11 Magnetic Resonance Flashcards
Which nuclei have no nuclear
Nuclei with an even number of protons and an even number of neutrons.
–Even numbers of protons pair up with their magnetization aligned in opposite directions and cancel each other (as do even numbers of neutrons).
Which nuclei have the largest nuclear magnetization?
Hydrogen nuclei.
Why H nuclei the basis of most clinical magnetic resonance (MR) imaging?
The abundance of hydrogen in the body, together with the large nuclear magnetization,
Give me one reason that MR signals are weak?
So few nuclei contribute to the MR signal.
Define the Larmor frequency (fL)?
–The precession frequency (MHz) of nuclei in a magnetic
field (Bo).
–The Larmor frequency is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength.
–Larmor frequency (fL) for protons is 42 MHz at 1 T.
Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields are generated using what?
volume or surface coil.
Define Resonance?
This occurs when an applied RF field interacts with the net nuclear magnetization.
Define the longitudinal magnetization?
–The component of the net magnetization vector parallel to the main magnetic field.
–By convention, the longitudinal magnetization is taken to point in the z-axis.
–Grows exponentially from the initial value of zero to the equilibrium value of Mz with a time constant T1
Define the transverse magnetization?
–The component perpendicular to the main magnetic field.
–By convention, the transverse magnetization is taken to be in the x-y plane.
Define the free induction decay (FID) signal?
–The detected voltage.
–The FID signal is an oscillating voltage at the Larmor frequency (fL).
–The induced FID is obtained in a receiver coil placed around the sample.
–FID signals are detected, digitized, and used to produce MR images.
T1 relaxation
–At a time equal to T1, 63% of the magnetization has formed.
–Full magnetization is normally taken to occur after a time interval of approximately 4 × T1.
–Longitudinal magnetization decays as Mz× e−t/T1 where t is the elapsed time.
–T1 relaxation is called longitudinal relaxation and spin-lattice relaxation.
T1 and tissue
–T1 is long in liquid materials & in solids (hair).
–T1 is short in medium-viscosity materials and in fat.
–Contrast agents such as gadolinium-DTPA cause T1 to be shortened.
–For tissues, T1 increases with increasing magnetic field strength.
–Doubling the magnetic field strength increases tissue T1 by approximately 2^0.5.
Define repetition time TR?
–Generating a N2 matrix MR image requires the acquisition of N sequential signal acquisitions that are obtained with a repetition time TR.
–Short TR times are less than ∼300 ms at 1.5 T and less than ∼450 ms at 3T.
transverse relaxation(T2 relaxation), also spin-spin relaxation
–After a 90-degree pulse, the magnetization vector rotates at the Larmor frequency in the transverse (x-y).
–The induced FID signal decays as e−t/T2 where t is the time.
–At a time equal to T2, the signal has decayed to 37% of its original value.
–After a time ∼4 T2, the transverse magnetization signal is negligible.
–T2 decreases with increasing viscosity and decreasing molecular mobility.
–Tissue T2 values are approximately independent of magnetic field strength.
TE (time to echo)
–MR signals are most often obtained in the form of echoes from transverse magnetization.
–Short TE values will result in little loss of transverse magnetization (i.e., little T2 decay).
–Short TE values therefore produce no differences (contrast) between tissues that have different T2 values.
–T2-weighted images are obtained with a long TE.
–Long TE values are typically greater than 60 ms.
–Given by 1/T2∗ = 1/T2 + 1/T2inhomogeneity
–For tissues, T2∗ ≤ T2 ≤ T1.
Magnetic shimming
Used to make small corrective changes to the main field to improve the magnetic field uniformity.
Magnetic shimming with passive techniques
Pieces of iron at specific locations.
Magnetic shimming with active techniques
Electrically energized coils.
Permanent magnets
–Have low operating costs and small fringe fields.
–Limitations: heavy and generate fields only up to ∼0.35 T.
Resistive magnets
–It can generate magnetic fields up to ∼0.5 T.
–Resistive magnets can be turned on and off, but consume a large amount of power and need cooling because of the heat generated.
Superconducting magnets
–Field strengths higher than those of resistive and permanent magnets.
–Use a wire-wrapped cylinder (i.e., a solenoid) to generate the uniform magnetic field.
–Superconducting magnets must be kept very cold using liquid helium (4◦ K) as a refrigerant.
–A perpetually circulating electric current of hundreds of amps creates the magnetic field.
–The magnetic field is always on.
–It is the ability of certain materials to conduct electrical current without any resistance.
Magnet quench
–If the wire temperature rises, the system loses its superconducting properties and the energy stored in the magnetic field is converted to heat resulting in a magnet quench.
What will happen when MR field strength increases?
–T1 relaxation time, SNR, and RF energy deposition in the patient.
–Some image artifacts may also increase with increasing magnetic field strength.
Magnetic gradients
– Used to code the spatial location of the MR signal.
Axial gradients (z)
–Are produced using Helmholtz coils.
–Used to produce a gradient along the z-axis.
Linear gradient
–Gradients that change the main field as a function of x or y distance are normally produced by saddle coils.
–When activated, these gradients superimpose a linear gradient on the main magnetic field.
Eddy currents
Generated when gradient field change with the time.
–RF is electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the range of approximately 1 MHz to 10 GHz.
Volume coils
Are designed to transmit and receive uniform RF signal throughout a volume, e.g., the head coil or body coil.
Linear volume coil
Coils receive the signal from only one of the x- or y-axes of the rotating transverse magnetization.
Quadrature volume coil
Coils receive the signal in both the x- and y-axes, therefore increasing the overall SNR and reducing image artifacts.
Surface coils
Have increased sensitivity close to the coil, but the signal drops off with increasing distance from the coil.
Phased array coils
–are a combination of many surface coils around the body part being examined.
–Phased arrays try to obtain uniform signals from the enclosed volume with an improved signal detection of individual surface coils.
Parallel imaging
–Parallel imaging uses separate signals from phased array coils.
–Many individual surface coils in a phased array coil detect the same signal from the same place in the body.
Magnetic shielding
–Magnetic shielding usually consists of thick iron plates or layers of special steel sheet metal embedded in the MR magnet room walls.
RF shielding uses
–Prevent RF signals (radio broadcasts) getting into the coils and increasing the background noise.
–Prevents the powerful RF pulses from escaping and interfering with outside electronic equipment.
RF shielding
–The RF shielding is a Faraday cage, which consists of conductive sheet metal lining the MR magnet room.
–Copper is the best material, with copper screen also used over windows.
How the image appears with short T1?
–Tissues with short T1 values appear bright on T1-weighted images.
How the image appears with long T2?
–Tissues with long T2 values appear bright on T2-weighted images.
Pixel size equals what?
–Pixel size equals the field of view divided by the data acquisition matrix size.
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is increase by what?
–Increasing slice thickness.
–Decreasing matrix size.
–Reducing RF bandwidth during signal detection.
–High static magnetic field strength.
–Doubling the field strength will generally double SNR.
–SNR increases as the square root of the number of image acquisitions.
–Four acquisitions (repeats) will double the SNR at the expense of a quadrupling of the total image acquisition time.
–Use of smaller surface coils improves SNR.
–Quadrature detection provides an increase of √2 in SNR.
Chemical shift artifacts
- Are caused by the slight difference in resonance frequency of protons in water and in fat.
- Can produce light and dark bands at the edges of the kidney or the margins of vertebral bodies.
Truncation artifacts
–Truncation artifacts in the spinal cord may simulate a syrinx.
–Truncation artifacts are sometimes referred to as Gibbs ringing.
ghost images
–Patient motion results in ghost images that appear in the phase-encode direction.
Wraparound artifact
–Wraparound artifact occurs when the FOV is smaller than the structure and imaged objects outside the FOV are mapped to the opposite side of the image.
–Wraparound is caused by undersampling (aliasing).
Acquisition time to generate an image with N pixels in the frequency encode direction and M pixels in the phase encode direction
Reconstructing an N × M MR image requires a total of Fourier transforms
N + M 1D Fourier transforms.
Spin echo (SE) pulse sequences
–The SE sequence of 90-degree and 180-degree RF pulses is repeated after a repetition time (TR).
Proton density-weighted images are obtained with
Long TR (>2,000 ms) to minimize T1 differences and a short TE (<20 ms) to minimize T2 differences.
Gradient recalled echo (GRE)
Techniques make use of low flip angles.
GRE images are T2∗ weighted (not T2).
Inversion recovery (IR)
–180-degree pulse to invert the longitudinal magnetization.
–Longitudinal magnetization recovers with a time constant T1.
–Complete recovery of longitudinal magnetization takes 4T1.
–The 90-degree pulse is known as the readout pulse.
–Readout pulses flip any longitudinal magnetization into the transverse plane.
–A refocusing 180-degree pulse at time TE/2 produces an echo at time TE (echo).
–The size of the signal obtained with the readout pulse is strongly dependent on the values of T1 and TI.
Short time inversion recovery
(STIR) sequences for fat suppression.
–STIR has a TI value that is selected to null the signal from fat.
Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
–The signal from fluids is suppressed.
–FLAIR has a TI value that is set to eliminate a CSF signal.
Three-dimensional imaging times
–N1 × N2 × TR, where N1 is the number of phase-encoding steps in one plane and N2 is the number in the orthogonal plane.
A typical resolution in clinical MR
0.3 lp/mm, and about half the resolution in clinical CT.
The FDA guideline for limiting RF absorption in any gram of tissue
8 W per kg in the extremities.
The size (single domain) of a superparamagnetic particle such as SPIO
0.04 μm.