1.1 Population Dynamics Flashcards
Birth rate
the number of births per thousand population in a year
Carrying capacity
The largest population that the resources of a given place can support
Death rate
the number of deaths per thousand in a year
People who study human populatoions.
Demographic divide
Difference between countries where population growth remains high snd those with very slow-growing, stagnant or declining populations
A condition in which a population group suffers from a poor quality of economic, social and environmental conditions.
Demographic Transition Model: it shows the changes to the birth rates, death rates and total population over time
Emigration rate
Number of emigrants per thousand population leaving a country of origin in a year
Immigration rate
Number of emigrants per thousand population entering a recieving country in a year
Infant mortality rate
The number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per thousand live births per year.
Life expectancy at birth
Average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live under current mortality levels.
Natural change
The difference between the birth rate and the death rate:
positive = natural increase
negative = natural decrease
Optimum population
The best balance between a population and the resources available to it. This is usually viewed as the population giving the highest average living standards in a country
When there are too many people in an are relative to the resources and the level of technology available
The amount of people in a place (region, country etc.)
Population explosion
The term to describe the rapid growth in population (since 1950s)
Population growth rate
The difference between the birth and death rates
Population policy
Encompasses all of the measures taken by a government influencing population size, growth, distribution or composition
Pro-natalist policies
They promote large families
Rate of natural change
Difference between the birth rate and the death rate.
Rate of net migration
Difference between the rate of immigration and emigration.
Total fertility rate
Average number of children a woman has during her lifetime
When there are too few people in an area to use the resources available effectively