10CFR Flashcards
Fill in the table for 10CFR20 Limits/Cook Admin Levels
Describe Stochastic
Randomly occuring health effects for which the probability of the effect occuring varies linearly with dose and has no threshold.
Describe Non- Stochastic
Health effects in which the severity of the effect varies with dose, and for which a threshold is believed to exist.
Describe the relationship between Annual Limit on Intake (ALI) and Derived Air Concentratiob (DAC)
DAC: Concentration of a given radionuclide in air which, if breathed by a reference man 2000 housr (working year) under conditions of light work results in intake of one ALI
Calculate TEDE given exposure data
TEDE = DDE (Dose x QF) + ΣCDE x WT
State the TSC administrative dose limits
Protecting Valuable Equipment 10 REM Whole Body Dose
Protecting large population <25 REM WBD if the collective dose saved is greater than that of the workers
> 25 REM if worker volunteeers, signs an extension form, and is made fully aware of the risks
Life saving same as protecting large population
Describe Radiation Area
5 mrem/hr
Describe High Radiation Area
> 100 mrem/hr
Describe Locked High Radiation Area
1 REM/ hr
Describe Very High Radiation Area
500 Rads/ hr @ 1 meter… marked GRAVE DANGER
Describe Contamination Area
Could exceed 1000 DPM/ 100 cm2 Beta- gamma
20 DPM/ 100 cm2 Alpha
Describe High Contamination Area
Could exceed 100,000 DPM/ 100 cm2
State concerns for ALARA Program
- All work requiring RWP’s reviewed reviewed before job for oppurtunities to reduce dose. Includes Design Change Packages
- Work reviewed during and after job to document lessons learned and suggest improvements to reduce dose on future jobs.