1.1. Flashcards
general principles on how people should live their lives (e.g be respectful to other people)
specific rules / socially accepted standards that govern peoples behaviour (e.g don’t laugh at a funeral)
Moral code (code of ethics)
set of basic rules values and principles held by individuals, specific groups or society as a whole
behaviour that goes against social norms that is seen as unusual but doesn’t break any rules / laws
breaking the law
Formal sanctions
imposed by official bodies for breaking formal written rules / laws
Informal sanctions
used when rules are not formally written down and are “unspoken”
Positive sanctions
rewards for behaviour that society approves of (e.g medals and praises)
Social control
ways in which society seeks to control our behaviour to ensure we conform to its norms (e.g CCTV)
Actus reus
“guilty act” physical action of breaking laws
Mens rea
“guilty mind” intention of breaking laws
Strict liability
where the wrongful act on its own is enough to convict someone. In some cases mens rea is not needed
Summary offences
less serious offences such as speeding that are tried by magistrates
Indictable offences
more serious offences such as rape or murder that are tried in court before a judge and jury
Custodial sentences
imposing a punishment consisting of mandatory custody of the convict