1.1: (book) PJM Flashcards
What is the major goal of a project?
Satisfy customer’s need
What are the 5 major characteristics of a project?
(1) established objective
(2) defined life span with a beginning & an end
(3) involvement of several department & professionals
(4) doing something that has never been done before
(5) specific time, cost, and performance requirements
This singular purpose is often lacking in daily organizational life in which workers perform repetitive operations each day?
Defined objective/ established objective
Projects have a defined endpoint that is contrary to the ongoing duties and responsibilities of traditional jobs. In many cases, individuals move from one project to the next as opposed to staying in one job.
Specific objectives/ defined life span with a beginning and an end
Unlike much organizational work that is segmented according to functional specialty, projects typically require the combined efforts of a variety of specialists?
involvement of several departments & professionals
A project is that it is nonroutine and has some unique elements. This is not an either/or issue but a matter of degree.
doing something that has never been done before
These three also highlight one of the primary functions of project management, which is balancing the trade-offs that will ultimately satisfy the customer?
specific time, cost, and performance requirements
These triple constraints impose a higher degree of accountability than you typically find in most jobs?
specific time, cost, and performance requirements
What a project is not?
- not be confused with everyday work
- not routine, repetitive work
It is a group of related projects designed to accomplish a common goal over an extended period of time?
It recognizes that projects have a limited lifespan and that there are predictable changes in level of effort and focus over the life of the project?
Project life cycle
Closing includes three activities, what are they?
(1) delivering the project product to the customer,
(2) redeploying project resources,
(3) post-project review.
It is used by some project groups to depict the timing of major tasks over the life of the project?
Project life cycle
They plan, schedule, motivate, and control?
Project manager
They manage temporary, non-repetitive activities, to complete a fixed life project?
Project manager
They create a project team and organization where none existed before?
Project Manager
What does the project manager do?
- must decide what and how things should be done instead of simply managing set processes.
- meet the challenges of each phase of the project life cycle, and even oversee the dissolution of their operation when the project is completed.
What does a project team do?
- must learn how to juggle their day-to-day commitments with additional project responsibilities.
- They work with others to create a project schedule and budget that will guide project execution.
- They need to understand project priorities so they can make independent decisions.
- They must know how to monitor and report project progress.
It is no longer a special-need management?
Project management
An increasing percentage of the typical firm’s effort is being devoted to projects. The future promises an increase in the importance and the role of projects in contributing to the strategic direction of organizations. Several reasons why this is the case are briefly discussed below?
(1) Compression of the Product Life Cycle
(2) Knowledge Explosion
(3) Triple Bottom Line (Planet, People, Profit)
(4) Increased Customer Focus
(5) Small Projects Represent Big Problems
One of the most significant driving forces behind the demand for project management is the shortening of the product life cycle.
Compression of the Product Life Cycle
The growth in new knowledge has increased the complexity of projects because projects encompass the latest advances?
Knowledge Explosion
The threat of global warming has brought sustainable business practices to the forefront. Businesses can no longer simply focus on maximizing profit to the detriment of the environment and society?
Triple Bottom Line (Planet, People, Profit)
Increased competition has placed a premium on customer satisfaction. Customers no longer simply settle for generic products and services.
Increased Customer Focus
The velocity of change required to remain competitive or simply keep up has created an organizational climate in which hundreds of projects are implemented concurrently. This climate has created a multi-project environment and a plethora of new problems.
Small Projects Represent Big Problems
It is designed to improve project management in the whole organization over the long haul?
The rationale for integration of project management was to provide senior management with?
(a) An overview of all project management activities;
(b) A big picture of how organizational resources are being used;
(c) An assessment of the risk their portfolio of projects represents;
(d) A rough metric for measuring the improvement of managing projects relative to others in the industry;
(e) Linkages of senior management with actual project execution management.
What is Integrated Management of Projects?
Organizational Culture Environment : Strategic Alignment, Portfolio Management, and Project Management
It enables management to have greater flexibility and better control of all project management activities?
What does project management integration mean?
It necessitates combining all of the major dimensions of project management under one umbrella. Each dimension is connected in one seamless, integrated domain.
It means applying a set of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a collection of projects in order to move the organization toward its strategic goals?
It is of major importance to conserving and effective use of organization resources.
strategic alignment of projects
It is often involved in selecting projects but seldom involved in implementing them?
Senior Management
Managing a project is a?
Multidimensional process
This dimension includes planning, scheduling, and controlling projects?
Technical dimension
This dimension involves the much messier, often contradictory and paradoxical world of implementation?
Sociocultural side
It centers on creating a temporary social system within a larger organizational environment that combines the talents of a divergent set of professionals working to complete the project?
Sociocultural side
This also involves managing the interface between the project and external environment?
Sociocultural side
Effective project management begins with ____ and ____ projects? that support the firm’s ____ and ____?
- Selecting & prioritizing
- mission & strategy
Successful implementation requires both ____ and ___?
Technical and social skills
They have to plan and budget projects as well as orchestrate the contributions of others?
Project managers