11 - Exploration And Voyages Of Discovery Flashcards
What were the factors that prompted exploration and British voyages of discovery?
- Conflict with Spain: In the 1580s, relations with Spain worsened, as the fear of invasion increased. As a result, English explorers took no notice of trade restrictions and were more keen to steal from the wealthy Spanish in the New World.
- Religion: The English wanted to convert heathen lands to Protestantism, and it was believed that those who went on the voyages would be blessed.
- Navigational improvements: Astrolobes could now determine latitude, there was a better understanding of magnetic compasses and how they did not read true North. The galleon was introduced as well as the more compact Caravel, these were ships that were stronger, faster and had a greater carrying capacity. Triangular sails could easily be turned to catch the strong winds of the sea.
- Trade: The Antwerp cloth trade had collapsed, so English merchants looked for new markets to sell to. The most lucrative trade was illegally trading items with colonists in the New World
- Profit: Overseas voyages were quick methods of profit for Elizabeth as a large amount of money would be made from stealing from Spanish ships. Sailors were also given a regular wage for going on voyages, a route out of poverty
- Curiosity: The Renaissance introduced early science, medicine and interest in the world, therefore there was a thirst for knowledge and adventure. The invention of printing and books allowed stories of successful voyages (such as Sir Francis Drake’s) to spread much more easily, convincing many seamen to sign up for voyages
Why did Sir Francis Drake carry out his circumnavigation around the world and what were his aims?
- Drake wanted revenge for the attack on John Hawkins’ fleet in 1568
- To capture Spanish treasures, make a profit and reward investors, including the Queen.
- Drake was a Puritan and so wanted to weaken the greatest Catholic European power
- Drake hoped to find new lands for the Queen to make England a stronger power
- Drake wanted to establish new and better trade routes and find new markets where merchants could sell their goods
What route did Sir Francis Drake take in his three year voyage (December 1577 - September 1580)?
- Stage 1 (December 1577 - April 1578): Sailed from Plymouth to Brazil, travelling through the Cape Verde Islands on the west coast of Africa.
- Stage 2 (April 1578 - April 1579): Sailed from Brazil to Guatulco, by travelling around South America and back up its west coast from the bottom. They eventually reached Guatulco in Central America after attacking the Spanish on the coast of Peru.
- Stage 3 (April 1579 - September 1580): Sailed from South America back to Plymouth, by travelling up to California and claiming it as a British territory, and then travelling west across the Pacific Ocean to the Moluccan Islands. Drake then travelled across the Indian Ocean, around the Cape of Good Hope and up the west coast of Africa back to Plymouth.
What did Sir Francis Drake achieve on his three year voyage?
- At the Cape Verde Islands, to the West of Africa, Drake captured a Portuguese ship full of wine, bringing about a large profit
- Drake managed to contribute to geographical discoveries, by discovering that the land south of the Magella Strait was a group of islands (this is located directly south of South America)
- On the coast of Peru, Drake captured a significant number of Spanish ships’ cargo which contained gold, coins and supplies of wine
- Drake claimed California for Queen Elizabeth by naming it Nova Albion (New England), this was the basis of English colonies in America
- Drake reached a latitude around North America that nobody had reached before and also made a treaty with the East Indies’ islands regarding trading for spices.