11 Introduction to organic chemistry Flashcards
what is the empricla formula
formula that shows the simplest ratio of the atoms of each element present in a compound
what is the molecula formula
the actual number of atoms in each element in a molecule
what is the structural formula
shows the unique arrangement of atoms in a molecule in a simplified form without showing all the bonds
what is the skeletal formula
shows the bonds of the carbon skeleton only with any functional groups.The hydrogen and carbon atoms arent shown
what is the displayed formula
shows how all the atoms are arranged and all the bonds between them
what is the homologous series
a series of compounds containing the same functional group but different carbon length
which part of a molecule has most of ita chemical properties
the functional group
what is the suffix of alkanes
what is the the prefix of brnahced alkanes
what is the prefix of halogenoalkanes
what is the usffix of an alkene
what is the suffix of alchols
what is the suffix of aldehydes
what is the suffix of ketones
what is the suffix of carboxylic acids
-oic acid
what is the prefix and suffix of esters
-oate eg.ethyl ethanoate
what is the suffix of amines
what is the suffix of amides
what is the suffix and prefix of cycloalkanes
-ane eg.cyclohexane
what are the IUPAC rules for naming compunds
count the number of carbons in the longest carbon chain (can be branched) this gives you the stem of the word
- The main functional group gives you the suffix
- number the carbon s in the longest carbon chain so that the carbon with the main functional group attached has the lowest possible number
- write the carbon number that the functional group is on before the suffix
- Any side chains or less important functional groups are added as prefixes at the start of the name.Put them in alphabetical order with the number of the carbon atom each is attached to
- if theres more than one identical functional group use di-,tri- before that part of the name but you ignore this when working out the alphabetical order.
in Free-radical mechanisms what does the dot represent
the unpaired electron
are curly arrows used for radical mechanisms
what does a curly arrow shows and from where is it drawn from and to what does the arrow head end at
the arrow starts at the lone pair where the electrons are at the beginning of the reaction
the arrow points to where the new bond is formed at the end of the reaction
what are isomers
molecules witht he same molecular formula but the atoms are arranged differently
what is structural isomerism
they have the same molecular formula but different structural formulas
what are the three types of structural isomerism
chain isomerism
positonal isomerism
functional group isomerism
what is chain isomerism
they have the same molecular formula but diffrent carbon chqain arrangements
what is poitional isomerism
the have the same molecular formula but the atom or groyp of atoms is attached to a diffrent carbon atom
what is functional group isomerism
they have the same molecualr formula but the atoms are arranged into different functional groups
wht is sterioisomerism
when two or more compunds have the same structural formula fbut different bond arrangement
what are the two types of sterioisomerism
E-Z isomerism and optical isomerism
what does E(trans) isomer show
same groups are opposite
what does Z(cis) isomer show
same groups are together
what are the Cahn -Ingold-Prelog-Priority Rules to identify E/Z isomer
1.assign a priority to two atoms attached to each carbon in the double bond the atom with the higher atomic number on each carbon is given the higher priority
3.Look at how the two priority groups are arranged
its E isomerism if the two priority groups are opposite and its Z isomerism if the two priority groups are togther
why does E-Z isomerism occur
the planar carbon–carbon double bond has restricted rotation