11 - cell cycle and cancer I Flashcards
How many people will develop cancer?
1 in 2
Why has cancer overtaken heart disease as the leading cause of death in UK?
- A disease of the aging population
2. Better treatment for heart disease; lower mortality
Cancer: the facts and figures
Lung cancer - most common cancer (both sexes)
Prostate cancer - second biggest killer in men
Breast cancer - second biggest killer in women
a serious disease that is caused when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and not normal, killing normal cells and often causing death
Is cancer a single disease?
NO- it is a complex family of diseases.
There are as many forms of cancer as there are types of cell in the body - cell cycle regulation can go wrong in all cells - proliferation. >200 different cell types!
cancers arising from epithelial cells (surface cells - e.g. lining of gut, skin, cells lining airways of the lungs)
- constitute 80-90% of all cancers -
why? - these cells are exposed to the environment - carcinogens
- cancers of connective and supportive tissues e.g. bone cancer, muscle – rare 1%
cancers of the plasma cells of the bone marrow - antibody producing cells - secondary infections (pneumonia and pyelonephritis (urinary tract
solid tumours of the lymphatic system
lymph glands, lymph nodes or in organs - tonsils, spleen, thymus
– formed from maturing WBC
- ‘blood’ cancers - more specifically precursor blood cells in bone marrow
– circulating white or red blood cells.
Excess of immature cells - don’t function - anaemia - suppressed immunity
Mixed classifications
teratocarcinoma –
cancers originating in germ cells and stem cells – therefore encompasses a range of cancers – testicular, ovarian, even placental
Normal cells in culture
- Anchorage dependent growth - no attachment no growth
- Density dependent growth - stop growing when confluent - signals from other cells- will re-grow to fill gaps but then stop again
Cancerous cells in culture
- No anchorage dependence - seldom anchor to base of flasks but grow anyway - generally have rounded appearance
- No density dependence - growth not controlled by other cells - instead of a monolayer they just continue growing on top of each other
Other factors contributing to the abnormal proliferation of cancerous cells
- Immortality
- Reduced reliance on growth factors produced by other cells
- Increased production of growth factors
- Changes in cell membrane structure and function
- Immortality
• Normal diploid (body) cells - limited life expectancy in culture e.g. human
fibroblasts 50 to 60 population doublings - viability then decreases (Hayflick limit)
• Cancerous cells - indefinite number of population doublings
• Life expectancy of normal cells related to shortening of chromosomal telomeres (buffer zone at end of chromosome). Cancerous cells are able to maintain telomere length - telomerase
• HeLa cells - cultured from cervical carcinoma from Henrietta Lacks - died from cancer in 1951 Cells still used in labs around the world today
- Reduced reliance on growth factors produced by other cells
External growth factors required for progression through G1 cell cycle checkpoint
- e.g. 3T3 fibroblasts - normal cells only grow in culture media containing certain growth factors.
- Transform these cells (turn them into cancerous cells) by viral infection (e.g. SV40, Rous sarcoma virus)
- grow happily on a basal media lacking the same growth factors
- Increased production of growth factors
In addition to being less reliant on growth factors produced by other cells, cancerous cells themselves may over produce growth factors in order to promote growth
- increased expression of growth factors
- increased ‘shedding’ of growth factors
- Changes in cell membrane structure and function
Cell surface / plasma membrane is a strong determinant of cellular ‘social’
- e.g. communication, cell movement, adherence, access to nutrients, recognition by the immune system
- glycolipids, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, mucins
Basic stages of cancer disease progression
- Initiation
- Clonal expansion
- Primary tumour
- Secondary mutations
- Malignancy
- Invasion
- Metastasis
- Initiation
Single cell undergoes a single mutation - confers a growth advantage which causes it to lose some of its growth control
- Clonal expansion
Proliferation begins - mutated cell divides quicker than surrounding cells to form a cluster of ‘clones’
- disease is monoclonal
- primary tumour
The cancer remains in situ (i.e. not moved from site of original mutation).
Tumour benign - not invaded surrounding tissues - surgery possible
- Secondary mutation
Secondary mutations provide a new phenotype with a selective advantage
- malignant cancer
Following the secondary mutation the cells lose contacts with their neighbours
- become invasive
- secrete proteases to breakdown the extracellular matrix holding cells in place
- risk of metastasis
- invasion of lymph and/or blood vessels
First stages of metastasis
- cancer cells have low adherence
- easy to break off main tumour and enter vessels
- Metastatic tumour
Cell from original tumour in lung has now entered a vessel and emerged at the other end to form a new tumour in another organ
Characteristics of malignant tumour cells
- Show excessive proliferation
- Unusual number of chromosomes (aneuploidy)
- e.g. HeLa (cervical carcinoma) cells have 82 chromosomes instead of 46; multiple copies of some chromosomes - ‘Deranged’ metabolism - e.g. increased demands for nutrients and use aerobic glycolysis for ATP generation (Warburg Effect)
- Reduced attachments to neighbouring cells - enables spread to other tissues
- Invasive phenotype: Detaches from original tumour and enter blood stream and lymph system
- Proliferate in other parts of the body - METASTASIS
Cigarette smoke- mutagenic chemicals
Sunlight - UV radiation
Viruses - insert DNA into genome e.g. human papillomavirus (HPV) cervical cancer
DNA mutations:
Mutations in genes encoding proteins which regulate cell division
Proto-oncogenes become oncogenes in a number of ways
in each case, there is an excess of growth-stimulating activity
Translocation/transposition: New promoter means gene transcribed more efficiently - more protein
Gene amplification: Gene replicated - more total protein
Point mutation within a control element: e.g. mutation in existing promoter - more efficient transcription
Point mutation within gene: Changes the protein itself - more growth promoting?
Looking for oncogenes
- Extract DNA from human tumor cells - contains mutated oncogene
- Tumour DNA ‘transfected’ (introduced) into mouse cells (3T3). Cells which have taken up the oncogene proliferate and for dense foci
- Cells in the foci may have taken up other bits of the human DNA in addition to the oncogene.
- DNA from ‘focus’ is reintroduced into fresh mouse (3T3) cells to dilute out human DNA other than the oncogene
- Extract mouse genomic DNA from cells - now contains the human oncogene
- Fragment DNA (restriction digest) & introduce into bacterial virus - PHAGE LIBRARY
How do we know which phage contains the oncogene?
- Add phages to a plate of bacteria - at the right dilution each single phage will kill the bacteria - empty spot on plate
- ‘Blot’ plate onto filter paper. Human DNA contains Alu sequences (mouse does not) - detect the human oncogene DNA using a probe against Alu
Oncogenes identified in this way were found to code for components of signalling pathways
- Growth factor binds to a receptor at the cell surface
- Receptor is also a protein kinase which autophosphorylates itself when bound to growth factor
- Change in receptor phosphorylation detected by Ras
When Ras detects phosphorylated vector it binds to GTP which then activates Ras - Activated (GTP bound) Ras signals to Mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) operating in a cascade (one phosphorylates and activates another)
- Cascade ends when the final kinase phosphorylates a transcription factor in the nucleus - in the case of cancers the activated transcription factors enhance the expression of genes controlling the cell cycle e.g. cyclins
a ‘small G protein’ (small and bind guanine nucleotides)
Transcription factors
regulate gene expression
The Ras oncogene
- Discovered when DNA from a bladder tumour was used to transform mouse 3T3 cells
- The oncogene differs from the proto-gene by only a single nucleotide -
different amino acid in protein (G12V) - causes Ras to remain permanently bound to GTP – permanently active! - Stimulatory signal to nucleus never switched off - excessive production of cyclins - uncontrollable growth!
- Explains why cancer cells don’t require external growth factors like normal cells