1.1 Levels Of Biology Flashcards
A term that can be applied to all forms of life. Organisms maintain an internal order that is separated from the environment.
- Atoms
An atom is the smallest unit of an element that has the chemical properties of the element. All matter is composed of atoms.
- Molecules are…
Atoms bond with each other to form molecules.
Example of polymer.
Polypeptide. Formed of many molecules bonded together to be called a macromolecule.
Examples of important macromolecules found in living organisms.
Carbohydrates, proteins, and numeric acids (DNA & RNA)
- Cells
Simplest unit of life. Surrounded by a membrane and contains of molecules and macromolecules
What are unicellular organisms composed?
Composed of one cell.
Multicellular is…
As plants and animals, contain many cells.
- Tissues are in multicellular organism
Many cells of the same type associate with each other form tissues. An example is muscle tissue.
- Organs are…
Complex multicellular organisms.
What is the organ composed of ?
Two or more of types of tissues. For example, the heart is composed of several types of tissues, including muscle, nervous, and connective tissue.
- Organism
The members of the same species are closely related genetically.
Are all living beings considered organisms?
Yes. As well Biologists classify organisms as belonging to a particular species, which is a related group of organisms that share a distinctive form and set of attributes in nature.
- Population
A group of organisms of the same species that occupy the same environment.
- Community: A biological community is…
An assemblage of populations of different species.