1.1 Flashcards
Definition of health
Physical,mental and social well-being not merely the absence of disease or informatory
Definition of fitness
The capability of the body to meet the daily demands made upon it
Definition of mental health
The state of mental well being that enables people to cope with the stress of life
Physical benefits of fitness
Reduced risk of coronary heart disease, improves posture, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
Mental benefits of fitness
Improves self esteem, increases Serotonin, improves image
What are the 6 food groups
Carbohydrates, proteins, fat and lipids, vitamins and minerals, fibre, water and hydration
Benefits of carbohydrates
A slow release of energy Eg porridge, bread, rice
Why is fibre important
Important for healthy digestive system lowers blood cholesterol and manages weight
Why are fats important
For fuel/energy, they protect organs and contribute to cell growth
Why are vitamins important
Help immunity, bone development and growth, maintain healthy skin
Why are proteins important
Muscle growth and repair
Why is water important
Avoid dehydration, reduce risk of cramp, waste removal
What is carboloading
Carboloading is increasing the amounts of carbohydrates prior to competition to increase energy
What are the functions of the skeletal system
Shape and support, to allow movement, to give protection and to store minerals
What are tendons
Connects muscle to bone to allow movement
What are ligaments
Connects bone to bone to stabilise the joint
What is a synovial joint
A synovial joint is a type of joint in the body which allows a lot of movement
6 types of movement
1)flexion=decreasing the angle at a joint
2)extension=increasing angles at a joint
3)abduction=moving limbs away from the midline
4)adduction=moving limbs towards the midline
Describe a frontal plane
A vertical plane that separates the front and back an example is jumping jacks
Describe a transverse plane
A horizontal plane that divides the body into 2 half’s upper and lower
Describe a saggital plane
A vertical plane that divides body left to right
What is cardiovascular endurance
The ability to continuously exercise without tiring the test for this is the 12 minute cooper run
What is speed
The ability of how quickly you can move your body parts the test for this is 30m sprint
What is muscular endurance
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to repeatedly contract without tiring