11. Takeover Defences Flashcards
Role of The BDs: Learning Objs
- Outline role of BoD
- Explain the non-frustration principle.
- Provide a rational for non-frustration principle.
Role of The BDs: Takeover Code (City Code)
- Provides rules governing takeovers of UK PLCs
- Ensures shareholders in target firms are treated fairly and are not denied an opportunity to decide on the merits of an offer.
- All shareholders are given the same information.
- Not favourable deals for any shareholders
- The board must obtain independent advice on a bid and make advice available to shareholders.
- Enforced by Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (Statutory Body)
Role of The BDs: Friendly Takeover
- Target’s board recommends bid to its shareholders
Role of The BDs: Hostile Takeovers
- Target’s Board recommends shareholders reject a bid and the bidder makes a takeover offer directly to shareholders.
Role of The BDs: Non Frustration Principle (MCC)
- Efficiency Market for Corporate Control requires shareholders are not frustrated by target’s management from selling their shares.
Role of The BDs: Non-Frustration Principle
- In Takeover code limits defensive action by target board: persuaders shareholders, lobby, find “white knight”, litigation
Role of The BDs: Non-Frustration Principle: What does it pre-suppose?
- The MCC does not err in its selection of targets.
- Hostile bid represents a fair price and is beneficial to target and acquiring firm.
Role of The BDs: Rationale for Non-Frustration Principle
- Kershaw 2007
- Ensures and active Market for Corporate Control that disciplines under-performing managers.
- Takeover defence could be an agency cost (managerial entrenchment)
- Successful defence prevents exploitation of synergies and scale/scope economies.
- However, post-bid takeover defences can occur in the US and are in target shareholders’ interests if used to elicit a new offer.
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): LO’s
- Examine motives for takeover defences being in shareholders interests.
- Examine managerial motives for takeover defences.
- Understand legal distinction between UK and US regarding takeover defence.
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): Shareholder Interests
- Mgrs believe firm has hidden value - managers have private information that stock market cannot value.
- Mgmt in firms with takeover defences do not have to succumb to short-term market pressure.
- Increase offer price: managers use defences to increase offer price
Use defences to create delay to try and create an auction with rival offers.
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): Managerial Entrenchment
- If targets’ management will be removed post-takeover… managers use defences to protect their jobs…
managers use defences because a takeover is a signal of their failure. - Incumbent managers believe they are the best managers of the target firm.
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): US Pre-Bid Defences
- Dual class Recapitalisation
- Staggered board elections
- Poison pill
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): Post Bit US Defences
- Greenmail
- Litigation
- Defensive Restructuring
- Golden Parachutes
- Lobbying
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): Pre-Bid UK Defences
- Pure defences not allowed by business decision (recapitalisation) allowed if primary motivation not defensive.
Reasons for Takeover Defences (Ruback, 1987): Post-Bid UK Defences
- Litigation
- Defensive restructuring
- Golden parachutes
- Lobbying