11 CV Adaptations Flashcards
• CO def
• CO: amt of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min. Max value for CO reflects the final capacity of CV system to meet physical activity demands
o CO= HR x SV
The Fick Principal:
CO= VO2 x 100 / A-V O2 diff
What differences do you see in CO and SV between gender? from 20-80 y/o?
- Untrained 70 kg male: CO= 5L SV= 70mL
- Untrained 56kg female: CO= 4L SV= 60mL
- SV declines 15% from 20-80yo
What CV adaptations occur at rest?
1) incr vagal tone & decr sympathetic drive→slow HR
2) incr blood volume, myocardial contractility, & compliance of the L ventricle→ improves heart’s SV
Athlete CO adaptations?
• endurance athlete achieves a large max CO through large SV
3 physiologic mechanisms ↑ the heart’s SV during exercise
1) Myocardial factor–enhanced cardiac filling in diastole, followed by a more forceful systolic contraction
2) Neurohormonal factor–normal ventricular filling with a subsequent forceful ejection and emptying during systole
3) Training adaptations–Incr blood volume & reduced resistance to blood flow in peripheral tissue (afterload)
what is cardiovascular drift?
• Gradual time-dependent downward drift is It is characterised by decreases in mean arterial pressure and stroke volume and a parallel increase in heart rate
Why does HR increase after prolonged steady state exercise?
decreased preload results in ↓ SV indicates COMPENSATORY ↑ in HR to maintain CO
o SV decr during prolonged exercise is influenced by incr HR & NOT cutaneous blood flow
During exercise where does blood go? what factors influence this?
Environmental stress, level of fatigue, and exercise mode and intensity affect regional blood flow, but the major portion of the exercise CO diverts to active muscle.
where does majority of blood go at rest?
↑ CO→↑ capacity to circulate O2. Why?
•Even during maximum exercise, hemoglobin saturation with O2 remains nearly complete, so each liter of arterial blood carries about 200 ml of O2.
Therefore, an increase Q produces a proportionate increase in the capacity to circulate O2, largely affecting maximal O2 consumption.
what is the Arteriovenous O2 difference? What increases exercise consumption?
• Hemoglobin releases a considerable quantity of its reserve O2 from blood perfusing active tissues. Exercise O2 consumption increases by 2 mechanisms:
1) AMOUNT Increase in the total quantity of blood pumped by the heart (Q)
2)EFFICIENCY Greater use of the relatively large quantity of O2 already carried by the blood (i.e. expanding the a-v O2 difference)
• Rearranging the Fick equation: VO2=Q x a-v O2 diff
Does upper body or lower body consume more O2 during submaximal exercise?
The higher O2 consumption for upper-body exercise at all submaximal power outputs results from:
1) lower mechanical efficiency in UE exercise from the additional cost of static muscle action that do not contribute to external work
2) recruitment of additional musculature to stabilize the torso during arm exercise.
What adaptations does the ATHLETE’S Heart make to CV exercise? How is it different than pathological?
Enlargement of the heart by:
• Eccentric Hypertrophy: incr size of LV
• Concentric Hypertrophy: modest thickening of the myocardial wall
This is different than hypertrophy induced from disease such as HTN that ↑ afterload
What HR Adaptations to occur with CV exercise training at rest and with exercise?
—Resting & submax bradycardia→incr parasymp activity with a small decr in sympathetic discharge.
—-↑ max SV & Q proportional to the magnitude of training
o ≈10-15 min to return to resting→ need more endurance training
What are 4 SV Adaptations to Ex?
4 factors may increase SV following aerobic training:
- ↑ left ventricular volume and mass.
- ↓ cardiac stiffness
- ↑ diastolic filling time
- ↑ cardiac contractile function
CO Adaptations to Ex
• Q increases linearly with O2 consumption to sustain aerobic metabolism.
What happens to aerobic training with 12 days of rest?
10% decrease in just 12 days of rest
Effects of Exercise on residual lung volume?
• RV temporarily ↑ from an acute bout of short-term or prolonged ex due to:
1) closure of the small peripheral airways
2) Increase in thoracic blood volume
Following a VO2 max test RV increased: 21% after 5 min,
17% after 15 min,
12% after 30 min
and Returns to normal within 24 hrs
Changes in Static Lung Volume with aerobic exercise?
Swimmers are the only exception to the rule that Static & dynamic lung fxn in trained athletes compared with untrained controls & controlling for body size are not different.
• Exception: swimming and diving stimulate development of larger than normal static lung volumes
o strengthens the inspiratory muscles that work against the additional resistance of the mass of water compressing the thorax.
Breathing Rate & Depth changes with aerobic exercise?
- Incr rate & depth of breathing incr alveolar ventilation (AV).
- With mod ex, athletes maintain AV by incr TV with only small incr in rate.
- Incr TV with ex results largely from encroachment on the IRV, with a small decr in end-expiratory level.
- With intense ex, TV plateaus at about 60% of FVC. Minute ventilation is then increased through incr in breathing rate.
What causes Dyspnea with Ex?
- Dyspnea or SOB with ex is the result of incr arterial [CO2] & [H+], not a deficiency in arterial O2.
- strong neural drive to breathe during ex causes poorly conditioned respiratory muscles to fatigue, unable to maintain normal plasma CO2 and H + levels resulting in shallow, ineffective breathing and the sense of inability to breathe sufficient air.
What effect does crossing the lactate have on exercise? trained athletes?
4mM/L lactate threshold
once beyond the blood lactate threshold/ onset→ you will fatigue unless exercise is discontinued
higher the lactate threshold the better endurance athlete you are
What process allows a RBC to transfer 02 to muscles during strenuous exercise?
• RBCs contain no mito so they produce energy via glycolysis that establishes normal plasma lactate levels @ rest.
• During glycolysis they produce 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) that binds loosely with Hb ↓ its affinity for O2→ ↑O2 release to tissues with a ↓ in PO2.
o aids in O2 transfer to the muscles during strenuous ex
Regulation of Ventilation During Ex?
No single factor controls ventilation during ex. combo of chemical & neural stimuli.
- Chemical stimulation
- Cortical influence from anticipation.
- Peripheral influence from joints, tendons, and muscles.
- Temperature?
Does Ventilation Limit Exercise?
Researchers agree that pulmonary ventilation does not limit O2 transport in healthy individuals since minute ventilation at VO2max = only 60-85% of healthy person’s MVV.