1.1 Key Terms - (15) Flashcards
The procedural abstraction gives a name to a procedure. People then can use the procedure without worrying about a finer grain details.
Adaptive technology
Adaptive technology helps increase or maintains the capabilities of a person with a disability
Analog information has continuous value instead of jumping to one value to another value without passing through the value in between. Most physical information such as position, wind speed, light intensity, or sound pressure, is analog.
The value that a program provides to function
When two parties exchange information so that they trust each other is who they say they are.
Automation is using a system (often a computer)
A personalized list of feature or users stories added to a program
Binary Information is written using two values; zero and one. Every thing can be approximately represented by using a binary representation.
Boolean expression
A Boolean expression is either true or false. Boolean includes “and” “or” and “not”
Any single type set unit. Including lower and upper case letters, digest, punctuation mark, international characters like letters with accent marks, and special characters like tabs and carriage returns
Parts of an interface
To tack together two strings of characters making one longer string
Computational thinking
Habits that help people solve problems with computers. computational thinking cause a person to ask how computers could help them be more creative, to communicate, to collaborate, to use data or the internet, or to use crowdsourcing or simulation to solve a problem
A problem solving strategy of breaking a problem into smaller sub problems
A default value is a value that variables will have no action taken by the user
Digital information has desecrate values with gaps between the values. Digital information can be exactly represented using a binary representation. Digital representation can be duplicated exactly without loss in quality. Digital information can be transmitted error free.
Digital divide
The contrast between two groups access to computer resources and the internet on the bases race wealth or national boundaries.