11- Microbiology of water Flashcards
What are the biological activity aquatic systems depend on? and what are “they” depending on?
The biological activity of an aquatic ecosystem depends, ultimately, on the activities of the primary producers (oxygenic photoautotrophs, phytoplankton; phyto = plant):
– Algae
– Cyanobacteria (also fix nitrogen)
• These organisms serve as a food source for chemoheterotrophs: bacteria, protozoa (zooplankton, zoo = animal), fish, and other aquatic organisms.
• The ac:vi:es and net numbers of phytoplankton depend on a variety of factors:
– Temperature
– Light received
– Availability of specific limiting nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
What is the photic zone?
In clear water, light will penetrate to a maximum depth of 300m: photic zone
Microorganisms must be able to harvest light that reaches them (accessory pigments)
Marine environment characteristic
High salinity (3%): organisms are halotolerant.
• 75% of the ocean is deeper than 1000 m (deep sea, pelagic zone); at its deepest,
11 km below the surface, pressure is about 1100 atmospheres (~1 atm / 10 m)
• Below 100 m the temperature is constant at 2-3°C.
What is the open ocean? What is the productivity state? T?
In the open ocean (pelagic zone), primary productivity is very low due to the lack
of inorganic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, iron) that are required by phytoplankton. The open ocean is OLIGOTROPHIC.
- Temperatures are cooler and more constant than in area closer to shore.
- In some regions, wind and ocean currents cause an upwelling of water from the ocean floor bringing nutrients to the surface and promoting productivity.
What are the organisms in the open ocean? Trichodesmium?
Bulk of primary productivity comes from prochlorophytes, tiny phototrophs phylogene:cally related to cyanobacteria: Prochlorococcus.
• General adaptations seen in pelagic (open ocean) microorganisms:
– Reduced size (high surface/volume ratio)
– High affinity transport systems
• Trichodesmium:
– Filamentous cyanobacteria
– Contains phycobilins
– Nitrogen fixation
What about the organisms in coastal water? Productivity?
Primary producers:
algae, cyanobacteria
• Productivity is usually higher due to the influx of nutrients from rivers and other polluted water sources (ex: agricultural runoff = excess nitrogen, phosphorus). EUTROPHIC
• Can cause red tides (algal bloom,
dinoflagellates, neurotoxins). Nitrogen is a limiting nutrient.
• A higher level of primary productivity
supports a higher concentration of zooplankton and aquatic animals.
What are the organisms in the deep sea; btw 300-1000m and below 1000m?
Between 300 and 1000 m, chemoheterotrophs degrade organic matter that falls from the photic zones. 2-3°C, psychrophiles.
• Below 1000 m, organic carbon is very scarce, oligotrophic, no light. Very few
microorganisms (psychrophilic and barophilic or barotolerant).
What are hydrothermal vent? Tube worms?
Source of heat, source of nutrients,velectron donors, electron acceptors.
- Community of microorganisms, animals.
- Tube worms: symbiosis with sulfur oxidizing chemoautotrophs. Tube worms trap and transport nutrients to the bacterial symbionts.
What are the characteristics of freshwater environment?
Highly variable (isolated system compared to ocean)
• Microbial populations will depend on the availability of nutrients, and the availability of light and oxygen.
Limited by the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus.
• Lakes (poor mixing/aera:on)
• Rivers (good mixing/aera:on)
What are oligotrophic lakes?
Lakes with limiting N and P
Primary production is low, availability of organic matter is low.
• Growth of aerobic chemoheterotrophs is limited by nutrient supply; oxygen concentration remains high.
Rate of oxygen dissolution is higher than the
consumption rate.
- Lake remains aerobic even at depth and organic matter is degraded completely.
- Oxygen saturated.
- Clear water (deep penetration of light)
What are eutrophic lakes? Characteristics, bottom sediment, anaerobic photosynthesis,
Nutrient rich lakes
Primary production is high (algal bloom), availability of organic matter is high.
• Rapid growth of chemoheterotrophs, rapid depletion of dissolved oxygen.
• Low oxygen concentration • Anaerobic zones are created. • Poor light penetration • Health risk: pathogens, bloom of cyanobacteria/algae (secrete toxins).
• Bottom sediments are anaerobic and contain organic matter (dead primary
producers, etc.) which support the growth of denitrifiers, methanogens and sulfate reducers (H2S).
- Anaerobic photosynthesis uses H2S as electron donor and produces sulfate, which is used by sulfate reducers.
- Excessive production of H2S and the production of organic acids from fermentation can give the water a bad odor. The lack of oxygen and/or presence of H2S may kill fish and other aerobic organisms.
What about lakes in temperate climates? upper and bottom layer
- Anaerobic zones may develop as a result of summer stratification. Lakes become thermally stratified.
- As the air temperature increases, the surface water is warmed resulting in the formation of a warm upper layer –epilimnion – less dense, aerobic.
• The colder, bottom layer –hypolimnion, denser, anaerobic – is separated from the epilimnion by a zone of rapid temp. change –
• Mixing in the spring and fall only. Brings
nutrient back up the water column.
Tell me about rivers
Rivers: good mixing/aeration ensures that organic matter, within limits, is degraded effectively (no fermenta:on, no H2S production).
• Excess organic matter may still result in anaerobiosis with consequences similar to
those seen in eutrophic lakes.
Tell me about water pollution; freshwater, sewage, organisms biochemical oxygen demand
Pollution of freshwater: deliberate discharge of effluents into a waterway– major source is sewage.
• Sewage is rich in organic matter and
contains a large number of organisms
(some may be pathogens).
• Aerobic and facultative organisms oxidize organic matter using the dissolved oxygen.
• Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is high (used as a measure of the extent of pollution by organic matter).
Water tends to become anaerobic, microbial
metabolisms: fermenta:on, sulfate reduction, nitrate reduction…
What are biofilms?
Biofilm: microbial cells embedded inside an extracellular matrix.
- Usually produced by a mixed population of species.
- Extracellular matrix composed of proteins, polysaccharides, DNA.
- Cells inside the biofilm are more resistant to stresses than planktonic (free-living) cells.
- Biofilms are found in water systems (natural and man-made), on wet surfaces, growing on medical devices, etc.