11-08 Pedi Neuro Eval Flashcards
unique aspects of history (things you wouldn’t think of ask in adult medicine)
A. Pregnancy, labor, and delivery
C. Perinatal events
D. Developmental profile (akin to Mental Status exam)
Developmental Milestones: Neonate
tracks objects to 45 degrees
**Developed from Denver Development Scale
Developmental Milestones: 3-4 months
tracks fully//minimal head lag//bears weight//coos
Developmental Milestones: 5-8 months
rolls, sits when placed//peek-a-boo//babbles
Developmental Milestones: 9-11 months
pulls to stand, cruises//pincer grasp//babbles, +/-words stranger anxiety
Developmental Milestones: 11-18 months
walks//3-15 words
Developmental Milestones: 18 months
points to body parts
Developmental Milestones: 24 months
2-3 word phrases//scribbles
Developmental Milestones: 3 y/o
knows if boy or girl, age//draws a circle
Developmental Milestones: 4 y/o
counts to 5, tells stories, copies cross and square
Developmental Milestones: 5 y/o
counts to 10 or higher//knows colors//copies triangle//may write name
Developmental Milestones: 6+ y/o
can read appropriate Grey scale//write alphabet//do simple addition.
unique findings on CN II exam
—if <30 weeks gestation at birth (10 wks premature) pupils may not be reactive to light
—Fundi may reflect disorders of formation (optic nerve hypoplasia as may be seen in septo-optic dysplasia)
——injury (optic nerve pallor 2° to chronic pressure or demyelination)
——papilledema w/ incr ICP
—Many neurocutaneous d/o also have abnormalities of the optic nerve
Bell’s Palsy vs. Central CN VII palsy
—“central” VII (supranuclear) SPARES THE FOREHEAD
Pedi CN IX, X exam
gag, swallow, cry, suck reflex in a baby
worms-in-a-bag fasiculations on lateral tongue
a pathognomonic sign in infantile spinal muscular atrophy
strength testing in babies?
assess tone
Positive Babinski
seen normally in a newborn until sometime between 6-18 months (usually changes to downgoing by the time child is walking)
Moro Reflex
(“startle reflex”): arm extension, finger flaring and eye opening followed by arm adduction, finger grasping, leg flexion.
—flex neck slightly while supine, then quickly let head fall back onto the bed.
—should disappear by about 4 months.
—Persistence indicates an upper motor neuron injury; common early finding in CP
assessing coordination
child at play, stacking blocks, stringing beads, or writing
—café au lait spots
tuberous sclerosis
hypopigmented patches known as “ash leaf” spots
Port wine stain
linear nevus syndrome
TORCH infections during gestation include?
toxoplasmosis, “other”, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes