1.1 Social engineered attacks Flashcards
Social engineering
Gathering information on an attack by exploiting the weakest part of the security, People
Sending a false email pretending to be legitimate to steal valuable information from the user
Spear Phishing
Attacks that target specific users
An attack on a powerful or wealthy individual
An attack througha phone or voice communication
Closely follow individuals with keys to get access to secure areas
Taking on the identity of an individual to get access into the system or communications protocol
Dumpster diving
Going through a business, or persons trash to find valuable information of posessions
Shoulder Surfing
Watching as a person enters information
False information that deceives the user into comprimising security by making them think they are at risk
Watering hole attack
A security attack that targets a specific highly secured group by infecting a commonly visited website by the group’s members
Principles (reasons for effectiveness) [all incoming cars should follow the underpass]
I. Authority- Actor acts as an authority figure
II. Intimidation- Frightening or threatening the victim
III. Concensus- Influenced by what others do
IV. Scarcity- Limited resources and time to act
V. Familiarity- The victim is well known
VI. Trust- Gain their confidence, be their friend
VII. Urgency- Limited time to act, rush the victim