11) Surface Integrals Flashcards
Smooth surface
A surface is smooth if the derivative matrix D(F)(u,v) of F has rank 2 for all points (u,v) in D
That is…
Equivalent to
Vectors ∂F/∂u and ∂F/∂v or the columns of D(F)(u,v) are linearly independent.
3 by 2 matrix as F(u,v) =(x,y,z)
Surface in surface Integrals
Is a smooth surface and
D is subset of R^2 and is a simple region(singly connected region with no holes) enclosed by a curve c. Let (x,y,z) =F(u,v) be a C^1 map from D to R^3.
Maps from 2d to 3D
Image -of surface in surface Integrals
Image: S=F(D) ={F(u,v)| (u,v) in D} is a surface in R^3
Curve -of surface in surface Integrals edge of s
Curve: ∂S=F(c) is called the edge of s
I.e. Curve c is edge of region D in R^2 maps to curve of surface in R^3
Parameterisation of the surface
Map F ?
Is possible if singly connected no holes?
Singular point in surface Integrals
Singular point occurs for rank of D(F)(u,v) less than 2 for this point (u,v)
Surface is open or closed
Surface S is open if every pair of points in R^3 not on S can be joined by a continuous curve not passing through S
Closed if divides R^3 into distinct regions R_1 and R_2 such that every continuous curve joining a point in R_1 to a point in R_2 crosses at least once
Simple surface
Surface is union of finite smooth piece wise
E.g. Cube is an example of union of 6 open smooth surfaces is closed
Normal vector to a surface
Vector N = ∂Vector(r)/ ∂u cross ∂Vector(r)/ ∂v.
From the condition of S being smooth we have that the columns of D(F)(u,v) are linearly independent. With the position vector of P on the surface is vector(r).
They’re linearly independent hence form a basis of the tangent plane to a at P. Hence scalar product is not 0 and is normal to.
Unit vector normal to surface
Cross products of D(F)(u,v) as linearly Independent.
^n_ = (1/|N|) vector(N)
Unit normal is independent of the chosen parameterisation of S and is unique up to a sign.
Orientation of S affects sign of ^n_
A side chosen as positive oriented for closed surface.
The unit normal vector exists then is continuous on all points for a smooth surface.
For unit normal usually well defined when compared to the non unit vector which depends on parameterisation.
Surface area
Surface are of S is:
Double_integral( | ∂Vector(r)/ ∂u cross ∂Vector(r)/ ∂v | du.dv)
Over D
Where integral taken over region D so whole of S is covered.
Magnitude of vector.
I.e. Surface element and normal integral for area!
Surface element
Surface element is portion of S bounded by P_0P_1 and P_3P_2.
Surface element
ds roughly equal to
| ∂Vector(r)/ ∂u cross ∂Vector(r)/ ∂v|.du.dv
Is an element of the surface area
I.e. Magnitude
As the vectors are tangent to coordinate lines and if displacements are small roughly parallelogram with area given as magnitude of the vector product
Coordinate lines in 2d map to 3D
Surface Integrals
Let S be a simple surface with parametric equation vector(r) = r(u,v) and let D denote the region in the uv plane corresponding to points of S.
Is a SCALAR FIELD phi and vector field vector(v) are defined at all points on a, then on S vectors φ=φ(u,v) and v=v(u,v).
The surface Integrals of φ and vector V over a are defined
Integral( φ .ds) over s
= double_integral( φ(u,v) | ∂Vector(r)/ ∂u cross ∂Vector(r)/ ∂v|.du.dv)
Integral (vector(v).ds) over s
= double integral(vector(v)(u,v) • ( ∂Vector(r)/ ∂u cross ∂Vector(r)/ ∂v).du.dv).
Dot product
E.g. Can be component form as line integral, we can define the surface Integrals of any vector or scalar function from the calar vector products of the two columns
Region is D defined by u and v parametrisation
Flux and flux integral
Flux of vector(v) across s is found by the flux integral. For a vector field v(x,y,z). On a simple orientable surface with unit normal ^n_(x,y,z)
φ_v = integral ( vector(v)(x,y,z)•^n_(x,y,z).ds)
E.g. Vector v represents veclociry of fluid at a point then φ_v is volume crossing surface I. The direction of its orientation ^n_(x,y,z) per unit of time.
I.e. If φ_v is bigger than 0 more fluid passes through a in the positive direction than in negative etc
The divergence theorem
Integral ( vector(v)•^n_ .ds) over s
= integral( div(v) .dV) over R
Where dV is an element of Volume
E.g. if region in 3D then triple integral
We use the divergence theorem to find the. Outward flux of the vector field across the region
For region R of R^3 bounded by a closed simple surface S, oriented outwards. If v(x,y,z) is a vector field whose components have continuous partial derivatives on some open set containing R and if ^n_(x,y,z) is outward directed normal at (x,y,z) on s.
The divergence theorem and greens
Divergence theorem for R^2 is greens theorem as used for finding flux if a vector field across piece wise smooth surfaces of distinct sections
The theorem states: total flux outwards from close surface S = volume integral of the divergence of the vector field throughout volume enclosed by S.
When div(v) is 0 in R
Integral gives total flux which is Sum of sources -sum of sinks within S. If vector(v) such that divergence of v =0 in R then it's called a solenoidal field vecit(v) neither net sink nor net source
Stokes theorem
For S a piece wise smooth oriented surface bounded by simple closed piece wise smooth curve c with positive orientation. If vector(v(x,y,z)) is a CONTINUOUS vector field with CONTINUOUS first partial derivatives on some open set containing S.
IntegralO( vector(v). d(vector(r))) over curve c =
Integral( curl( vector(v)) • ^n_ .ds))
Over s
Where c is edge of s Curve: ∂S=F(c).
E.g. Given paraboloid and a vector field we represent c by circle and parameterise to find line integral also by dot product of curl and normal unit vector. (Cross product). E.g. Constant Z or Z=0 for xy plane
Greens and stokes theorem
Vector(v)=(f,g,h) and a smooth curve c lying wholly in the xy plane / z=0.
Let at be the region enclosed by c and so a closed surface a has edge Curve: ∂S which is C.
Since s lies in the xy plane the unit normal to a is ^n_=(0,0,1) where Normal points in the positive z direction. Positive orientation of S corresponds to C being traversed in a counterclockwise direction.
Curl(v) •^n_ = ∂g/∂x - ∂f/∂y
Since c is wholly in xy plane, as dvector(r) = (.dx,.dy,0).
Hence stokes becomes greens:
IntegralO( f.dx +g.dy) over c =double over R GREENS