of menopause?
Factors include:
- Smoking
- General health status and concomitant disease
- High parity
What changes occur in gonadotrophin concentrations during the menopausal transition?
Gonadotrophin concentrations rise, starting with FSH.
How might menstrual cycles change during the menopausal transition?
- Cycles may shorten, with a 7-day difference from the normal cycle length for that woman.
- Eventually, most cycles become anovulatory, leading to irregular oestradiol secretion.
- Increasing intervals of amenorrhoea may occur, with periods of up to 2 missed cycles.
What symptoms may arise due to declining and erratic oestradiol secretion?
Vasomotor symptoms may occur.
How do FSH levels change in relation to menstrual disruption?
Elevated FSH levels can precede menstrual disruption by several years and are associated with a major impairment of fertility.
When do gonadotrophin levels peak post-menopause, and what happens afterward?
Gonadotrophin secretion peaks 2-3 years post-menopause and then declines gradually over the next 2-3 decades.
What is the main steroid product of the postmenopausal ovary?
The main steroid product is androstenedione.
Is heavy, irregular bleeding a normal part of the perimenopause?
No, heavy, irregular bleeding is NOT normal during perimenopause and requires investigation.
What are the categories of symptoms and consequences of menopause related to oestrogen deficiency?
They are divided into:
- Acute (within months of hypo-oestrogenism)
- Intermediate
- Long-term (after years of hypo-oestrogenism)
What are the acute symptoms of oestrogen deficiency?
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- Insomnia
- Mood changes
- Anxiety and irritability
- Poor memory and poor concentration
- Loss of self-esteem
- Amenorrhoea
What are the intermediate consequences of oestrogen deficiency?
- Genital tract atrophy
- Dyspareunia and loss of libido
- Urethral syndrome
- Skin thinning
- ? Uterine vaginal prolapse
- ? Urinary incontinence
- ? Joint pains
What are the long-term consequences of oestrogen deficiency?
- Osteoporosis
- Coronary heart disease
- Cerebrovascular accidents
What are the reviewed long-term consequences of oestrogen deficiency, aside from osteoporosis?
Coronary heart disease and strokes are now being reviewed as long-term consequences of oestrogen deficiency.
Does oestrogen therapy improve outcomes for coronary heart disease and strokes in postmenopausal women?
No, studies suggest that oestrogen therapy does not improve these outcomes and may even increase the incidence of these conditions.
Do all women experience menopausal symptoms?
No, not all women complain of menopausal symptoms, and the degree of incapacitation varies considerably between individuals.
Which women are particularly at risk for osteoporosis?
Women with oestrogen deficiency due to menopause are particularly at risk for osteoporosis.
Why is judicious management of the peri-menopause important?
Judicious management of the peri-menopause is important to improve general well-being and long-term health, especially given our ageing population.
What are the indications for hormone therapy (HT)?
- Women with vasomotor symptoms and vulvovaginal symptoms.
- Premature ovarian failure
- Early menopause
- It may be used in the treatment of osteopaenia and osteoporosis in younger menopausal women but must be discontinued later when the risks of HT outweigh the benefits, especially when there are other treatment options available.
- There is no place for HT as secondary prevention. Many of the previously reported benefits of hormone therapy have not been substantiated in randomised controlled trials and the indications have accordingly been reduced.
Should hormone therapy (HT) be used for secondary prevention?
No, there is no place for HT as secondary prevention. Many previously reported benefits of HT have not been substantiated in randomised controlled trials, leading to reduced indications.
What are the principles of managing hormone therapy (HT)?
- use minimum effective dose
- adjust therapeutic regimen to achieve maximum benefit
- monitor appropriately
- length of therapy dependent on numerous factors
- discuss risk - benefits with patient thoroughly at start of treatment
What are the routes of administration for oestrogens: oral
Conjugated equine oestrogens
Esterified oestrogens
Micronized oestrogens
What are the routes of administration for oestrogens: transdermal
What are the routes of administration for oestrogens: vaginal
Oestradiol ring
Categories for route of adminstration
Note: Implants are no longer available.
What are the routes of administration for progestins: oral
Medroxyprogesterone acetate
Norethindrone acetate
Micronized progesterone
What are the routes of administration for progestins: vaginal
Progesterone gel
Micronized progesterone