1.1 + 1.2 What is economics? Flashcards
social science that studies how human beings use their limited resources to satisfy their infinite needs and wants and how they improve their economic well-being.
concerned with the individual parts of the economy; it deals with individual units within the economy such as firms, consumers or markets
concerned with the economy as whole; deals with aggregates such as the overall level of unemployment, total output of an economy and its growth through time and the average price level
excess of human wants over what can actually be produced to fulfill these wants
since resources are scarce, choices must be made - society has to choose between goods and services to produce and how much of it they want
scare resources must be used in the best way possible to produce the combinations of goods and services that are optimum for society. this is know as allocative efficiency
fairness: inequality in the distribution of wealth and income
economic well being
living standards enjoyed by the members of an economy and includes the dimensions of: security, meeting basic needs, make economic choices and maintain all of this over time
ability of the present generation to meet its need without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
economics is not static: so the study focuses not only on the level of a variable but its change from one situation to another
an action of an agent will impact other agents
government involvement in the workings of markets despite markets being considered as the best mechanism to organize economic activity
Factos of production
Land, Labour, Capital, Entrepreneurship
inputs into productions provided by nature
human input (both physical and mental) into production
manufactured resources: produced means of productions