1.1 The Kidneys Flashcards
What are the 4 component parts of the Urinary System?
- The Kidneys
- The Ureter
- The Bladder
- The Urethra
What is the Function of the Kidneys?
Maintains Homeostasis by Blood Filtration
What is the Function of the Ureter?
Transports waste products (Urine) from the Kidneys to the Bladder
What is the Function of the Bladder?
Stored the Urine
What is the Function of the Urethra?
Transports Urine to be Excreted
What is the Shape of a Kidney like?
A bean
Where do the Kidneys lie in the Abdomen?
In the Paravertebral Gutters on the Posterior Abdominal Wall
Between which Vertebrae can the Kidneys be found?
T2 to L3
What is the Hilum of the Kidney?
Where the Blood Vessels and Ureter enter the Kidney
At which Vertebral Level does the Hilum of the Kidney lie?
What is also on the Vertebral Level L1?
The Transpyloric Plane
Do the Kidneys lie at the same Vertebral Level?
Which of the Kidneys sits lower?
The Right
Why does the Right Kidney lie lower than the Left Kidney?
Due to the Presence of the Liver
What are the 4 Layers which enclose the Kidney?
superficial to deep
- The Pararenal Fatty Tissue
- The Renal Fascia
- The Fatty Renal Capsule
- The Fibrous Renal Fascia
Where is post of the Pararenal Fatty Tissue found?
On the Posterior Aspects of the Kidney
What type of Fascia is the Renal Fascia?
Fibro-Fatty Tissue
What is the Significance of having fat around the Kidneys?
It acts as protection
Do the Kidneys move on respiration?
Yes, they lower on inspiration and rise on expiration
What are the 3 posterior relations of the Kidney?
- The Diaphragm
- The Psoas Major
- The Quadratus Lumborum
What sits more Laterally, the Quadratus Lumborum or the Psoas Major?
The Quadratus Lumborum
What runs along the Psoas Major?
The Ureters
How are the Kidneys Peritonised?
They are Retroperitoneal
What, in general terms, is the Anterior Surface of the Kidneys related to?
Viscera of the Gastrointestinal System
What is the Superior Relation of both the Left and Right Kidney?
The Left / Right Suprarenal Gland
What is the Superolateral Relation of the Right Kidney?
The Liver
What is the Superolateral Relation of the Left Kidney?
The Spleen
What is the Inferolateral Relation of the Right Kidney?
The Colon
What is the Inferolateral Relation of the Left Kidney?
The Left Colic Flexure
What is the Medial Relation of the Right Kidney?
The Duodenum
What is the Superomedial Relation of the Left Kidney?
The Stomach
What is the Medial Relation of the Left Kidney?
The Pancreas
What is the Inferomedial Relation of the Left Kidney?
The Jejunum
What is the Inferomedial Relation of the Right Kidney?
The Jejunum
The Kidney is referred to as Partially-Peritonised, what does this mean?
- The Organs making contact with the Anterior Surface of the Kidney, which are also Retroperitoneal, will make direct contact
- The Organs making contact with the Anterior Surface of the Kidney, which are Intraperitoneal, will have a layer of Peritoneum between the Kidney and the Organ itself
What is the Sympathetic Nerve Supply to the Kidney? What is there root for getting to the Kidney?
The T12-L1 Spinal Segments pass through the Coeliac Ganglia, and along the Renal Artery
What is the Parasympathetic Nerve Supply to the Kidney?
Derived from the Vagus Nerve
Where does the Lymphatic Drainage of the Kidney go to?
The Para-aortic Lymph Nodes around the Origin of the Renal Arteries
What are 2 common Embryological Conditions of the Kidney?
- Duplicate Ureter
2. Horseshoe Kidney
What happens in a Duplicate Ureter?
They Kidney has 2 Ureters leaving the Hilum as opposed to 1. This can leave you more susceptible to Blockages and UTI;s
What happens in a Horseshoe Kidney?
The Kidneys have fused together during development